3 Post – 126 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The biggest crime against shared knowledge ever committed is photobucket fucking off with the pictures in every "how to fix this car problem" forum post.

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It's not that we're not making profit, it's that we're not making ENOUGH profit.

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Ahh yes, Big Bend, the tiny town where businesses fly "FUCK JOE BIDEN" flags. Surely this is place for adults with reasonable opinions.

The American car companies haven't exactly been stellar with regards to quality, reliability, and safety lately either.

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Sure wish if I had a 500 dollar speeding ticket I could just say "nah I'll give you 60 bucks"

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This can only be a publicity stunt, and at that, he was too much of a puss to have an actual gun on him.

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I see this in a lot of places I do work:

Toolboxes covered in union stickers, AND Trump stickers...

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Are we all forgetting that Boeing most likely had a witness testifying them executed in a parking lot a few weeks ago?

I am an evangelist for these. I have a set of the aftershokz and I wear them like a watch, always on my head. I do a lot of work in different kinds of factories, forges, power plants, etc which are all places earplugs are required. No big deal with bone conducting headphones, I can listen to my podcasts while I work. A bonus too is the kind I ended up with can connect to two phones, so my work phone and personal phone don't need two different headsets. The only downside is when I have to take a flight somwhere they aren't really loud enough to fight the sound of the plane so you have to wear earplugs. But the upshot is people generally leave you alone if yer wearing earplugs which is nice. I grab handfuls of them from our customers anyways so it's double not a big deal.

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At what point does this become, in itself, obstruction of justice?

Nuclear power in general.

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I don't blame the museum for calling the bomb squad. The fuel they put in those things is some real nasty toxic shit that if there were any trace left would be problematic. The whole "nuclear" part is the media being intentionally clickbaity.

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The more robust legitimate economy Mexico builds for itself the less power the cartels have.

This thing is going to have like a minute and a half worth of battery life.

How many times do I have to see this fuckin "chained to a chair" bullshit copy pasted around here 😂

I'm on your side, but comments like these are nonsense and help nobody.

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They completely whiffed on the most important and obvious part. That whole article could be replaced by the words "THEY'RE TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE".

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I'd love to see a breaking bad style dram based on this haha.

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To be honest, a mini pc/wireless kb and the internet.

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More like, until the Chinese weasel their way into the US market with cheaper-than-used cars to undercut the legacy auto makers. 10 years or so, it'll happen. And the big 3 will be begging for bailouts again. That is unless they smarten up and remember what made Ford what it is today.

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It cost damn near 40 bucks to get two Jimmy John's sandwiches delivered. I could make 40 sandwiches for that price.

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Last time this happened they said they don't interfere in state election law. Surely they wouldn't change their minds now that it's a liberal state SC ruling would they...?

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That's great, but a hundred bucks says they'll be ad free for those subscribers for 5 years or so and then they will creep back in, then you'll need a Facebookplus+ subscription to get rid of the ads.

Am I crazy to not be excited in the slightest for this? To me it seems that every sequel to a huge title that has come out lately has been hugely half passed because the studio that made the original doesn't really exist anymore.

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Maybe we can finally get legal weed 🙄

There's a picture of a man holding a chainsaw that's never used a chainsaw.

I Dunno man I think this is really one where just not going to bowlero would do the trick. Maybe it's different because I'm in the midwest, but there are plenty of places way better and cheaper than bowlero and I think the local populous knows. Because the bowlero by me is only ever full if a company is doing an event there. Otherwise the general consensus is "wtf no I don't want to go to the loud dark bowling alley with 9 dollar drinks and microwave wings"

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Did we learn nothing from Foxxcon?

And fucking student loan debt.

With John Stewart as VP. He said he doesn't want to be president but VP? Let's fuckin goooo

Let's hope this slow drips into using that trump jet to fly these ballots.

Is it possible to get these pi's for that price now though? Because I member 2 years ago looking at paying rediculous scalper pricing for a pi to run octoprint on, and by the grace of my brother having a spare one was able to avoid spending 150 bucks on scalper bullshit.

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Cope boats

"Disable your adblocker to continue"

Yeah no thanks.

Another Minivan missing part of its roof. For fuck sakes car makers, electric Ford ranger Chevy S10 sized vehicle. For a reasonable price. The Maverick proves that people want and will buy pickups that size.

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played piano with his dick Oof Alex Jones listener detected. I sure have noticed recently the right wing trolls must have just found lemmy.


It gets better. Things like the geo metro were able to get rediculous mpg just by being light and simple. No electric motors necessary. Makes you wonder how far we've slid backwards now that we're accepting 30mpg as good.

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Does this have any teeth or is it another furrowed brow?

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Check the coffin...