1 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Skeptical. As of August 2023, there are scientists still struggling with simulating C. Elegans- a single celled organism.

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It makes them too much money. When they're charging tens of thousands for a battery replacement, and the only way to fix the car without getting banned from the charging network is to go to the dealership... this will never get fixed.

What is this gaslighting you're trying to pull here? You're really going to pretend that Apple fanboys don't exist and instead start criticising some sort of perceived toxicity from a "hate cult" against Apple? That's before you get into some bizarre Google strawman. The reality is that these Apple fanboys with values antithetical to software freedom exist, and want walled gardens everywhere.

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And what do you know about Nash Equilibriums?

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You misunderstand. I was making the case that for me personally, the fediverse works better if there are few central node instances that are not particularly focused. I get that this is controversial, but I make the case for it anyways.

For example, I would rather have all the largest technology, gaming, and selfhosting communities be in one or two instances rather than having to x-post to 5 technology or gaming communities across numerous instances.

The second part is only speculation, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyways.

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I heard violentmonkey was an opensource alternative to that.

I don't know what to say. It's taught in a typical American economics class nowadays.

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This commentary wasn't particularly targeted at beehaw. I was just saying that I don't see the appeal of generalized mega-instances going away.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Lemmy had mod logs by default.

Defederation is the moderation mask you speak of. Beehaw, for example, has the tankie instance blocked.

I also don't find the distinction between owner and miderator useful. In the case of decentralized Lemmy instances with less than 1k users, a single owner may act as both moderator and owner.

Twitter is a extremely good fit for ActivityPub as there you are following users, while in Lemmy you primarily follow communities whose strength is determined by number. !technology on beehaw is better than !technology on an instance of 10 people.

By centralized, I mean to be in the 1-4 large instances on Lemmy that people flock to from smaller instances. Right now, the design of the Fediverse encourages former Redditors to join the biggest instances. Discovery tools might spread out the users and make solo instances more viable, but the activity may still be concentrated in the same few instances.

Every instance has the potential to be standalone like Tildes by defederating from everybody else once they hit critical mass. Like Truth Social on Mastodon. Or Kbin before it Federated.

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Now let's hope that the batteries aren't provided in overpriced proprietary formats with a software lock attached to them like Apple's iPhone screens.

Yeah, I do like throwing hot takes out there. XD But I do think that you are asking a lot when you ask people to limit the scope of their instance.

It will always be easier to just add another community under a larger instance than to go out and self-host your own niche from scratch. There's certainly a temptation for an instance to go mega and general-purpose.

I'm not disagreeing that a single instance is a point of failure- just that people are willing to make that trade-off.

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OpenAI is known for ChatGPT, which is a text generator that works for things like writing a haiku. Though OpenAI also has a image generating AI (DALLE), it doesn't seem nearly as popular as its competitors Midjourney and SDXL. People just assume ChatGPT is OpenAI's main product, but they are actually competing on everything.

This answer isn't satisfying. Society, law, and morality all exist because of empathy. You can't count on empathy to solve any more problems than it already has, or promote the value of empathy where it can not stand on it's own.

How dangerous can it be to run an old OS anyways? Been doing it for years. Might actually be a good thing now that the forced updates are gone.

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But it was. With Don Lemon and the Cuomo.

What purpose would there be in gaslighting something like this out of nowhere? Genuine question.

Most people, including myself, prefer their own version of reality. You are promoting a version of reality that I do not find tasteful at all. With conflicting realities, meaningful disagreement is impossible and the only thing I can do is question the narratives that oppose my own.

More generally, ego also plays a huge part in why people do this. Apple has a significant following that will defend its every decision. It's brand has become personal identity for a lot of people. To the extent where I've been seeing news articles over the past two years about teenagers being bullied for using Android. This also happens to be the reason why people point their finger at Apple; because Apple users are the main group with such a distinct identity.