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"You're just using it as an excuse" is now a red flag for me that I'm talking to a garbage person and saves a lot of emotional energy kicking them out of your life.

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He violated US law by giving a 3rd party individual complete access to Twitter's info, who tf did this ass wipe give it to? Putin?

The jokes people made on Twitter saying "I'm probably gonna be put on a list for retweeting this/liking this" was actual reality on FB?!

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They haven't even seen a dime yet and this motherfucker has been spending it. 2 million for them finally, what a joke that it took this.

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30,000 ballots were put on hold. For what, them to still be counted and the offices not even fazed cause they have kickass protocols? Idiots

"And how dare those hackers go through all the trouble of finding those (literal) GPS coordinates of train maintenance centers not in our system to circumvent us getting more money."

Kendrick called out Drake recently by rapping that he has a nymph fetish. Never knew there was another name besides ephebophile/pedophile, but yeah wtf... Is it being stuck mentally at an age they didn't grow from sexually or something?

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Companies everywhere are getting desperate I feel like. Google's adblocker crusade being the most egregious imo.

Worked at a nightclub and my favorite was a dude dressed as a giant fucking piece of bread. It was the most inconvenient, oversized fucking costume to bring to a nightclub, but alas they sweat their way through the night towering above the crowd, as a giant slice of bread. Lol

This is the Illuminati? The "Man"? And this is how they're going to go out? Exorcisms ordered by a closeted gay leader.

Also lol:

"HuffPost attempted to reach out to Satan to see if the fallen angel is involved with The Daily Beast in any capacity, but did not receive an immediate response"

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There were employers who were monitoring their workers cellphones, punishing anyone on a union supportive app. This is the reason why, because it gives labor power to juke them when they try to go around the strike. We can communicate fast and act.

Had this in my small town in America. They knew folks didn't have a whole extra mortgage to pay for childcare, so they paid some teachers more after school to watch those kids who parents worked later. We did hw, played games, got the playground to ourselves, then went home when mom and dad came. But in America this idea hasn't gone off the ground, idk why because day care centers are making a stealing.

It already is in some places, as in if you are an atheist you cannot run for office.

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Because neoliberals always sell us out to corporations. They're moderate Republicans fiscally when it comes to helping the public.

Can say I've definitely "stopped striving", don't know if it's from Long Covid, living paycheck to paycheck cause my pay gets min/maxed for the business, personal infighting thanks to Fox News and Republican bullshit tearing apart and killing families over vaccinations, or maybe it's just the weather 🤷‍♂️ lol fuck

They're dying thankfully, thanks to the internet (which they themselves admitted) and South Park (lol) they're numbers went from the tens of thousands to thousands. Hell in some ppl places theres only like 80 something people for an entire state.

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Did this with Kim Khardashian on my pc, if I can do it for mobile too that would be lit.

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When Christian Nationalists pearl clutch about children, know they're absolutely capable of doing as their ancestors in the past when it comes to occupation and are full of shit. That 6 year old who got stabbed for being Palestianian.....

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Me to every conservative family member I've kicked out of my life since 2019.

"If the light skinned race makes the wrong choice of the roads, then the destruction which they brought with them in coming to this country will come back at them and cause much suffering and death to all the Earth's people." 7th Fire Prophecy


BMW Subscriber* now 🤷‍♂️

Yes, this is the big difference this time around, previously the threat of being blacklisted from the RNC/CPAC plus local obligations (contracts/ect) falling through. This time though we have people outside that establishment that want the government to shutdown. They want this to happen and to hurt, the only good move here is McCarthy working with Dems.

Honestly what needs to happen. He's a coward and cost who knows how many lives giving Russia what it wants.

We might be in one, there's talk that Alzhiemers might be a prion disease that happened as a result of using cadavers to obtain human growth hormone. Which was then given to folk in a potentially misfolded form...

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People aren't also willing to spend as much on Oreo's due to inflation so it's also probably that if theres a game or movie everyone's playing, sailing the seven seas is tried and true...and free.

Ah damn lmao, I totally misheard it as nymph fetish, shoot! Thought it was a reference to him getting close to 14 year old Millie Bobbie Brown 😅

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Yeah there's "CEO resigns over sexual misconduct allegations of groping" and "Executive denies sexual misconduct, 13 women have come forward"

But this, what tf did these guys do?! Damn!

Edit: Fucking Christ

"....and after apologizing for that initial behavior over a year later, how he then groped and raped her at an industry event. They claim Gbinigie asked them to meet him and some friends in a hotel lobby ahead of a PAX industry party. Gbinigie, however, arrived alone, and asked if they wanted to head to his friends' room, where the rest of the group was apparently waiting. After brushing aside a "feeling of panic" and following Gbinigie to the room, they saw there was no one else in the room.

"I’m still not ready to relive the intimate details publicly, but that’s when he forced himself on me. It wasn’t the longest experience as, as he said at the time, his friends were expecting us - but it was enough for him to get out of me what he’d clearly wanted from the start, and to put me in my place," they wrote.

"It’s taken a long time and a lot of therapy to stop listening to words that are burned into my brain - 'you should be grateful' - to forgive myself for the fact that at a certain point I stopped fighting him, and to try to be okay as I can be with the fact that my first experience with sex at all was rape. It wasn’t the longest experience, but it was enough to still fuck me up to this day"

Same for prisons too, suddenly they're too harsh for MAGA nuts, yet they wanted it that way cause they get off on their moral high horse when they get to punish the "right" people.

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I'm a Biologist, getting the licensing to study marijuana is a pain in the ass. Can't wait for it to leave its scheduling, ridiculous.

Now can someone explain to me why Amazon boxes sometimes smell like ass, just actual ass, why?

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Hell of a build!

I saw a tweet that said I've decided to be fully delusional this year, cause being sensible hasn't gleaned the results I'm looking for. And.....felt.

Considering a DNS block

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I had a 2.5 GPA in high school during the Bush era No Child Left Behind times and remember their fucking brown boring ass book packets for homework and class.....and LOATHING those unstimulating ass books just to get told I am just not smart enough to be in better classes. Until I unlocked the upper level AP classes my last two years of high school, which didn't need an exam to get placement. Got a 4.0 the next school year and 4.5 cumulative my last year, its unfucking believable how many other students are and have likely been held back by how education is served to neurodivergents and hell even neurotypical folks.

2.0 is straight C's

3.0 is straight B's

4.0 is straight A's

5.0 is straight A's but with AP classes (college level) buffing it up

The use of astroturfers to sway or argue on social media sites, like Reddit :P, has me playing minesweeper with this comment section lol. Who is genuine and who is paid to push for a certain position?

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My version of this is seeing losers on 4chan trying to be edgy, didn't know it would be a fucking breeding ground years later that would lead to the storming of the US Capitol and multiple militia groups forming.

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I work in academia and after Covid, I yelled back at my boss for the first time. Said what i needed to say and still am employed and they stopped doing what they were doing that pissed the most patient employee in the building off.

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All 12 of them probably, Ghislaine Maxwell redditor level big. 🤮

I was looking at Bidens approval rating compared to other presidents on 538 and it's crazy seeing the last time this really was so bad, aside from Trump, was the Great Depression...which says alot about the disconnect today spouting Dow successes but normal people struggling to stay afloat.

Ancient Roman Conservatives (Optimates, cause of course) "Look when you lift their skirts, you find a Populare (Democrat). We need to bring back traditional values!"

Since the days of yore, always about traditional fucking values.