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Joined 1 years ago

Huh? How does this make any sense?

There's a number of unlisted offices that can be assigned to various people who need them... the complex is large.

And Hoyer wasn't ever Speaker so... ?

I guess offices were left empty since Ryan resigned rather than stay as a Member?

Also blaming the Democratic members for the Republican party pushing through rules that allowed one of their more insane to issue the removal vote, and that it was Republicans that spoke in the debate and then basically removed him...

It's petty madness.

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Christie actively helped him with debate prep for 2020 ... even after Stephen Colbert pleaded with him not to...

Again? Thought they called for this back when Scalise was the designee after the first internal vote...

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Coming soon... "I'm a very strong voice for women, and the allegations were about male wrestlers so they don't count. Men can be raped? Huh?"

Yup, he fought that and delayed things to the point he avoided any testimony.

Which makes all his current comments super bullshit given his avoidance of the right time to talk about it all.

Technically that's just a GOP rule... and we know what their reaction is to things like that...

Jenna Ellis ... she's been suspiciously absent from a lot of investigation and reporting ... she dodged the DoJ (so far) and was only mentioned briefly in the Jan 6th Committee hearings.

Good to see that she hasn't been missed off...

I usually fall asleep snuggling my partner's Blahaj.

Somehow there's room on the bed for all of us lol

Sissies in the city will have to gather elsewhere I guess...

At least for these charges the ability to pardon is limited. The governor doesn't have that power.

So your implication here is that a major military counter strike was predicated on the network being extended just as the drones were headed to their targets?

That the strike plan was put into action, and then a request was made to extend the network whilst they were already moving and as they were approaching a point of losing contact?

Does that really make sense to you?

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Congrats! That's a huge step... one I know all to well from my own recent experiences.

Hope all goes well for you ❤️

It's a low day today... struggling hard with gender issues in particular, along with some partner stuff.

Feeling like shit, a bit worthless, that I don't know who or what I am.

I'm nonbinary but when my girlfriend calls me a good girl, I get a special little lovely shiver every time.

Smaller as a percentage of the active electorate. Biden also got more votes than any other candidate before him... but that's not unexpected with a positive population growth.

I'm actually surprised they named the grand jury given how insane the maga cultists are.

There's 30 unindicted co-conspirators ... a good chunk of those appear to be the people that purported to be the legitimate electoral college delegates.

Pretty sure those who were going to flip on the others have done so at this point and they did so to avoid the indictment.

Nice seeing Meadows actually charged, after ducking the DoJ indictments on Jan 6th and his contempt of Congress.

You're doing great! ❤️

Had a bit of a conflict with the other half last night. Didn't sleep well. Feeling exhausted now.

Not really sure how to resolve things and feeling worried about it all.

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The House rules haven't had a change... any amendments to the rules would need to be presented in a motion and voted on by the full House.

In principle he's susceptible to the same threats as McCarthy. However since he's loved by the Treason Causcus and the "moderates" fear making the party look inept with another speaker battle...

And that photo of Donald saluting a North Korean General was worth his weight in gold for propaganda use for them...

McCarthy was the compromise candidate though...

Nope it was confirmed that he's using a local bondsman.

Is his prosecution in Florida biased based on the judge, local jury and location?

It doesn't... but watch for the active accounts that push apathy leading into the next election. It's going to be a common pattern.

Seeing as this has never happened in US history before... well it's going to be a clusterfuck that the parliamentarian will no doubt have to weigh in on multiple times.

I mean when even the federalist society are penning their opinions on various publications supporting such a position...