
1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mastodon profile @jdreben@mastodon.world

It does everything Mastodon does but more, honestly. I use both, and definitely prefer Firefish. But I’m a developer so a lot of things about Mastodon really bothered me. The core difference is Firefish fka Calckey is being developed much faster and with a more modern stack. The click to play MFM feature was developed in a few days when the community was concerned about potential seizures due to unasked for auto playing or animated text.

A few key features: QT & Full text search (search I don’t use except for specific posts so can’t speak to that) MFM & cat mode (these are just fun, Misskey flavored markdown has things like tada and sparkle and rainbow. People make art with it)

What are you talking about? Trending isn’t even working right now… sources please.

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Bear sex. Not what I would expect from this game but I haven’t played any in the series. It does make me want to play it just to see how this fits into the story tbh. Good marketing.

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Probably more important are features such as channels and pages which are more like Facebook or MySpace. People have compared it to Tumblr because you can completely customize the interface. I hope it intros some more people to programming

Very good article imo. I didn’t disagree with anything. I especially agree with the ugliness of the many class names in my html.

My problem I guess is reconciling how much of a pleasure it's been to use. Perhaps I, a primarily backend developer historically, embody the death of web craftsmanship, but I don’t really want to learn modern CSS if I don’t have to 😅

The easier I can get something styled and back to doing actual business logic rather than making things pretty the happier I am. I highly respect frontend styling gurus but I'm not that interested in spending time mastering true web craftsmanship, I care more about delivering the product as fast and as beautifully to the user as possible.

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Thanks for doing this. Love this community.

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

Jade Empire.

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy.

Sid Meier’s Pirates.

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I agree with you personally, but it’s the second most used platform after Facebook I think so it does have an insanely massive userbase.

Same reaction. Rust is the future. Typescript is the present.

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This is absolutely the truth. Ruby (Mastodon) and PHP are far more than enough to get the job done, and being good at your job (building a product) is more important than using the latest or greatest tools.

That said, these examples often have great existing products and communities keeping them in the conversation. OCaml is good enough for Jane Street but that doesn't mean it's the best or go choice. Such wars or discussions are definitely shallow when focused exclusively on the syntax and semantics

Imo more people would use them if they were called something clearer. Saved search. Custom timeline or feed. Something like that. But yeah they are awesome

Beautiful video. Evolution is remarkable. Like all good videos on science it makes me want to know more.

Lot of words I will not remember but what I will remember enough to google is that it is microscopic assortment and “hollowness” that selectively filters wavelengths to produce reflection that enables these beautiful “structural” rather than I guess pigment-based, blues.

Quote I found by googling, trust the source more than the quote — “Structural colors are created by the physical form, or structure, of some plants, animals, and minerals. For example, the Blue Morpho butterfly's wings have microscopic scales with tiny grooves in them; the grooves amplify blue color reflection, while canceling out every other color.” http://naturalhistory.si.edu/education/teaching-resources/featured-collections/what-makes-things-blue#:~:text=Structural%20colors%20are%20created%20by,canceling%20out%20every%20other%20color.

So in my own paraphrased and cobbled together words, structural color is different from pigment. Pigment is based primarily on the absorption of light and reflection back of some of it, while structural color is based purely on the reflection of light by microscopic structures somehow arranged to wavelengths of light.

Science is insane. Truly a remarkable world.

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There’s a South Park episode where they use “Emoji Analysis” to determine the identities of internet trolls. I am not original commenter but I laughed when I read their comment because indeed this research is a bit similar to the trend analysis they do in that episode.

I too, love this song.

This is a truly incredible one.

Woah. Well this is terrifying

Does this mean Tutanota is compromised?

Begun the ad wars have

As long as it’s closed source there’s always the incentive to sell.

This is cool! Thanks for sharing

Omg of course! I have Mlem set up. And indeed it does have filters in the settings.

I guess I've been using the web app and Wefwef PWA more than Mlem but this is probably reason enough for me to use it over others - until they hopefully build it in too!

Thank you.

Edit: Looks like it's a hard filter only -- fine by me.

I’ve thought about and talked about this too! We need this!!! Letterboxd equivalent.

Thank you for this response. Indeed I will. And feel excited to do so :) Look forward to that blog post as well.

Looks cool. I’ll do some research but seems like it might be possible to install this on Kindle? How would one do that…

Whoops didn't mean to delete my post - was editing and accidentally deleted.

Thank you! I have Mlem and indeed there are filters in the settings.

Yes. It completely took over my home timeline doing this.

We desperately need more fine grained control.

Have you played Eastward? Unless I’m mistaken Earthbound is part of the game and plot. If you like Earthbound you might like Eastward. I enjoyed it even having never played Earthbound but I’m sure I missed a lot of references / analogies.

I love it. It’s good beehaw doesn’t allow downvoting though because I accidentally would be downvoting a lot as I try and swipe back

Yeehaw Beehaw!

Amazing. Love those kinds of side quests. Reminds me of Mass Effect.

Reading your comment was like a breath of fresh air. Eloquently put.

Wow! So blue and green eyes are structural too? That’s amazing.

“On 11 November 2023, it was alleged Tuta was being used as a honeypot for criminals with a backdoor from authorities. An ex-RCMP officer, Cameron Ortis, testified that the service was used as a storefront to lure criminals in and gain information on those who fell for it. He stated authorities were monitoring the whole service, feeding it to Five Eyes, which would disperse it back to the RCMP in order to gain more knowledge about the criminal underground. Though, no evidence is ever presented to back up this statement.”

Huh interesting. I immediately had a positive reaction to the name because of this. Love Firefox. already loved Calckey err I mean Firefish though so I suppose I am not objective.

It really conveys the open and user control centric nature of the project. An homage to the fox. You have now not just the fox but the fish with which you can tame the raging fires of the web. Fish makes more sense than fox too cause the web is like an ocean. Idk just thoughts

If you follow folks (shameless plug of myself - like me) on Calckey.social, which is I think a bigger server. That may help! When I moved to Calckey I transferred over everyone I was following on Mastodon