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Joined 6 months ago

It's almost like trying to run the world on social media was a shit tier idea.

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And people wonder why there's so much push back against everything corps/gov does these days. They do not act in a manner which encourages trust.

Night Elves in Warcraft 3: Murderous xenophobic amazons.

Night Elves in World of Warcraft: Bubbly hippie chicks.

Should have just said that it already has female dwarfs and refused to elaborate.

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All of it, because apparently humans were wholly unprepared for using computer technology responsibly.

I've seen a living zombie hoard before, at a dump in Nicaragua where they lived. I was told they got high on sniffing shoe glue, which literally causes the brain to decay while they're still "alive," but they just shambled around in a big mob, seemingly aimlessly, with glue smeared under their noses.

I can't wait until people find out that you don't even need to train it on secrets, for it to "leak" secrets.

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I found some of my favourite bands by downloading mislabelled songs on limewire.

They're not bugs, they're features.

RIOT and LoL is one of the worst I've seen for this, which is ironically probably contributing to the problem as it chases decent people away while toxic PoS feel right at home since it's tailored for them specifically. You can get an excessively toxic player on your team who is actively working as hard as he can to make you lose, but he knows how to game the system and avoid their filters, but if you tell him to fuck off now you're stuck in their secret "toxic queue" and you just get worse and worse players on your team.

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Reminds me of the "Island Sanctuary" feature added to Final Fantasy XIV, where you were promised your very own tropical paradise to visit and decorate. Ended up being little else to do there other than build and manage factories.

Using old vodka bottles for water.

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If you happen to enjoy spending your time listening to your so-called team mates actively trying to force a surrender vote because your bot lane got one less minion kill on the first wave than the other team's mid laner.

It worked pretty well for what it was created to do, then corporations and governments thought they could profit off of it. I assume they were also concerned that people were starting to talk about things they didn't want people to talk about, like their penchant for buying and selling children.

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Tried vanilla Daggerfall again recently, and it's a great hit of nostalgia, but definitely felt the age pretty hard. This mod looks amazing.


This shit needs to die.

Yea, seems like a fun and quirky feature, but unfortunately I don't think there's anything big tech companies can do at this point to turn things around with public opinion given how utterly egregious their other sins have been (and continue to be).

Thumb ball master race chuckles with amusement as they look down upon this post from Olympus.

I think I've used Amazon a grand total of twice in my life. Got a cheap knockoff of what I actually ordered both times.

Copy/paste someone else's code into your own project then play games/watch anime for a while.

Especially when they get it wrong constantly.

Language learning models are all about identifying patterns in how humans use words and copying them. Thing is that's also how people tend to do things a lot of the time. If you give the LLM enough tertiary data it may be capable of 'accidentally' (read: randomly) outputting things you don't want people to see.

I don't need to excuse your imagination.

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Because people aren't one dimensional objects.

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I can understand what you mean.

I suppose on my end the reason that social media exists was as a forum for open communication with strangers that you would never actually meet in real life, generally to discuss interests and hobbies, or to just shoot the shit. I've never viewed it as a platform for replacing the methods we already had for communicating with people we did know in real life, such as phone, or just meeting with them face to face.

You are once again building a flawed model of the dynamic at play here in an attempt to ease the discomfort you feel from encountering something that doesn't make sense to you (why did I choose to join this community?). I'm not even attempting to build any counterarguments because the responses I've gotten don't even attempt to understand what I've said in the beginning. To be utterly frank I just lack respect for people who think of themselves as any flavour of anarchist while still dreaming of a system as thoroughly rigid as the artificially created Internet. You pretend to hate the system while desperately trying to invent excuses for continuing to make yourself at home within it.

potentially harmful

Oh for fuck sake. No, failing to give a voice to the hypochondriacs who bleat about every medical condition under the sun in any random social media thread isn't "potentially harmful" by any stretch of the imagination. Frankly, constantly obsessing over such things is itself causing harm.

Same sort of deal as "anarcho-communist" operating systems. @@

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Do you think Capitalists designed hardware, or Engineers?

I'm just gonna leave this quote as is, so you can think about it.

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No, it can run on many things, including open source collaborative hardware that exists

Please explain to me where this "open source collaborative" Internet hardware is on which you run your bitcoin network.

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It's actually a really good analogy, because it can only run on fully-capitalist hardware.

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