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Joined 1 years ago

I was a nerd in the 80s and 90s when some actually smelled like this AND IT WAS A BAD THING

Welcome, all, to the first post on Lemmy I have ever saved.

Dear Biden Campaign,

Joe has done good work and it's time to rest and enjoy his remaining time with his family. He can't win it. Please fake a medical emergency so he can drop out with some dignity and let Harris run with it.

Signed, Don't Want My Trans Kids Jailed Or Killed

I started with one recipe: split pea soup. I got this recipe from a coworker, followed the instructions exactly and started with a success. This made me want to try other things, and I got turned onto Good Eats with Alton Brown, easily the most entertaining and informative cooking show.

Then I just started collecting and trying recipes. I eventually got enough experience to try modifying recipes and toying around with ideas.

Especially at the start, recipes are your friend. Try a broad array of them, follow them exactly, and get the experience. Also, use tools. Yes, people can punch a steak to see if it’s about done, but that will never beat a thermometer.

If you’re into baking, avoid recipes that don’t use weight as a measure of ingredients. Those recipes get different results every time.

These are the best tips I have for starting out. As you get experience, discard the ones that no longer apply.

My wife is absolutely my best friend and everything I do is better if she is there.

I am, however, just starting to come off the effects of the pandemic. I have acute social anxiety and thought I had weathered the lockdown well because not being able to go out and do things is my comfort zone. However, as things became less dangerous and restricted, I found that my social anxiety had way worsened (like two extra medications worsened) and it was difficult for me to even do some of the social things I had been used to pre-pandemic.

I was able to ignore it because of my strong relationship with my wife until my only other nearby friends moved to Illinois. That’s when I realized that I had no friends except for my wife, and I was in danger of using her as a replacement for my own social life. I didn’t want to force that unfair responsibility on her, so I decided to try to get back in touch with a friend that drifted, and started going to a local game store to play MTG.

I’m now far outside of my comfort zone, but having a good time netting new people and playing a game that I kinda missed.

I guess the point I’m making is that, yes, it’s easy to fall into that trap of using a significant other as your social outlet, but it’s unfair to them and you should do everything in your power to avoid it.

No Luz and Amity?

Factory default, but at least I'm compatible with all other models.

He's Nikolai Volkoff, right?

Anyways, yes. This is very likely completely innocent. However, the idiots that are making a big deal of it will have an effect on the wierd-ass magats. It will likely send them into a mental spiral

I think it looks great and am super excited!

There are no songs that would make me stab myself in the ear.


I hope I'm not the only one who, at a glance, read that as Beyonce and not Binance.

I thought she was like fuck it and went rogue.

Supported her for state Senate, will vote for her for Congress.

What about his cat?!