Joe Bidet

0 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Random Joe, or should I say... GNU/Joe

I think it should always add:

"I am sorry*, Dave,* but i cannot .... "


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All culture belongs to everyone, therefore should be accessible to everyone.

The sale of goods only concerns those who can and want to afford it.

Sharing is not theft.

Pirates are cool.

The thing I find hard to convey is that FLOSS software is superior to proprietary software for many reasons, most of which are non-technical: FLOSS software is superior to proprietary software if it isn't spying on you, if it's governance is collective, if it's not build to make you pay for things that should be free, if it lets you decide where your data goes, etc...

we're often missing the point when we attempt at side-by-side comparison of FLOSS and proprietary software.. It's usually one-dimentional, and playing on our opponent's field: these companies racketing their users based on rent-based exploitative business models will always have more resources than independant developpers to improve "UX/UI"... so I think this must not be the only prism through which reading these things.

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In last 5 years for me:

  • a pair of decent (second hand) speakers
  • a cheap (blue switches ftw) mechanical keyboard
  • a standing desk
  • an ergonomic chair

(sorry it's not single item...)

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money has a flourish of ROMsets for old machines!

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as said before: backup first. the rest afterwards...

The goal is to collectively free humans from the enslavement and dangers that proprietary computing represents.

It's a collective fight for freedom. Then of course we must continuously question and revise the tactics, and invent new ways of funding, sustaining, supporting, etc... the goal.

What are the challenges posed by moderation (and admin in general) that you didn't think of when launching the first instance?

(and: How can things get improved, how can people help?)

bittorrent! <3

2 more... is promising, with great privacy/anonymity concepts at its core:

  • no identifyer like a phone# or an email address needed
  • little to no metadata transiting by the server
  • identity management ("incognito" identities generated in one click when joining a group for instance, management of several identities), all database/client-side.
  • works with any server, through tor by default. different servers used to send/receive messages.
  • android/ios/linux-tui/linux-desktop/macos/windows versions available
  • in Haskell, so no node/electron shtf#ckery (just a different shtf#ckery... ;)) )
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Let's start mirroring and torrenting full ROMsets!

fermenting? to make healthy, cheap, useful, durable and more importantly delicious foods?


old thinkpad FTW!

got a T430s for 115Euros one year ago

The Secret of the Monkey Island

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do you think a company like, that injects its javascript in between given site and you, will hesitate one second before transmitting its data with the FBI (or any other police), and help them tracking users down?

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Last generation emulation console (A*bernic). All history of video games up to PS1 in my pocket/backpack <3

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...You wouldn't download a car?!

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1/ publishing evidence of the Clinton campaign actively undermining Sanders who was then the natural candidate of the Democrats according to their internal polls (including by using antisemitic slur) + actively boosting Trump campaign because "it's the only one we can beat" is "throwing the US presidential election to the Republicans"? How this genuine, authenticated information of public interest, published in the New York Times and WaPo is throwing the US elections more than the facts that were being reported?

2/ "worked with Russian intelligence" is absolute nonsense. What is your source on that? The Muller report says the opposite. If anything it is possible (but not proven) that the source may have been from within Russian intel, but a) Assange mentioned several times -way before that episode- that the entire architecture of WL made it impossible for them to actually know their sources, and we have all reasons to believe that (as it would be the smartest thing to do) b) if any journalist gets documents that are authentic and of public interest, regardless of the source, their duty is to publish it. If a Russian intelligence source had provided fake, doctored or otherwise altered material, and they would have been published as such, it would have been a real scandal. In the facts we are still talking of ground-breaking journalism.

I still can't figure that some people cannot realize that Hillary Clinton did all she could to actually lose this election on her own (this and a fundamentally fucked up electoral system), and are actually finding scapegoats like Assange to avoid looking at this reality in the eyes...

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Sid Meier's Civilization!

+1 Kobo or PineNote

Maybe next year! :)

RIP :((

Few programmers leave such an impressive legacy....

(Could someone paste the message here, out of the Google hell?)

WARNING: contains some

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wait.. no alpine apk?! :)

Because it's run by the people for the people! :)


sounds like pure intimidation to me.

1/ one could have "never received this letter"

2/ one could decide not to pay, and then what? will they go to court? based on what evidence?

3/ if it ever goes to court, "i don't know, i wasnt even home that day" should always work no?

i don't understand while in some countries (actually only one that i know of, Germany) people seem to be terrified by this lawyer's spam...

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more on the topic: (that greatly predates the coining of the confusing, narrowing term "open source" as an attempt to replace/erase the philosophical goals of free/libre software)

You can say straight off the Amiga port is superior, as it displays "Elite" the whole time! ;)


A second hand laptop like T430S

to not get employed ever again is a good place to start.

cooking! finding out about good ingredients and how to make them even better! fermenting too...


same here.

my first switch from x to wayland was on the pinephone and that convinced me to make the big jump elsewhere. that feeling of snappiness you describe, from not having all the screen refreshed all the time i gues...?