14 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Will the family of the child face any consequences? I'd be very angry if my son was infected and they knew all along. Like looking for revenge angry!

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Sure looks like an animal crossing.

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Shouldn't Leela be Leeloo?

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I don't think that this is something we should be looking at to determine whether or not we like someone. Saw a show that's that said Mario Lopez's family was into slavery way back when.

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Some guy beat someone so bad they need 24hr supervision, and he got 7 years. Cops get of with paid vacation for shooting or running over: dogs, unarmed adults and children, flash bang babies, drunk driving, beating their SO, planting drugs on innocent people. Did I miss anything?

War on drugs, no, it's a war on personal freedoms.

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What the fuck is wrong with you

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I like how it doesn't specify who said what

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Good thing they're focusing on the important things. Fucking Cunts!

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We have a Boxer and a Wheaten, two weeks in age apart. If Will (Wheaten) is getting scratches, Seymour (Boxer) will go get a toy,any toy will work, and "play" with it in front of Will. Will has to be the "one" with the toy, so Will jumps down to take the toy away, and Seymour let's him and takes the scratches.

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"Making ends meet" i use to think it was, "Making ends meat" like all you can afford is the cut of bits off of undesirable meat. I never saw it written down before, and now I feel dumb.

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Why does it smell like ass?!

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I don't believe for a second that she was "trying " to run over the cop. She just wanted to leave and he put himself in harms way. He could have very easily stepped to the side and not murder her and her unborn child.

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Facebook jail irl

If it's such a damb hassle, don't host the party, fucking people.

That pie post is one post up from this one, on my feed......

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Has she been ill? I haven't heard anything...

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"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!"




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I don't want to beat under the bush so I'm just going to say it. You should have said "drawing a blank ".

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Probably clear the STOP sign. If you're flying over it, you don't have to stop,right?

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Wisconsin here. Sorry, we're just now getting regular rain fall...there are small ponds here I've never seen empty, and they are all dried up. I'm 47.

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Sorry, Snowball. If you have a date in Constantinople, she'll be waiting in Istanbul...

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Have you ever danced with the Devil by the pale moonlight?

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Your first guess was correct. Wide, blunt snout gives it away. Crocodiles- skinny, toothy snout.

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Wife: Stop it,you're going to give yourself a boner....

Me: too late....

Where is the woman?

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How long before they ask for federal government help?

My son was born healthy. Became a father I guess would be more "to me"...

When it hit you in the face, it's more of a "ping"...


"Like the ice cream? "

Wishing they had longer legs.

First thing I thought of was that guy in Family Guy, Seamus!

Is that a wizards staff?

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Soy free children for me, thanks....

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Guy in the middle "I know you have more Cliff bars over there, Todd, give me one. "

I was looking for a spot to watch my brother go by in his first Ironman while he was dieing at the hospital.

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Not so much the nuts, it's the asshole with his butt hole touching it's back!

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Pretty hard to say without the outer part of the beak. Looks like a bird of prey of some kind. Most are protected, if not all, so be careful who you show it to....unless you're a teacher, then you can say it's for class.

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Sadly it is not.

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Amy-Fry or Professor-Amy?