2 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This guy kinks

People see more drama than it actually is. We all still come from Reddit mindset but fragmentation is a feature not a hindrance.

I am not here to show Reddit my middle-finger. I am hear because I like what fediverse stands for and if the price is smaller communities, so be it.

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I am alsot wondering. I have a feeling that most devs are silently supporting the protest. Also, aren't the leak led memos of Spez suggesting that there are people there sympathetic to the cause?

This guy stats

Why would he not want to say the reason though? If that was the case, the OP could just say he is a shy pooper. Instead we now suspect that this is some kind of orgy with a fetish.

It's this actually true though? I always had to add Reddit at the end of the search query as it always gave me some shit websites as sources otherwise.

It's a new era. The fragmentation is a feature not a problem.

!RemindMe 7 days

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Yeah, although they didn't provide any data to back it up. I've been using for a few days and didn't see any harassment whatsoever.

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What about calling them "communities"?

All I needed to know form this is that I can block and unsubscribe from all beehaw communities and look for new ones hosted on other instances. If I ever want to see beehaw stuff I will create an account there. For now, I am happy I am part of as I am not a fan of heavy moderation. As long as there is a way of downvoting, I have absolut trust in the community to regulate itself.

In fact, this is a big problem for me in beehaw. They took away the power for the community to self-regulate by removing downvoting and instead want a centrally moderated and controlled "safe space". Which is fine for some I guess but definitely not for me. If I see trolls, bigots, etc. I just downvote and move on. Some people get affected way more about it than others I guess.


Alright Mr Outraged, just because you got here a week before others doesn't mean the the new comers cannot ask about Lemmy and his it compares to Reddit. In fact the numbers are expected to rise. So good luck blocking posts and people on daily basis for weeks and months to come.

Aka, don't be a jerk to new comers that have questions. Jeez.

Yes, it's a weird one. We got used to the fact that everything is pretty much free on the internet. Unfortunately, nothing is free, we either pay with out personal data, watching and interacting with ads or through subscriptions and paywals.

There is just no incentive for people to provide good content on the internet unless they have other means of sustaining themselves or they charge for it.

For instance, there is so much free stuff thanks to developers making their hard work open source. However, they are only able to do it because even if they are not getting payed for this, either they have a job that pays for other work they do or they have access to other means of financial support like family for instance. And I am not saying that much of open source (not all) is not essentially people giving away their hard work for free but I am saying that if the choice was to make some program for free and go hungry or charge for it and have a meal then we all know what it would look like.

Well, tell that to beehaw, apparently they were being flooded by trolls and Nazis...

But on the serious note, I totally agree, so far the discussions are so interesting and respectful, even if heated at times.

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That is not overtime, it is during normal working hours.

I wanted to say Bender and I have to say Zapp Brannigan instead as well.

I agree, 70% of Reddit memes, pics, etc are stolen anyways. I don't see a reason we couldn't steal some of it to boost our content.

Anyone else from Reddit feeling weird seeing this exchange?

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Well, new Reddit might easily mean better but also diffderent Reddit. Also, I am not sure whether people actually call it a new Reddit. Most of the time I heard the destription was a Reddit alternative which by definition doesn't imply that it's identical or even better in all ways.

Just wanted to say that "high quality" discussion is not well defined and it sort of clashes with "safe space" idea the theg also strongly stand for. For me for instance a part of a high quality discussion is being able to interact with people with very different point of views. However, "safe space"removes some point of views out of principle not letting the arguments be heard.

It is a double-edge sword indeed. Although, you can look at it differently. There are both benefits and disadvantages of having either massive communities where they either eventually have to be heavily moderated or they become Wild West and many smaller communities where Nazis, communist, snowflakes, bigots and the rest of us normal people have our own places.

I am not expecting the blackout to be over to be fair. Reddit is not backing down. While I will miss it, I am prepared to use only Lemmy for quite some time perhaps even indefinitely. And it's not difficult in fact.

I was one of those weird Redditors that liked to browse "all" as almost every subreddit offered some interesting posts for me. Because of it I am not too worried about staying only at Lemmy as most conversations or post peak my interest.

This is another point that no-one makes. While it is clear that the best alternative to a sweetened drink would be water, often it is the "healthier and natural" version with real sugar which is just incomparably more damaging to human bodies.

Creating a "safe space". Meaning that instead wanting for the community to self-regulate they want to have all the power of censorship.

Essentially, if you ever write anything they don't like, they want to be able to never see you again.

They want to built an echo chamber where nothing even remotely upsetting can be mentioned or discussed.

AnarchyChess is true to its name. It's all about anarchy and chess.

Dude, it's funny that you are "defending" beehaws decision but literally sound like the kind of person that cause them to do it in the first place. Not saying that you are, but you definitely give that kind of vibe to me with the way you comment and format your "arguments".

Also, don't you understand that both can be true: beehaw admins having honest and best intentions for their own community but also not understanding fully the consequences of their actions? It doesn't have to be either one or the other.

They even said that they are not very technical and it seems they are aware they might be throwing the baby with the bath water for now until they figure things out.

It is just being pointed out that they might be making a mistake especially that this post is addressed to and other federated instances not really at beehaw (although they will probably be aware of it).

Yeah it's a good point. This is the power of the fediverse as far as I understand. The fragmentation is a feature and not something problematic.

If they want a heavily moderated "safe space" (whatever that is) that is totally fine. That is definitely not for me but it will find it's niche.

I second this, it is really nice to be fair.

Listen here you little shit...

While I agree that requiring people to reveal their ethnicity should be a no-no for anything other than medical, asking for people to volunteer this information makes sense.

In UK in many places giving ethnicity is optional and the results are used to monitor how different groups aka "races" are doing. This then can be used for research.

I don't know the answer.

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I see you point but I think you are being harsh here. It is clear that it is not to be taken literally that Mastodon is nothing like Twitter in therms of looks. I think the spirit of the OPs comment is that it is the style of conversations, atmosphere and culture that each of them foster what makes them somewhat different.

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Technically you pay to use Youtube by watching adds. People sometimes forget that there are no free lunches.

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I live in UK an I have seen ads every few posts. Have you been using it for long? Do you use some sort of VPN or network wide adblocker? Or maybe you didjtn realize they were ads as they are disguised as posts.

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Same here

Thank you for such s measured response. Many developers would want to see any manager burn in hell as they tend to feel like they always know better. And while on a technical level that might be and if is true, on other levels a good manager can have a massive impact.

I am curious whether this will actually impact what is considered safe to consume on a daily basis.

Again, many things are unhealthy and carcinogenic in large quantities. The infamos study showed that Aspartame was causing cancer in mice but the amounts they were given would be like humans eating bags of it every day.

"This ^"