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Joined 1 years ago

Cognitive behavioral therapy lol

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I get where you're coming from, but I vehemently disagree. That's just the no true Scotsman fallacy.

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I have a vague recollection of an FEMA alert being sent out while 45 was still president.

Some reddit communities thought 45 would use it like social media lol. Lots of great fake alerts. Good times.

The Shining's opening theme was based on a medieval Christian hymn, day of wrath or Dies Irae. I love deep vocals and latin lyrics, it's so soothing.

Wouldn't Target and Walmart disappearing just open the market for a locally owned small business, or maybe even multiple, to take their place?

Doesn't need to be a corporation that fills that niche.

Did you never make it to season 4? Castiel and Dean are probably the most popular ship for that show.

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Again, I get where you're coming from.

The reality of the situation is that a movement is full of factions. People aren't a monolith and they think differently and feel differently. Jk Rowling considers herself a feminist, and she is an iteration of what a feminist can look like sadly.

Think of religious sects, they all fall under the same umbrella of Christianity or Judaism or what have you, but have radically different beliefs and feelings.

They get involved in protests and push their agendas just like any other group of people.

Or tankies! They fucking suuuuuuck and they are communist! I like communism by the way, but tankies can eat and then shit out some Lego blocks.

You realize that Jews, the people who wrote the Hebrew Bible that makes up what Christians call the old Testament, didn't and do not believe in original sin? That's a later christian invention, doesn't even go back to Jesus.

Like 'ger-bels'.

I prefer to read the Abrahamic religious books as a legendary/mythological account of history, not outright historical. The people who wrote these books had an agenda to push and by studying it we can get an idea of what their intentions were in wrtiting them down. You can't fully understand some of the stories in the Bible if you don't have some understanding of the culture and history and beliefs of the people that wrote them. Context is vital.

I'd love to hear how you think it would change my life? It's fun to get different perspectives.

I've always hated the idea of original/inherited sin. It's such a cruel idea to me.

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I'm just saying your comment doesn't make sense. You are saying that a parent blesses a child by giving them, or bringing them into, a worthless streak of existence that should not be considered special or precious.

How is that a blessing? That sucks. Your parents suck donkey dick. Parents that teach their children that kind of thing suck donkey dick.

Edit: expanded the amount of suck in the world.

Christians are the only ones that believe in original sin, right? I could never take that idea seriously after actually reading genesis.

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Are magic mushrooms considered to be a stimulant or a sedative? I thought they were hallucinogens.


Stimulant: an agent (such as a drug) that produces a temporary increase of the functional activity or efficiency of an organism or any of its parts.

Sedative: tending to calm, moderate, or tranquilize nervousness or excitement.

Hallucinagen: a substance that induces hallucinations.

Psylocibin: a hallucinogenic indole obtained from a fungus (such as Psilocybe mexicana or P. cubensis synonym Stropharia cubensis).

Or you just know that the people around you have their own issues or are incapable of being of help the way you need it... can we stop trying to make everyone feel lesser, please?

Life on this rock isn't precious. It's not special. And if you do dumb things that put that little worthless streak of existence your parents blessed you with at risk, that's not my problem and it's not my fault if you don't protect it.

What? How is being born a blessing if being alive is worthless and not worth viewing as precious? You just are, you aren't blessed/gifted with existence.

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