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Joined 1 years ago

TIL I'm a Satanist.

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All I see is a fellow ISO 8601 enjoyer (for dates). Edit: sadly not for time. Filthy AM/PM enjoyer 😅

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So much corporate vomit. Jeez.

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I'll move to TempleOS

Have a downvote you fucking assclown.

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Aww yiss hot tub stream

That and the stupid Hyundai always looking like it just rolled out of the shop.

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Yes, that and for most databases as well, easy sorting shit no extra rules or frameworks to make it make sense to the computer.

I was thinking more like the patient will die, like all of the monkeys did, he'll then take the brain and put it in the Tesla. Problem solved. I mean it all makes sense because this subject has already been learning to play Mario kart. Weehee in your Tesla

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Kokosnoten zijn geen specerijen

We're rich

This is how he intends to get full self drive teslas

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Are we, ze baddies?

Also, Wendy's had this issue as well in Europe, but their issue was about their actual company name.

Yeah, but not quite. I'd never buy one because of this though.

Fun fact: I'm an online marketeer.

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Because of the movie 'A country for old men' /s

I disagree /s

Maybe I'm born with it, maybe it's Maybelline.

Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.

Why do you pretend then? Also an expression I couldn't care less about... Oh wait...

As fast as the slowest denominator in your LAN. So give the PC that you're going to host this on a decent Ethernet card and you should be flying.

I guess I never stopped. Still have subs though, but might cancel that somewhere in the future.

It's free and just as easy. You miss a few plex only features but they're not worth their money. Although I did get a lifetime license for 75$. Otherwise plex is too expensive if it's the monthly sub for the pass. Feature wise, but thats probably personal.

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Haha I wish, but I get where you're coming from

Agree, but I also read that it was in the review guide they provided for reviewers that apparently everyone missed.

Such a great show, only seen it first nearing my 40's. Beautiful

Oh my god haha. So relatable. And then they complain about progress on your core tasks for which they hired you. Eh, whenever that happens I point out to them that it's not in my job description and that I did them a favor. Shuts them up most of the times about the part where I was hired for.

I know this one. Thanks for sharing.

Ah yes, the expanse was peak for me too

  • I'm using the Pixel 7.

  • I'm happy with it. Best qualities are the camera and the worst is charge time.

  • I've been using Xiaomi devices, main label as well as Pocophone and Redmi labels. Worst was their data hoarding which I blocked with a pi-hole and vpn always on. Best is their hardware and price. Was great fully charing a 5000+ mAh battery within 30 minutes.

  • When it breaks or when there's a good deal and I have the current phone for over a year.

  • I still have a huami watch but don't use it anymore. Nothing else.

  • No apple golden cage shit for me hehe. Windows 11 on my desktop and have a home server with unRAID on it. So both windows and Linux I guess.

Thanks for this initiative.

I'm one of the vice versa. Fine motor left handed, strength right handed. But yeah not ambidextrous. Even the cart wheel hand is the opposite. I find it interesting that exactly these subjects are vice versa.

Russia was already building their army back then hehe

Why not both? 🤷

Please elobrate.

Can't say that I know for sure, but could be that the app doesn't support this (yet)?

A little late but we all are svelte ppl yeah baby yeah. Edit: Svelte swedish, just to clarify. Means starved. Yeah. Now you know. Starved for knowledge yeah

At least horses do have selfdriving if you're going home wasted from the pub.

Probably not what you wanted to hear or see, but this is why managers are there. Exactly why you said the boss of the manager is an ass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnsRU3JJ_rs