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“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” Francis Wilhoit

Not that I in any way condone what Russia has been doing, that’s not exactly right. Ukraine was part of Tsarist Russia before the USSR. However, Ukrainians have the right to self-determination and the right to defend themselves from aggressive neighbours just like anyone else.

"My right to spout my ideologically inconsistent dog shit opinions is clearly more important than the rights of women to decide what to do with their own bodies. This is the worst kind of discrimination; the discrimination against ME. It's literally slavery. Woke women with blue hair challenged me on my idiotic opinions and I felt like they were being mean to me. You can't disagree with me though, because I'm a Marxist-Leninist and I throw out buzz words like planned economies. Believe me bro, trust me bro."

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They’re dangerous nazis who also happen to be incels. Don’t kid yourself.

Some indigenous Hawaiians would find it offensive and some wouldn’t. Hawaiians are not some homogeneous entity sharing the same thoughts and sensibilities. That being said, it sounds like the event centres around cultural stereotypes, which are romanticized from a western point of view, from a specific point in time, and in that sense I would find it in poor taste, but I am not Hawaiian. In my opinion, these sorts of things marginalize cultures more than they “celebrate” them. I would encourage you to try to educate your daughter on the history of colonialism in Hawaii, as that won’t be covered in class in any detail, I’d wager.

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Are you indigenous?

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There’s a lot of money in the nuclear industry and they spend a lot of money to shape public opinion about it. No doubt they use troll farms to manufacture consent too. For me, the biggest and most glaring problem with nuclear power is the human element that can’t be trusted long term. Governments and industry will go to any length to cut costs, to line their own pockets, to lie, and put their personal ambitions above anything else. That’s how you get Chernobyls and 3 mile islands and fukushimas. It’s also not financially viable without massive government subsidies and government insurance. It’s highly centralized, and easily controlled and monetized by capitalists. It requires a readily available and reliable source of water which is something that climate change will cause problems for. Plus they take forever to build and cost billions. The answer nuclear bros have to that is to cut red tape, but then you have the problem of Chernobyls and Fukushimas. The fact is, nuclear is not a solution. Capitalism and the idiotic need for endless growth and exploitation is the problem. We need de-growth and switch to a combination of wind, solar and other real clean energy.

So you believe that there should be no rights for other people, but YOUR right to free speech should never be limited. Gotcha. Either you’re a complete imbecile, or a troll. Probably both.

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Who is “they”? Just because the state tourism bureau does it, doesn’t mean it necessarily represents the will or wishes of indigenous Hawaiians.

Yes, I agree that it isn’t that simple, and as I said in another comment here, people of a specific culture will have differing opinions and feelings on the matter. That doesn’t mean that non-Hawaiians get to decide what is offensive to Hawaiians, and that is what I am addressing.

Again, I ask you, what do you think gives you the right to decide?

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Well now I’m saying you can’t be offended by what I said. You have to agree with me, because freedom of speech or whatever.

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Balance out that Marx and Lenin with some Bakunin and Godwin.

Nothing riles up Americans more than being told “no”. I owe you nothing. I was simply pointing out that a member of a country/culture that violently subjugated another country/culture doesn’t morally or ethically get to decide that what they do or say is or isn’t offensive to the country/culture that they violently subjugated.

There is a difference. OP is asking if indigenous Hawaiians would find it offensive. You have been stating that it isn’t as a matter of fact, even though it’s not for you decide.

Then you have no right to speak for them or decide what is or isn’t offensive to them.

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