
3 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

On the other hand, you can play with your hands in completely different locations which is nice for being lazy on a couch.

I think most PowerA controllers don't have gyro or NFC. PowerA is what you're most likely to find as a 3rd party controller.

They actually sent it back to a lower court to classify the charges.

Has this changed? It used to be that sexting was explicitly just referring to sending nudes and the surrounding horny conversation. If you're right, the definition has broadened to include flirting or locker room humor.

What should really happen is Dr Disrespect should release the DMs (after redacting any details of the minor) so we can stop speculating about how bad this is.

Tbh, Lemmy is much more difficult to get into. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't somewhat dogmatically against reddit's shenanigans. My buddy who uses the official app doesn't really care about any of this stuff. Even I feel a bit alienated by Lemmy because it feels so dominated by tech workers. Your average meme-enjoyer is going to see multiple instances, buggy apps, none of their favorite communities and they're going to bounce off it. I like Lemmy but we need to be realistic about how palatable it is.

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There are 2 car-enthusiast subreddits. /r/autos and /r/cars. Years ago they were planning to merge because they were so similar. Some disagreement between the direction caused them to not merge and actually differentiate. Now /r/cars doesn't allow image posts to foster more discussion while /autos can be more about looking at cool cars. I think similar things will happen to Lemmy

I'm a Wikipedia addict but I'm not complaining

Let's say my name is Jerry. I'm a little short but not a lot. My work hired another dude named Jerry and he was absolutely massive. At least 400 lbs. So he became big Jerry and I became little Jerry. I attempted to just be Jerry but they were having none of that.

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Personally, I just find it really disappointing. This Tik Tok issue could have been an opportunity to improve privacy and reduce data collection across the board. Instead, it's a surgical strike in order to not disrupt American tech companies doing the same thing.

What will happen is that Bytedance will sell the US Tik Tok to an American VC firm and it will continue data hoarding as before. This time, the US government will be getting the data instead of the CCP. I'd rather nobody got it.

I think he's the guy who does Zero Punctuation

Torque is an app that can connect to a cheap Bluetooth plug that goes into your car's OBD2 port. You can set up custom gauge readouts, log data, check engine codes, measure power and torque. It was very useful to me when my car was overheating since I could get a coolant temp read out. Also when my alternator died since I could get a voltage readout.

This was part of an overall package including aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan.

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Google will appeal so they haven't won yet. The next jury might believe them to be patent trolls. Who knows.

I'm not vegan, nor am I opposed to leather goods, but this doesn't make sense. You're assuming that leather is strictly a byproduct of the meat industry and given for free to leather suppliers. In reality, they sell the hides. In effect, leather subsidizes meat products by providing the meat industry with extra revenue.

I'm now imagining rgb trains. Mechanical turn styles, high refresh rate info screens, giant AIO coolers.

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Thanks for the injection of reason. I work as an engineer in a manufacturing plant. We're short-staffed with a high turnover. However that's because of the hours, not the pay. This thread is filled with people who think factory workers are manual-labor oppressed people with no upward mobility. It's borderline classist. Factory jobs aren't inherently bad or unhealthy.

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I think the 10 commandments are in Exodus which is also one of the books where God says exactly how you should own slaves. So that would be a weird one.

Is that supposed to be the shrike from Hyperion?

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Reposting my comment from another thread. Remember to bee nice:

Personally, I don't think Trump should be on any ballot because he has a history of undermining democracy. It's self-defeating for a democracy to allow non-democratic actors to participate.

That said, I also agree with the dissenting opinion. Without a conviction of insurrection, a court shouldn't be able to limit democratic participation. That would be denying a person due process. I suspect the supreme court will see it that way too.

If you disagree with me, just imagine how this precedent could be used by the right against a left-leaning candidate. If democracy is limited without a conviction of insurrection, you'll see this applied to candidates on very shaky grounds.

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FGC = fighting game community. A set is a match in a tournament. Usually it's best of 3 or 5 games. Having "godly neutral" means you're really good at getting a hit on your opponent when you're both just walking around fishing for a hit. The rest is something to do with furries I think.

I moved to Chicago at the end of October from the deep south. The past few days the weather has been hovering around 0⁰F and that has been an adjustment. I've figured out the clothing I can wear to bear it. Sunday my feet felt like they were going to fall off after only a few minutes walking around. Last night I had to wait for a bus for like 20 minutes and I was totally fine. I switched boots and it fixed my whole issue with comfort.

I need to leave this thread. Interstellar is my favorite movie of all time.

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We know we aren't an advanced civilization because we don't have a green or blue aesthetic and goat features.

You good bro?

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Torque. It allows you to connect to your car's OBD2 port via a cheap Bluetooth adapter. From the app, you can read and clear diagnostic codes, setup custom gauges, and log data. It was very helpful when my alternator was dying and when my car was overheating. I don't have voltage or coolant temp gauges.

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Many/most guns don't have a safety. It carried, they should be in a holster that covers the trigger. When you draw it, it's ready to fire.

I always heard "Hyrule fight club" referred to as "big dick club"

The proof in court wouldn't exonerate him. Even if the election was rigged against him, he can't do illegal things the take it back.

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IANAL, but it doesn't seem like this is a big deal. DOJ wanted to know if the defense was going to use a particular defense. The judge didn't compel the defense to disclose their defensive strategy. Maybe a lawyer can provide some insight but this seems like a non story.

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He saw that pic of the Pope with drip and it spooked him. This is a joke but that pic actually spooked me. It was the first AI pic I saw that I thought was a real photo.

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Federated alternatives are slowly building steam and people seem to have gotten pretty salty about corporate social media

I think you're overselling the importance of this one. When I've talked to friends about federated alternatives, they really aren't interested. Even if they hated Twitter/reddit and think they've gotten worse, they just don't really care about a federated alternative. I've heard some interest in threads, so maybe we count that?

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If a $2k drone takes out a tank and crew that can't be easily replaced, that's still good bang for buck.

You have to take a very cursory glance to not find differences between Street Fighter 5 and 6. The gameplay systems are very different, 6 has an actually good single player mode, the net code is vastly improved. If you're just looking at the graphics, you're doing the same thing this post is criticizing but for the opposite goal. Street Fighter 6 is one of the AAA home runs, especially when you consider the disasterous launch of SF5.

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If I actually am taking hostages, I'm not using specialty, expensive tape. I'm just using duct tape. I think the name is just spicy branding.

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Other legal proceedings may examine the propriety of his statements and actions while he was the President and whether, as the plaintiffs in this and other cases contend, it was this conduct which served as the actual threat to our democracy. But this case is not the proper place to do so. Here, Trump is entitled to Presidential immunity.

It sounds like he is handing off the presidential immunity decision to a higher court. Can somebody with a legal background say whether this kind of case can go to a higher court?

Are you continuously pregnant?

If you're trying to play with your son, Smash Ultimate is good. It also has a good amount of single-player content.

Are those the only 2 options?