10 Post – 349 Comments
Joined 4 years ago


I have scores hidden and block at the first sign of asshattery, say what you gotta say in the first.

"Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer."

hey pcgamer, thanks for not using goatse in the preview. fucking 404media, not even a CW.

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I'm no fanboy but Windows just sucks for anything portable. At first I was exited to see how manufacturers would pivot to adopt linux for their portables. Now it's just watching flop after flop.

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I just installed gnome on my laptop because they kept spamming the copilot shit.

I use my os to get started on what im doing, not fuck around with all the repeating notifications that can't be disabled.

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“we can often tell within three months or less of a sales hire, even during the holidays, whether they're going to be successful or not”

Did not cancel their Christmas vacation, fire them immediately.

there's people that don't like music.

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lol hexbear is leaking again

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I met trans folk in high school and that's all it took to push me out of a massive billion dollar cult.

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ive never had to think about clipboard buffers until i used a modal editor.

now i spend %60 of my time trying to figure out where the copied symbol went.

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Because I can't dismiss the Firefox update notification, no matter how many times I update it.

I've had to reboot every time.

Which, way to go you've reimplemented windows xp era updates.

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no one fucks with the guy holding a bright ass flashlight. mostly because theyre blind now.

I'd settle for an open source friend app but I doubt it would be better than bumble for friends.

you get the same issue anywhere, no one is serious about meeting up in person.

I have enough online friends.

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lmk when they bother to federate.

otherwise it’s just a worse twitter.

sitting in cars with a cape sucks.

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I like how y'all just believe something is classified.

also this post is ancient.

KISS launcher is the easiest way to avoid Google search.

TrackerControl is the easiest way to just disconnect an app from the internet.

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being able to reproduce crashes or bugs then documenting will help a lot.

i just dont have the time to decipher vague tickets from users.

take a look at open issues and see if you can reproduce them.




“Any concerns or complaints about the associated underlying public policy and statutory requirements should be addressed to members of the Utah Legislature.”

I read that as they want more bull testicles.

does it make you wanna vomit when you smell it?

otherwise cut off the offending bits and you'll be fine.

the part you see anyways is just the fruiting, the fungi was there before it ever got to the store.

suspend will always be broken on windows.

even distro like Ubuntu can't s0 properly because of hardware issues.

valve specifically fixed this for the steam deck and no one else has bothered.

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i stopped tipping when i was double charged for the tip included.

i tried keeping track of each POS that included gratuity but i can only get burned so many times before i stop using that stove altogether.

not mentioned:

facebook will make the social web liable when federating their content and use us as fodder for their regulation grievances.

the whole point of threads is to work around international regulations.

it’s weird that android and ios already provide this but THE container standard doesn’t

props to senator wyden for declassifying this shit. oregon picks good ones.

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That's the one!

I was a good boy scout and the church had me putting up prop 8 signs all over the neighborhood in southern california. I had no idea what they were, something about people getting married which seems in consequential to me but that's how I earned my allowance.

When I showed up to school that week one of the people in our friend group had a bunch of them and was tearing them up. When they noticed my irritation they told me the prop was to stop them from getting married which seemed backwards. Sure enough, that's what the law was and then I wanted to become a lawyer to stop that insufferable shit.

I never became a lawyer, I work with lawyers more than enough.

it's kinda hard to give a fuck about public health regarding cannabis when watching the complete apathy for COVID precautions.

oh, cannabis makes some people think slower? you sure that wasn't brain damage from a deadly virus?

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then theyre all ignored by x-clip


that’s not what a body slam is. dude should be fined but i doubt he could lift the orca let alone body slam them.

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that sounds like a completely fabricated justification to execute someone.

7% over 4 years is really fucking good?

most restaurants dont last a year, including franchises.

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nah, this is how the web was always designed to work.

I've always been fascinated how ADHD is the disorder that gets singled out for over diagnosis but not ASD.

AFAIK there's not much in the way of pharma treatments for ASD so public policy couldn't care less about it.

There's money to be made in demonizing ADHD.

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a used thinkpad is a solid bet

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threads will never federate.

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We overfill them so you can't use them. Malicious compliance.

installing i386 packages on an x86_64 install has always been more annoying than it should be.

that’s not what drag queen means.

also not the first.

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