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Joined 2 years ago

The more I try to be a decent human being, the further left I'm pulled. Antiwar both philosophically and practically.

I critique both Repubs & Dems. If you cannot defend your side without accusing people of being a bot, or are otherwise uncivil, then I'm not the person you want to talk with.

@ajsadauskas @technology

Elon has a history of lying that's as rich as he was before he bought Twitter.

@areyouevenreal @Lenins2ndCat

Hardin, the author of the Tragedy of the Commons was also a White Supremacist who was horrible enough to earn his own entry at the SPLC.

Normally, it's genetic fallacy to criticize the source of an argument. But here, the "Tragedy" has been used to justify not honoring treaties, theft of land and resources, polluting indigenous lands, and even genocide.

There is an unspoken bigotry in the argument that deserves recognizing it as racist.

@areyouevenreal @Lenins2ndCat

The Tragedy of the Commons is a cherry-picked economic fantasy. It is counter to what really happened, and, thus, false evidence for any point.\_NoTragedy.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y