6 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Most of the "communities" are just endless meme reposts like reddit,

The way to tell MAGA propagandists from real lefitst activists is that propaganda will ignore primaries and local elections. General elections in America are for forming coalitions, not rejecting them.

Anyone making memes telling you not to form a coalition against MAGA is working to further the goals of MAGA.

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Meanwhile Apple does this every few years and nobody cares.

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Stuxnet was an extremely focused attack, targeting specific software on specific PLCs in a specific way to prevent them mixing up nuclear batter into a boom boom cake. Even if it managed to affect the whole world, it would be a laser compared to this wide-net.

Strongly doubt it's a lone actor for the reasons already given.

I know your intentions are good but if my kid stumbled across gore or animal abuse they're going to require a level of "talking to" that is waaay beyond my skill level, and a content blocker is a lot cheaper than a child psychologist.

This stereotype of Vegans has always bothered me. I've never once in my life heard a vegan announce to a group that they were vegan unless it was relevant to the conversation.

I have heard many people complain about vegans completely unprompted, however.

Thank you for the explanation. I essentially agree with your position, but also fear most of the people upvoting this meme aren't appreciating a distinction between choosing "no ethical action" and "inaction". Things inside the US are slowly, but unquestionably moving in a better direction today than they have been the past century. It's upsetting when people who claim to care for their fellow citizens advocate for surrendering the already extremely limited power they posses to turn the steering wheel.

Fuck this system for making me choose between bad and worse

Don't make me defend the US voting system but that is not how it works. Primaries exist and that's where voters make the case for a specific person. The large, general, national elections are for forming coalitions and compromising. This is what we do to decide who gets power instead of physically fighting. There will never, ever be a time when a single candidate is the ideal choice for a majority of Americans. Compromise is a core tenant of democracy and by definition it means nobody gets everything they want.

And while we're on the topic, 99% of leftists understand this. Anyone telling you "voting doesn't matter" or that "both candidates are the same" is just trying to reverse the progress that's already been made.

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Of course they're in favor of it you idiot its how they make a reasonable living. The people choosing to go to a restaurant are not victims in this arrangement.

If you can't afford to dine out then maybe demand your boss pay you more. They're the ones screwing you, not the waitress at Olive Garden.

Bitwarden. I would like to self host it one day (and keep that backed up) once I learn more about all that junk

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Your point? If you have conservative values, then not supporting Trump does indeed help Biden to win.

all the big brains on wallstreetbets out there saying reddit didnt have any additional value to offer shareholders well THINK AGAIN

I know what these words mean:


These are the words I need to learn more about:

NAS pi firing docker yaml

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Not the files themselves at least

No... NO. It was appallingly terrible at banning Nazis, worse than even Reddit in many ways. Twitter banned a tiny, tiny fraction of extremely prominent and openly fascist accounts that had been permitted to operate for years, but they ignored Nazi dogwhistles from large accounts and smaller accounts that didn't gain a following and were used to harass 1-2 people were generally allowed to operate freely.

Remember: they didn't even ban Donald Trump himself until he tried to literally violently overthrow the US government. Twitter pre-Musk was an absolute shit hole, but it was at least headed in a hopeful direction. Musk kept it a shit hole and just changed the direction it was going.

How would you feel if something you couldn't change about yourself was used by your peers as an insult? You really don't see how using the word "retarded" as a stand-in for "stupid" is still an insult to people with mental disabilities? If someone was acting stupid and you said they were acting "like a Chinese person" that's still insulting to Chinese people even if the person you're targeting isn't Chinese.

Also I'm calling shenanigans on "the 1980s definition". I am the same age as you and I was taught it was cruel to use the word that way back then.

It would be funny if he started a Mastodon instance with whatever his values are. The reason he would never do that is because it's not for profit.

"I'm not defending rapists but there's no reason women can't educate themselves on how to make it so they're less likely to be raped.

Yes what rapists are doing is bad. But the person being raped can’t be completely blameless."

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You're correct. It doesn't stop Nazis from having a home or building a following. It just allows users to not see it.

Not voting doesn’t mean you support Trump.

You're saying that if you did vote, it would be for Trump? Because that's the only case in which not voting wouldn't help Trump.

Well said. Most disabilities are not obvious if you're just viewing someone for a minute or in this case, even less. Someone could be able to walk 1000 feet but need a wheelchair to travel a mile.

Also Christmas trees are not heavy? My great grandma could probably toss one if she needed to and she's 97 and also couldn't work pretty much any job.

LoL my thoughts exactly

Tips supplement incomes so restaurant owners can pocket the profits that would have gone to paying their staff better.

I hate to defend small restaurant owners because so many of them are complete assholes but they are not exactly Scrooge McDucks dealing with Elon Musk levels of money. Elon Musk could cover the tips of everyone in America.

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Oh I didn't mean to imply it was unpleasant, just certainly not as attentive, you'll have to ask for refills on water or spend spend a long time waiting. Though that said in Tokyo the service was on par with New York and they don't have tipping culture either.

In Europe though, the waiters get healthcare and good wages so they have reason to be happy.

Yes, and with minor effort you can even make it look nearly identical to MacOS:

she hurt herself

She didn't. Read the article. Her car was hit from behind.

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But the sonic meme says voting is unethical

Uh... source? This runs counter to everything I've seen and read about it.

I don't get this attitude. Obama was literally against gay marriage. Biden's policies have been so much more progressive than Obama's and yet nobody I know likes him more. I'm not a "fan" of Biden but that's because it's weird and creepy to be a "fan" of government officials. He does a lot I don't like but if you literally hate Biden I don't forsee any president ever meeting your criteria.

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bad bot context is important

That's not what charity means, they're quite literally performing a service for that money.

Are you a large language model?

Collision 2017

Either she collided with herself or you are sensationalizing the facts to support your point that disabled people are second class citizens .

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It's kind of true. If you've ever been to Europe, the service is good but not anywhere as attentive like in the states. The problem is not greedy waiters taking tips, it's the CEOs who don't pay their employees enough to dine out more than once a year.

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Imagine this guy at a strip club

"You expect a bribe simply to view your buttocks madam? You are in the wrong line of work if you require money to perform your duties. No, I don't use Reddit it's called Lemmy actually why do you ask?"

You are not an antifascist. You want Trump to be elected.

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The comments here prove it's no strawman.

Reply with "Deep!" if I'm correct about you being a Trump supporter.