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Joined 11 months ago

Did anyone else feel like this article just reads like an ad for their new value menu?

It was a really poor design decision making it look so much like the 'other-destruct' button

For comparison, that screenshot is 342kb, and Super Mario Bros is 40kb. The screenshot is more than 8.5 times bigger than the game it comes from.

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It’s worth noting that although piracy is up, the rates are still far lower than they were 20, 10 or even five years ago. Whether people continue to access content illegally remains to be seen – hopefully this is just a ‘blip’ and rates of theft begin to fall again as the economy recovers.

I can't be bothered to pull back all the layers of naive optimism in just these two sentences.

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Why do you ask so many questions? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

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Then why do they still shove Prager U down my throat? Absolutely ridiculous.

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I mean, I googled it and the top result was the Wikipedia entry for Kunai, so... I guess it works?

Is that... Is that a citation? Jesus Christ, that is dark!

"What's done is done. What we need to do now is focus on coming together as a nation. Let me direct your attention to something irrelevant. Feel better? Good, now fuck off."

🅱️itching to get on with the interview,

I know there are a lot of replies already, but I feel like the best way to explain is it's similar to trying to push a car while you're in it.

"Please give Mrs. Slackbot my condolences."

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Just a reminder that the point of researching the validity of things we intuitively know to be true is to provide the empirical data and expert analysis that can be used in, say, legal decisions or legislative processes.

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So whose children does Erin Mazzoni have access to?

Maybe it should hurry the fuck up.

"I'm hungry, let's go get something to eat"

"Cool how about tacos?"

"No, I don't want tacos."

"Okay, how about Thai food?"

"No, I don't want Thai food."

"Well what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know, you pick something."

Except policy.

They omitted language blocking an automatic cost of living increase which was present in the Senate bill. This is explained in the article.

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“their entire sad, miserable existence”

Important clarification. Really changes the context.

I mean I get what you're saying, but this was their solution. They aligned themselves with these nutjobs precisely because they saw the demographic shift in the US and feared they would never win another election. There is no second-place, as far as they're concerned. This is what 'at-all-costs' looks like. It was this or political irrelevance. Changing their values meant losing their identity, which would be equivalant to death.

Cool here's the rest of it

"It really is, and it is real, but the fact is that if you take a look at what people have, they have the money to spend. It angers them and it angers me that you have to spend more. For example, the whole idea of this notion that you have... shrinkflation... It's like 20% less for the same price, that is corporate greed. It is corporate greed and we've got to deal with it."

Let me guess: Front trunk? Please tell me I'm wrong.

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Shiiit, man. That honky mofo messin' mah old lady--got to be runnin' cold upside down his head, you know?

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If Congress does not pass a debt commission this year to move the needle on the crushing national debt and inflation, at least at the next debt ceiling increase at the end of 2024...

She is priming for public support to force the US to default. This will be either to extract concessions from opposition in Congress (like a hostage negotiation), or to create a global economic catastrophe. Or both.

Of course, she will not resign. She swears a false oath. This was a winning strategy for them in June. Naturally, they will try it again.

The 813,000 borrowers receiving the email were those who weren't accurately credited for student loan payments that should have given them forgiveness, or people placed into forbearance by loan servicers who violated Department of Education policies.

This is money the DoE never should have been collecting in the first place.

Why don't they taste like apples!? (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

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Oh, fuck that's gross. I mean, really...a hotdog for breakfast?

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How old are you? That didn't happen until 1997, and it sure as hell wasn't running on my Pentium processor.

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They want it. These people are fed up with democracy.

Instructions unclear; became Entertain Dog.

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It's not just 'using a knife', though. These are children put to work with knives under pressure to perform what should be adult responsibilities for the duration of their shift. Responsible adults get hurt in these situations. I've worked in kitchens, I know. Especially if management has created an unsafe environment where injuries are bound to occur. Like the kind of management that is willing to put a child to work.

Notice they never explicitly call themselves a University. That's because they aren't one.

Approval ratings go up

It's a yes or no question.

I want my wheels to look bigger.

Then Lindsay Graham puts out the sign that says

"No girlz allowed!"

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You can't force someone to do something they don't want to do. Full stop.

If you are a business serving the public, yes you the fuck can.

Whether they don't want to do it for good, bad, racist, homophobic etc reasons, is irrelevant.

We had an entire Civil Rights Act about it. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Read a fucking book.

I just wanted to show some appreciation for sharing your experience. Speaking candidly about difficult subjects really can help people.

casual bigot

He's a professional bigot now, so that's no longer a valid excuse.

"Oh, you gave them a name?"

I've had similar frustration with conversations that focus on how devastating AI will be, without much mention of who is responsible or how to hold them accountable. One person compared my take to "guns don't kill people, people kill people." I feel like responsibility has already been successfully deflected and we've barely gotten started. I don't even know how to have that conversation at this point.

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