
1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nothing against OP, but man, this is a rough one. This is nothing more than an opinion piece with bad takes.

What a bullshit article. I've highlighted some of it below:

Forums became uninteresting because I was looking for more structured forms of online publishing

Forums are pretty structured. Twitter and the new reddit are way less structured unless you're talking about structured with ads built in. That aside, that's a personal preference not a fact of the internet.

it’s just as uncool as Twitter’s Elon suddenly asking precious dollhairs for API access

if you use "dollhairs" in an actual publication you're going to find it hard to be taken seriously.

As a product owner, all you have to do is try them all, and make a list of all their features to know what Reddit misses. And can you really blame them doing just that, especially in a pre-IPO state? After all, investors will invest in Reddit, not 3rd-party apps piggybacking on its APIs.

They should have built out the feature set and had a good usable app before making the decision then. It was a dumb decision, full stop. Re-reading this it makes even less sense. Who is blaming them for researching 3rd party apps? And, OF COURSE, the investors are investing in reddit. That's why they should have a usable app of their OWN before dropping the ball like this.

While admittedly, good design alone doesn’t improve much the valuation of a product, good design can distract from bigger issues and helps prevent users from flocking to 3rd-party offerings

Good design absolutely adds to the valuation. Like, what? If an app performs as badly as the native app to the point people have no choice but to use 3rd party apps for basic things like, I don't know, MODERATION, you need a drastic overhaul before shutting out those 3rd party apps.

For starters, subreddits going dark — aka making everyone else’s content go private without their consent — could be considered content theft. Imagine, for instance, a Medium publication unpublishing all your articles because their owners suddenly disagree with Tony Stubblebine. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t land well. The same applies here. Many Reddit users find themselves having to side with either Reddit or some small 3rd-party app developer. Pragmatically speaking, a large majority of them will side with the platform owners because ultimately those apps are nothing without Reddit and its API. Going back to Medium as an example, when the Medium Partner Program was introduced, some big publications reacted very similarly, got angry, grabbed their toys and left trying to take with them all their writers. Except it didn’t work, because people ultimately wanted the platform and its reach, which was already proven, as is Reddit’s.

I stopped reading it here. They lost me at this point. The author of this is either playing to reddit's side, has no idea of what's driving the current situation, or a mix of the two. There's no way someone that actually wrote an article about this, and actually researched it, would come away with this take. Comparing a paid service, like Medium, deleting the articles and things you have paid to access is vastly different than shutting down an established forum(subreddit), that voted do so, that was free of charge the entire time. I know they have paid subscriptions and their dumb NFT stuff, gotta pay the bills somehow, but that was such a brain dead take I had to stop.

I haven't read many Medium articles but if they're all this low of effort I don't feel I've missed out on much.


Many Reddit users find themselves having to side with either Reddit or some small 3rd-party app developer. Pragmatically speaking, a large majority of them will side with the platform owners because ultimately those apps are nothing without Reddit and its API.

This part is the part that made me truly stop reading. I could imagine spez writing this himself.

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Reddit, for all of its flaws, is still one of the last true communities on the internet.

Reddit, for all of its flaws, is still was one of the last true communities on the internet.

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Louis Rossmann is a respectable person in the open source/right to repair arena

Oddly enough I can sign back in now? I'm not sure what's going on with it but the timing is suspicious at the very least.

edit: Here's the link that Click Here takes you to

I hadn't heard of this, but I feel like this is the case with most big social media companies atm.

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Welcome to the Navy, here's a broom.

Good to know, I don't think I've heard of it until tonight but I saw enough to figure lol.

I deleted my alt account, this was on my main right after...which will get deleted soon as well

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I think it's a little different, but not by much. Yes, it still contributes content and drives users to the site but it's not content they're looking for and it's inevitably going to die down and that's the part I'm looking forward to.

Make money and kept the dream of more power

I don't remember the level name(I think it was Ash something or something Ashes?) But the part in Control where you go through the confusing rooms with the headphones on is probably one of my favorite levels in any game I've ever played but it definitely lost some of its appeal on a second play through. The worst boss I've every played against has to be that stupid barrel in DKC that just drops two of each enemy you've encountered up to that point in the game. WHO THOUGH THAT WAS A GOOD BOSS IDEA?

I'd rather get the news from leaks when it's actually in production instead of a title screen 3 years before production really starts.

One thing that worries me about this approach is that it's still generating ad revenue. Sure you don't actually see the ads but it's still an incentive for companies to continue running more and more ads.

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hack the planet!

Just think of all the presents you have to buy Jan 1st

Another good classic. Blue dream is great.

Scrubbed and deleted a 12yr account and haven't been back.

I'm generally a lurker but have been more active here on kbin. Lurking for 11+ years on reddit I've seen a lot of changes. It was only getting worse for years by the time this all went down. I saw the same thing over and over and over and over. I'm liking this space a lot more but I don't feel like my life has been disrupted, at least in a negative way. I do spend less time on "social media" but everything feels more organic here, at least so far, and I'm happy with my choice to delete and move on from reddit.

I'd buy it in a heart beat if I saw it on my local menu board.

I just found some durban poison and I've almost ran out. Hope I can find it again, it's been a long time since I've seen it. Fantastic taste and smells even better.

edit: I've just taken another whiff of the the last nug....It's so good. Here's to an og! 🍻

I was gonna reply to @virtasalto but this response is better than anything I would've said.

he idea is to destroy the relationship between the "click through rate" and "conversion rate" of offending sites/ads.

Ah, I didn't think of this part. I was going of off click through rate but didn't think about it destroying the conversion rate

Backblaze is fairly cheap but can be slow to get data from.

I've moved to using my time to watch more movies. I plan on reading but it's a process to get me away from a screen at the moment. I check kbin maybe two or three times a day for about 30min increments. I used to spend hours and hours on reddit, but I like not having to constantly check it. I'm not really active on any other social media site, and reddit was basically my one and only. Now I just pop on kbin from time to time.

...that's why you would only go to a place like that if everyone is down. Having them for people that want to go is fine, no one is forced to go.

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I deleted my alt account a few days ago and just deleted my 11 year account last night. Good riddance.

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PSA: Don't use Chrome, or any browser, to save passwords. Get a password manager like bitwarden. It's very easy to see what your password is with the browser saving them.

edit: for the people downvoting, it literally takes 30-60 seconds to get your email password if you save your passwords in the browser. Once that's done none of your passwords are safe.

I also wouldn't use lastpass personally. They've had some very concerning breaches and I don't feel like they take security serious enough.

I already scrubbed both accounts

Just because one person doesn't want to go to something doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. You're basically saying one person's opinion/choice outweighs an entire group. If those choices constantly put you at odds with the group it might be best to find a group that aligns with your values more. There's also nothing wrong with being friends with the people that want to go to things you don't like, just tag along when they do things you do like. You also don't have to have one set of friends, you can have multiple groups that like to do different things. I'm not pro banning things for the sake of others that can choose not to participate.

I had a pulmonary embolism about 2 years ago, absolutely awful. The fun part was after I went home from the hospital and coughed up a blood clot.

I've wanted one of these for a while but don't do much mobile gaming so it's hard to justify the purchase. I do, however, have a SuperNT and love it. They make great products.

It's just loud right now as it's the hot topic while we watch the fire burn (and the fact a lot of us have just moved over.) It'll die down and people will flow to other communities with the ebb and flow.

They may both be Elder Scrolls games but I have 0 interest in ESO. I'm not an MMO player and never will be. It is a different market. You can have two things set in the same world that have different markets imo.

They won't accept a receipt from eBay, as eBay's not a licensed reseller, and they consider the new, in box item "second hand."

TBF, this should be a given. Assume anything you buy on ebay has no warranty, even if new-in-box. They should still fix it, imo, given it's a known problem but I'm not surprised by them not accepting their receipt and trying to save money where they can.

ungrokable's advice is probably your best option.

My initial thought was something like Elder Scrolls or Fallout, but I think I would be happier in something with a robust building system. Minecraft would work but something like 7 Days to Die would work too and add a bit more challenge. Maybe Valheim, I haven't played a lot of that but the building system seemed good the little I played?

Edit: I think I would choose No Man's Sky, actually. Endless exploration and a semi decent building system.

same, it kept telling me it was an illegal move and that it was white's turn. I WAS TRYING TO MOVE WHITE. There's also the possibility I was just doing it wrong.

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