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This just in: guy whose job it is to sell you a product really wants you to know the product will be good so you'll pre order it

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Because in an industry dominated by yearly rehashed minimum viable products like CoD or AC or Battlefield or the plethora of lootbox infested live services meant to fuck your wallet for easy quick RoI for shareholders, Kojima spends time and resources creating new, novel ideas and taking the artistic medium (yes, games are art despite what capital G Gamers want to say) to new and exciting and interesting places.

This is why Hideo Kojima, Yoko Taro, Fumito Ueda, Hideaki Itsuno, Keiichiro Toyama, Eric Barone, Terry Cavanagh, David Szymanski (etc etc etc, I could go on) all get name recognition.

People always SAY they want games to expand and try new things/don't want the same game every year, but then when someone actually tries, the games get panned as "gimmicky" or "niche" or "pretentious" "pixel graphics indie garbage" or some other flavor of the month phrase gamers use to instantly discredit something that doesn't immediately and specifically cater to every single one of their preconceived demands on what a "game" is and/or should be.

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Giant websites like Reddit don’t die overnight, death by a thousand cuts is how it happens.

No one expects Reddit to shutter in the span of a month or two, but as more and more people get fed up and move, the rest will follow.

Everyone who acts like Reddit can’t crumble when social media changes all the time are silly. Reddit won’t be around forever

The fact that consoles still deal with 'console war' bullcrap is exactly why console gamers continue to lose out.

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The best Disney games have all been licensed games by Square Enix, BioWare, Capcom, etc.

That's why they're going to want to buy those studios.

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That concept immediately makes me think of the card game Fluxx.

He has been. Did you already forget about the marriage law he passed not that long ago?

Yeah how dare consumers expect their products to be good

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Good riddance. E3 offered nothing over just watching trailers on YT except for the multiple hours of advertisements and marketing pushed throughout the convention.

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No thanks, I'd rather just buy it for $6 on Steam and actually have the product in a good platform with all my other games.

$25 for a ~4 hour or so experience might not be most people's cup of tea if they solely base things off of "dollar per hour" ratios (which I think is an insane way to judge a game's worthiness)

However, Jusant was a great game. The varied locations, the music, the little twists on the climbing gameplay, spelunking into little hidden caverns to find shrines and story tidbits of the people's lives before. It was absolutely worth my time. If people stopped worrying about dollar per hour ratiols or graphics or other random arbitrary things that don't really mean anything in terms of a game's quality, games like this would probably score a lot more recognition in the industry

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For 30k monthly users some magazines that seem to be popular for most people (gaming, pcgaming) seem awfully dead

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At least David wasn't using the tragedy to market the game himself, unlike Randy Pitfhford using BLM to get people to buy Duke Nukem games to "get back at pigs"

Assuming that people who routinely criticize these garbage companies somehow “don’t like games” is peak Reddit cope attitude.

We’ll stop complaining when they stop spitting in our faces. Thankfully I can crap all over EA and just go play Monster Hunter while doing it

LotR MMO in the works, but they also made New World and Crucible

It's impressive how they managed to stumble right out of the gate.

Is it? This is Konami we're talking about. This should be what people expect at this point

Are you genuinely saying the buggier a game is the better it is?

That's kinda weird. I've played tons of expansive games that don't have the amount of bugs a Bethesda game has. Beth games are buggy because they know people will buy it and defend it. They have no incentive to put in working QAing their game when people will write 3 paragraphs on the internet white knighting about it

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I think that's the joke.

I love love love picross. I have played so much of it over random various games and browser websites lmao

The employees being treated better under MS is probably the only positive about a trillion dollar conglomerate purchasing multiple of the industry's largest third party publishers in the industry's largest purchase ever.

This acquisition doesn't benefit the average gamer in any actually good way

I doubt it. Epic's exclusive and free games fund has been dwindling year by year since it hasn't actually converted barely anyone to a paying customer.

It's just a big screen strictly for remote play

800p, not 720p, but yes

It's not even a Nintendo Curve (They might have a stronger curve), but the vast majority of the time these large review sites are all in the pockets of publishers (event invites, interviews, exclusive first looks, review copies etc) and in order to keep that gravy train going so their review company doesn't fold means to not bite the hand that feeds too much, even if you have to lie.

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Going from 10,000 bugs to 9,999 bugs would indeed still make it the "fewest bugs" any Bethesda game has ever had.

I'm looking to grab the Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remasters pack specifically, anything past that will just be an impulse purchase

I believe they were taken down shortly after going up

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I don’t think we have anything to worry about with Steam. It’s privately held, so they aren’t bound by investors or shareholders squeezing them to wring out infinite growth and ROI every quarter

Nothing of value was lost. I never watched it anyway because I find it just glorifying marketing and being advertised to. I always just waited until E3 was done and just check a list of what was announced. Saves time and I don't have to see all the cringy speeches or influencers or anything

We more or less got HL3 in Half Life: Alyx. People can deride it for "not being a real Half Life game" because they personally don't like VR or something, but it's pretty much HL3

Mostly just Valve specific software implements to make the experience better. SteamOS has a really good suspend/resume sleep feature where you can just power off the Deck during a game like any other console, then when you hit the power button again it just lights back up to where you were in the game.

Not sure if that's in any other distro

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Really stupid that a company can be forced to do business with someone they don't want to do business with. Epic is a stain on gaming and anything else they tried to claw their way into, and would rather be slimy anti competitive trogladites led by their manchild Tim Sweeney trying to steal peices of the pie in a market rather than actually provide honest to goodness products and services that people want to use.

EGS is 6 years in and is still a complete failure on any competition metrics, and yet they want to employ the same anti competititve practices on iOS? Good luck I say, computer literate people don't even use EGS, imagine how many people will forego sideloading on iOS while they have to pay to maintain their new app store.

Didn't they already offer a "Epic Games Store" on Android since that's open and allows sideloading already? And Android is an OS more prone to sideloading and that store still failed miserably.

Just because you're okay with 30FPS doesn't make it "fine" or "good" either. Higher FPS is objectively better. Period. That means 30FPS is bad, when the other options is 60FPS (Or higher, because the console is being DIRECTLY MARKETED to the consumers as a 60FPS-120FPS console)

Nobody was motion sick or got eye strain.

Wow, I didn't realize you could speak on behalf of everyone's personal reaction to FPS

That’s a very fair point

Gamers like to say they hold companies accountable for their actions, but when you make a YouTube channel about doing it you become "toxic" and "don't even like video games" or some shit.

That is unless you're TotalBiscuit? And then it's okay for some reason and people want him to come back?

They don't really have any consistency in their morals.

This is my plan. It's gonna take a while but I plan on grabbing the Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster bundle on Steam when the summer sale starts and just go from there.

I even kinda wanna play Mystic Quest

Well of course, he's a comedian. But it's still a subjective opinion on the game, like anyone else's opinion.

You don't want reviewers to see who is "right" and who is "wrong". You watch reviewers so you can find people with similar tastes as yours for educated judgment from someone who knows the genre like you do.

They're a public company. their shareholders are the customers they have to please. Not you.

Yeah how dare consumers expect feature parity with games on a device that Microsoft said require feature parity so the same product gets the same features regardless of which one you buy.

That's...bad for some reason.

That's a great idea, why is no one talking about this?

Because why would you buy a digital PS5 and a blu ray drive when you can just buy the disc PS5 and not have to deal with an external blu ray drive?