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Joined 12 months ago

Holy heck, stomp me mommy glados 🤣

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Who knows with this Supreme Court..

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Yes indeed, and it's not like England has some history with Scotland or anything...

No no no, he worships supply side Jesus, not Hebrew Jesus. I mean fuck Jesus was brown...

I have a friend who's son is transitioning, not a single of the kids at his school give a single shit. Even more so they say things to their parents like, "how can you be so binary" and such like. The kids don't care it's the parents who are uncomfortable and projecting it unto the kids.

As an overall metric, but some things have definitely gotten worse. The planet is on fire for instance. That's getting worse and we haven't even gotten into the really bad part.

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18 days sober today for me! You can do it friend.

Along with 6 meetings and scrum session


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This is an accurate representation of tech debt.

Same, no problems yet.

Usually they don't allow options on new stocks until after the cutoff period. Unless your broker allows naked shorting.

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I had a commit recently that was like 2000 lines changed over 6 files. Really should have been a smaller issue.

Furthermore GO OUT AND VOTE!

I loved his outro and intro music, shit was lit for young me. Also all the fun conspiracy theories l, not the batshit insane ones we get these days.

Ahh yes, the notoriously liberal Thatcher and Reagan....

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They can put a robots.txt file in their root structure which can tell robots (AI scrapers) to ignore that website. However that only works on robots which follow that rule, it's self enforced so it's a crap shoot of it'll be followed. Otherwise to be honest there isn't a lot a public facing website can do to avoid being scraped. Maybe put up a captcha on every page?

They do adversarial training with those tools. It begins to be an arms race between detectors and trainers.. 🫤

I agree with the healthier environment, it's kind of nice being able to make a comment and have people actually see it rather than there being 2k+ comments. It's a small community but I don't mind that and it's actually good in that I don't doom scroll as much cause there just isn't enough content, so I don't spend hours on it.

I have Llama 2 running on localhost, you need a fairly powerful GPU but it can totally be done.

Can also confirm, was 'homeschooled' which meant those terrible books the homeschool book companies would send you all about how Noah's ark was on mount Arrerrat (sp?) And how supply side Jesus was the best. Did read the Bible cover to cover 3 times for something to do, lotta weird shit in there...

I can get behind this one.

My GF is type 1 diabetic so I have to be aware all the time of how much carbs are in things. It's actually insane. A glass of OJ has as much carbs and a can of soda for instance. A glass of wine has ~100-120 calories. Breakfast cereal is essential just carbs and sugar.

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Thanks just what bug water wants you to think man!

Well it is high in fat and calories, it's totally fine in moderation.

We need a Lemmy version of WSB

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I'm gen X and I feel like it's rude to talk to someone with earbuds in so I always take them out, I have noticed a lot of the younger generations don't view it as rude.

I been getting those as well. Like the whole advertisement is for not ads, yet ads!? Wtf

I guess I mean the old version prior to the GME and AMC fiasco.

Saving for later

Agreed, no candy, no video games, no TikTok stuff all of it.

And my axe