2 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“Just have one or two and then stop” when telling a friend I’m an alcoholic. Well shit, thanks! That never even crossed my mind!

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I agree. A part of me just wants to see Reddit completely death spiral because that means, people finally stood together for something and made a huge difference. That doesn’t seem to happen in my country so seeing it happen to Reddit gives me some hope that people do actually stand up for their beliefs somewhere!

The only benefit to asking questions multiple times is that newer, possibly better solutions are recommended. I searched Reddit often for my questions and some posts worded questions better than others and some posts had wayyy better answers than others. People don’t go search previously asked questions so they can answer them. So I agree with you because it gets annoying after a time, but there is a benefit to having repeated questions asked. It’s difficult finding a balance for it.

The mod reply is 🤌 that is some quality vitriol

That is absolutely what follows. I am doing MUCH better, I’ve had 2.5 years sober in the last 3 years because I thought I was “cured” and started “moderating” last summer. The stop drinking subreddit was amazing insight and help. It’s on lemmy but the only posts are the daily checkin. I should start being more active on it to boost it.

In Memmy, click “search”, type in the community name, and click “search communities”

The cool thing is you don’t even have to type the whole community name. I was able to just put “accident” as my search and it came up. So click the comm and then click the subscribe button

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But they read the article about the one thing doctors don’t want you to know and now they need to tell you.

Do you mean you made posts about switching to lemmy on those subreddits and the mods permabanned you?

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Mandarin oranges/clementines in cottage cheese

I can block (unsubscribe) from corporate spam, just like I can block certain communities. But I don’t want to completely remove myself from ever receiving another email from a gmail/yahoo account all together.

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I also want to defed from Threads, but I appreciate the mature and non-knee jerk reaction of these instance owners to stand by the “innocent until proven guilty” stance within the fediverse. I’m sure the leashes will be very short and defed will occur at the first sight of EEE. I think it’s appropriate to watch and listen before making decisions.

I’m choosing to remain optimistic that they will recognize it and shut it down immediately. Even tho I too despise corporations and wish them nothing but failure. I avoid Facebook and instagram like the plague because it just breeds negativity and hatred. I don’t think for even a moment that Meta is trying to turn a leaf.

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People get complacent and resist change.

The way outside smells when it first starts to rain.

Drinking coffee outside on a cool, crisp morning with the sun coming up.

Walking barefoot.

When my kitties jump on my lap for snuggles, let me wrap my arms around them, and give them exactly 1 million head smooches.

Haha no what’s that?!

I’ve spent soooo many hours on Reddit and now lemmy. It is so addicting for me and I’d like to stop being on my phone so much. I HAVE been wanting to learn Spanish. It would help in my professional life and my husband is Hispanic and his parents/extended family primarily speak it. Thanks for the reminder and all the other wonderful suggestions! I do crochet amigurumi but I burnt myself out a bit by trying to sell them.

“Just do it” is such easy advice to give but I feel your pain OP. There are things I want to accomplish that I CANNOT get myself up to do. I can’t execute plans or schedules for things that don’t immediately threaten my livelihood. It’s a real PITA. Executive dysfunction is a term I’ve read about recently that describes this.

I’m convinced the way we think about things is the driving force. For example, I’ve always struggled to work out regularly. What’s really been helping me the last month is the mantra “I’ll never regret working out but I absolutely will regret not working out”. So try to critically evaluate your thought processes behind the things you want to accomplish and see if there is another way of thinking about it that makes doing it easier.

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Man I felt that last sentence in my soul. I am constantly picking up different hobbies and dropping them. I like the idea of cycling. My husband used to and he’s been wanting to get back into it so that would be something we could do together sometimes.

I think people over complicate skin care, but then again my skin isn’t fussy so I don’t know the struggle. I think SPF is the most important thing because UV is basically the biggest cause for wrinkles. So if you want to start simple, just a morning face moisturizer with SPF is great.

Did something trigger the psychotic break? Did you previously have interest in the Russian mafia that led to you believing it was that specific organization coming after you? I’m glad you were able to get help and treatment!

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Yeah hard pass on the subscription based auto pilot. Everything is going to be subscription based soon enough.

People seem to think that just because someone is your family that you should continue to let them torment you, repeatedly. I’m in favor of “unfriending” family I’d they’re that toxic. Good for you and your wife for choosing yourselves and your daughter in this scenario.

I actually bought an acoustic to do some self lessons on during my externship year but couldn’t commit to one thing. I guess I need some guidance on the best way to approach it. Any suggestions for YouTube channels or books to follow?

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Yes! The guilt eats you alive and completely paralyzes you! I never could figure out what made me tick to help improve my study habits. But I just graduated so I managed and now I’m done forever! You will always wish you started sooner, no matter how early you start.

For little things like emails, consider how they take barely 5 mins to do. We have 1,440 minutes in a day and we can’t even take 5 to send the freaking email?! I use that mindset for chores too. I gripe and moan about the kitty litter box but it takes 60 seconds to just scoop the damn thing.

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Well to hell with Reddit anyways. We’re all here because we all were on thin ice that broke, so welcome :) hope you find the community and discussion you’re looking for here. In my mind, Reddit seems to have enacted their version of martial law with the admins forcing mod teams’ hands. The company has lost site of the true spirit of the site. They are planting in mods that will bow down and do as they’re told.

You are correct. Thank you for holding me accountable. Sometimes I can be shortsighted, as it is human nature, and not consider the whole story. Sorry OP for coming off as a dick. I am empathetic to your situation and I hope you find some justice and your friend and her child can find a way to leave safely.

This is great info since I’ve had my eye on dark parks in Michigan for quite some time! I will definitely be adding this area to my list of possibilities to check out this fall. Gonna let the summer pass before doing too much outdoor things. Tho I’m sad I’ll miss the puffballs; I’ve been interested in foraging. The real bummer is we just sold our Tacoma so we no longer have a vehicle capable of off-roading. But that’s okay, camping and stargazing are enough for now :)

I have considered woodworking but I also don’t really have space to do it. I would love to take a class for it to learn some basics to go on! Watercolor could be interesting. I’m an absolutely terrible drawer and it’s discouraged me in the past.

You may just have preconceived notions. I’m in a similar position and am trying not to expect this sort of behavior. However my plan is to maintain open and honest communication. If you feel resentment or animosity arising from someone, have a private meeting with them to discuss it. It’s a simple “hey I feel some resentment from you towards myself and/or other teams members and I wanted to clear the air and see if I did something to upset you?”. Usually simple, clear, concise beginnings are best. Get an understanding of why someone is acting a certain way then try to find a way to relate to their emotions. Then you can both try to come up with a way to relieve their resentment and tension between the crew members.

Another comment said “we’re all adults” but society breeds immaturity and people rarely know how to discuss their emotions so they bottle them and that can manifest as anger or passive aggression. Both of which prolong uneasy feelings for NO reason when a small discussion can usually make things better. Confrontation can be hard at first, but ultimately helps to release pressure from building up inside.

I have been wanting to try this way! I’ve always done the recipes calling for flour cream and milk. Happy to hear yours turned out delicious. Gives me a renewed excitement to try. I may do homemade noodles because I’m not sure I have great noodle options around me.

When I search in Memmy and in browser, only lemmy communities show up, I went through all the app setting but I don’t see anything that could change this. Any ideas?

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The balance of probabilities certainly makes sense and applies here. I don’t expect threads to last long.

I see both sides to it. I agree a biohazard spill should be contained immediately instead of letting it spread. On the other hand, we don’t want to come off as immediately hostile and want to have solid reasons for why we do what we do.

I’m enjoying the healthy conversation around it. I do have a hard time supporting the “wait and see” side and most things OP said are valid. Since threads isn’t immediately federating, we have some time before we start to see what the impact will be or if instance admins will change their minds.

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Hahahah phew!! I use Memmy and I can reply from my inbox and it didn’t have the OP badge shown there.

Agreed that no hostility should be shown to admins who run and operate their instances without expectations of payment. Harassment in general is completely unproductive in any scenario. I just graduated professional school and am awaiting state licensing before I can work (hopefully the next couple weeks), after which I will gladly donate!

The biohazard in my mind was threads and it’s already been spilled. Instances defederating sooner rather than later us the containment. So destroy meta and we’ve destroyed the biohazard, hooray!

Are you married to LEGO for nostalgia’s sake? We all have preferences to brands, myself included. I love that you’re also “recycling” by buying previously used sets. That’s amazing, I had no idea that existed and I’m going to look into it!

Yes! We want to take a trip to the badlands but I need to start work before doing that because money is a bit tight until then. But we try to hit up local trails, which there aren’t many in my area. I’m going to research national parks near me for future trips! Great advice!

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I’ll check the site out, thanks for sending it. I do have an old buddy that opened his own studio so I’ll look him up and see what his openings are like! I am a decent self learner but there is always things you can learn better with proper instructions!

I have gotten back into cooking and meal planning some amazing meals. I used to do sourdough but my starter was neglected to the point of death. RIP. Maybe I’ll start anew! Always looking for fun and interesting topics to learn about which fuels my lemmy addiction.

I do have a gaming laptop but I suspect the battery is spicy so it’s currently in exile. Otherwise I have been wanting to dabble a bit in computer stuff and an old laptop would’ve been the perfect toy to fuck around and find out on.

I think BJJ or some other form of martial arts would be a great outlet to release some pent up aggression and rage. I may look into gyms around my area after I begin working.

Ayyy fellow midwesterner! I used national parks/forests interchangeably and never made the connection they could be distinct things. I looked up some places within 4-5 hour drives and most were grassy areas with some type of small water feature. There’s some good primitive camping close to me too that I want to check out.

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Optometry is a small world so I had found a temporary part time job at a local office needing a tech so I was a “super tech” for the owner for 4-5 weeks. But I do start working for real next week already (it really snuck up on me, thought I had a couple more). I love some of your suggestions! I wish I had a house to do projects with and land to garden on. I’ve done hydroponic tomatoes at a precious apartment complex which was interesting but I prefer in ground.

I got majorly downvoted once for sharing my opinion on not wanting to travel to a foreign country alone as a woman. A lot of flippant comments too. Like okay, this is not the sub for me. I still can’t believe I was attacked like I was.