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Joined 1 years ago

He’s rich not because of his salary (what Reddit pays him). He’s rich because of his equity/ownership in Reddit. But he can only monetize that if there are buyers.

For years this wasn’t a problem because private buyers and banks were happy to buy his shares or lend against them as collateral. However that market has been drying up over the past 18 months.

So he desperately needs to get to an IPO so he, and his Board of Directors and other stockholders, can dump their shares on an unsuspecting retail public market that doesn’t realize that the “profitability” was only achieved by destroying the user base, and that what they’ve actually bought is a ticking time bomb.

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…there’s an inside. It’s a concert venue. They make money by selling people tickets to shows.

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Build the trains, assholes.

…there’s an inside. It’s a concert venue. They make money by selling people tickets to shows.

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Headline is wrong. The article makes it clear that it’s in exchange for prisoners in Israeli jails PLUS a truce.

Last week there was an effort from the Qatari brothers to release the enemy captives from women and children, in return for the release of 200 Palestinian children and 75 women detained by the enemy" Abu Ubaida, the spokesman for the armed wing of Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades, said in an audio recording posted on the group's Telegram channel.

"The truce should include a complete ceasefire and allow aid and humanitarian relief everywhere in the Gaza Strip," he said.

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There are no Starlinks in Gaza. And there won’t be so long as the war is going on. But Elon can’t let something happen in the world without trying to make it about him.

Stupid news orgs continue to lap up his verbal diarrhea.

Should I shop at the Target, Wal-Mart or the CVS instead?

There are no “local” stores near me. Just massive corporations who treat their employees like shit. Costco is the exception to the treating-their-employees-like-shit rule, but sometimes I don’t need a lifetime supply of an item.

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On October 7, Hamas (as well as random Gazan “civilians”) murdered hundreds of Israeli civilians in their homes (including children), raped women and took hundreds of hostages…but THIS is fake?

Hamas then sold the three kidnapped Bibas family members (a 9 month old, a 4 year old, and their mother) to the PFLP after the kidnapping. Hamas has said that there will be three dead bodies returned today as part of the swap. And yet you think this is “fake”?

...the hostage's statements after 8 weeks in captivity is not enough for you? What would satisfy you?

The claim isn't "Lasers shot out of his eyes" or something sensational. The claim is "My jailer was a teacher with 10 kids who is paid by the United Nations in his dayjob." Why does that statement require extraordinary levels of proof?

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So let me tell you about Ralph Nader in 2000…

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I switched from Chrome to Edge and initially was really impressed. But then Microsoft had to go and Bing it all up. So now it’s back to Firefox after a 15 year hiatus.

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In short, a toxic stew of Christian millenarianism and realpolitik containment of the Soviet Union.

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…how…how do you post on Lemmy?

You do realize that this is likely to become a 3 front war. Lebanon in the north. And Bibi has to cowtow to his settler base in the West Bank.

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If you get three lemons then you get to have a Lemon Party!

Yes. See that big black smoldering mess behind that white building? That is (was?) the Banyan Tree.

Every other time their Arab neighbors went to war for the Palestinians it did not work out well for them

Not just didn’t work out for them. The PLO turned around and tried to overthrow two of the neighboring countries: Jordan in 1970 and Lebanon in the 80s.

Taken by force? It was taken by force 56 years ago. Since then the Palestinian population in Gaza has increased about 7-fold.

And there were already Israeli settlements there. They were dismantled in 2005 and the settlers forcibly removed by Sharon’s government.

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If you don’t trust the Israeli government, the whole thing was live-streamed.

That footage was subsequently rebroadcast on Al-Jazeera.

There’s a number of other angles you can find on the birdsite too.

And yes, if someone was talking about it on a radio, I’d expect Israeli sigint to pick it up. This is not their first rodeo. They’ve been the occupying power in Gaza for 56 years. That’s what made the Hamas massacre so shocking: how on earth did they miss the planning for two years.

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Spez is Steve Huffman aka Pig Boy. He is current CEO of Reddit and one of the founders. Users largely blame him for the enshittifcation of Reddit over the past couple years in pursuit of profit.

Aaron is Aaron Swartz. He was also a co-founder of Reddit. He was very dedicated to the idea that knowledge should be open and free. He got caught downloading JSTOR articles in violation of JSTOR’s ToS. The feds charged him with CFAA felonies and faced 35 years in federal prison. He killed himself while awaiting trial. Really sad shit.

The implication is that Aaron never would have stood for this sort of profit-motivated enshittification.

For more about Aaron

That’s not an answer to my question: what evidence would satisfy you?

The testimony of a survivor is not an “opinion piece built on assumptions.” Would you say that a rape survivor’s account is an “opinion piece built on assumptions” if reported in the press?

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100% Dr. Banjo

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore

I don’t want your cookies. I want privacy.

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Wonder if it was the mods or the OP that deleted it.

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Addicted to novelty. My adhd is unread email of zero but hundreds of “read” emails that I need to respond to.

This is actual reporting. It was reported by Almog Boker on Channel 13 in Israel. Or is “actual reporting” some kind of new Hamas dog-whistle?

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Modelo is AB InBev outside the US. Inside the US, it’s Constellation Brands, which is totally different company. So it’s not the same company in the US.

5 seconds of Googling shows that the Aztec and Inca both had ceremonial headdress/crown for the ultimate ruler. 5 seconds of Googling about the Maya and the Seneca did not turn up anything.

Thorstein Veblen (19th century sociologist) would probably explain the crown/headdress prevalence around the world as a form of conspicuous consumption (he coined the term). The ruler wears a ridiculous and impractical headdress that “wasted” hours and hours of labor to show his dominance, wealth, prestige and ability to waste (and coerce). I’m not a sociologist but I have read his Theory of the Leisure Class and it fits very cleanly in his theory.

Now why a crown and not a breastplate, eg? No idea. Maybe it’s simply the most conspicuous and ridiculous thing one can wear that serves absolutely no practical purpose (whereas a breast plate could be useful in war)

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Are we talking about the same Sharon that Palestinians hold responsible for the Sabra and Shatila massacre? And the same Sharon whose visit to Al-Aqsa was rightly or wrongly said to be the proximate cause of the Second Intifada (and which ultimately allowed him to come to power)? The same Sharon who built the wall between the West Bank beyond the Green Line effectively annexing large chunks of land in all but name? That Sharon? Just want to make sure that we’re talking about the same guy

Speaking from my own experience running local cameras, timestamps aren’t always accurate due to admin misconfig or admin laziness

But if we’re going to say that’s not the right footage, why is Al-Jazeera broadcasting it? To me, it doesn’t seem to square with their narrative, so why show it to their viewers at all?

Also, you don't HAVE to pick more than one.

In my experience that’s where people can get confused. We switched to ranked choice voting in university student government elections and that idea was not well-explained for the first election. We eventually got the hang of it though.

Still a bit surprised that it’s the Democrats objecting to this one. It might be a function of them having a near stranglehold on local DC government, and not necessarily indicative of how they’d react in more competitive states.

Thank you for making my point. That’s not salary. That’s equity sold in a secondary.

“Anyone well familiar with the history of the conflict” doesn’t describe the vast majority of opinions I’ve found on the internet so I felt it was important to clarify since the headline is misleading at best.

Secondly, I think the calculus has changed. Netanyahu used to have no problem propping up Hamas. So, sure, trade Yahya Sinwar and a thousand other prisoners for Gilad Shalit. In Netanyahu’s mind, that will only help destabilize the PA and allow him to keep building settlements in the West Bank. That strategy came home to roost on October 7.

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Please…enlighten us

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Wait. I can use my Apple TV as a VPN server? Did I understand you right? That would be a nifty redundancy tool for me if my main wireguard server goes down.

Edit: I guess I should’ve just RTFarticle:

But look at it this way: your Apple TV device is a capable little computer, and it stays connected to your tailnet even when it’s not in active use. Download and configure Tailscale now and you can securely route any of your other devices’ traffic through your Apple TV — and by extension, through your home internet connection — even when you’re on the other side of the planet. Whether you want another layer of security and privacy on sketchy Wi-Fi networks or just want to connect back through your personal internet connection when you’re on the road, you’re set with the Apple TV as an exit node.

So sounds like the tv doesn’t act as a server natively but I can use tailscale to leverage the tv to do that. I’ve never seriously looked at tailscale as wireguard generally worked well for me. Guess it’s worth a look.

Edit: I’ve now switch to Tailscale and am happy with it BUT the Apple TV support is lacking. While you can make it a node, you can’t get subnet access through an Apple TV node yet. So you can’t use an Apple TV to access other machines using their subnet IPs — i.e. no home LAN access.

The actual problem was that Ariel Sharon, who dismantled the settlements in Gaza and had begun to do the same in the West Bank, had a stroke. He was comatose and never recovered. Subsequent PMs have either lacked political capital to stop building (Olmert), or have actively encouraged it (Netanyahu).

Shorting an IPO. Lol. The float will be tiny until the lockup comes off.

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I replaced an old prebuilt Windows Home Server with a custom built server running unraid about…7 years ago. unraid has been rock solid for me. Great product. Very scalable for the home user.

Highly recommend unraid and it’s well worth the one time license fee.

Interesting that posts where anti-Hamas views are upvoted get removed (the post that was just removed about 9-month old Kfir Bibas being killed in captivity), but the posts where anti-Hamas views get downvoted stay up. Funny that.

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