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No big business utilities? PG&E is worth $35 billion. Duke Energy is close to $70 billion. The list goes on. These are fortune 500 companies that employ small towns worth of people.

Utilities are damn near as big as it gets.

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The 30 - 40 years part is key. You need to support them for a generation. You need to let the remnants of the old power structure get old and die. The country has to be full of people that were raised with the benefits of the new government.

You can look at Japan for a great example of this type of success.

Go to a small local jeweler. They can often make you something custom for much less than the price of a chain store. They'll also be able to walk you through all the options and advantages of each. If you're having trouble finding that little mom and pop spot, Google jewelry repair. 9 out of 10 of those businesses will be more than happy to take on your project.

Dark Knight, Fury Road, and... Hellboy 2019.

I feel like Hellboy is a hot take. It bombed and even other Hellboy fans seem to hate it.

You're right that most utility markets are regulated, but it is typically handled at a state level, not local. In most of the US, municipal governments are not the provider of electric and gas utilities, although there are certainly many exceptions. Additionally, when those small local utilities are given a service territory they are often just reselling energy purchased from a large utility.

I've worked for a large utility for the last decade. We're a business just like McDonalds. We take in raw materials and convert them to a product that our customers want to buy. We try to attract new customers through advertising and good service. We lobby the politicians that regulate our market. We do all those business things, and we do it in the name of profit.

There are a lot of small co-op utilities that don't work quite the same way. If large utilities were banks, those little co-ops would be credit unions. That type of utility is awesome because they are able to be more customer focused. Unfortunately most of them lose out on economies of scale, so their customers may not actually see any savings in comparison to the big guys.

If you still don't believe utilities are big business, look at NextEra Energy. They're worth about $150 billion, give or take a couple billion. That means they have a higher valuation than the combined worth of Darden Restaurants (Olive Garden, Longhorn, etc), Dominos, Wendy's, Papa John's, Chipotle, Burger King, and the Yum Brands (KFC, Pizza Hut, etc).

These large utilities aren't just bigger business than most restaurants. They're an order of magnitude larger.

If you like sarcastic Brits and the Craftsman, please check out Bill Making Stuff.

I got my pocket in the first wave of releases, but I held off on the dock until earlier this year. My dock arrived a few days ago and I love it.

After using modded Gameboys and various emulators, the pocket is my favorite hand held. I still prefer the form factor ofa Gameboy micro, but the pocket's screen can't be beat.

The dock is a nice way to top access those same games on a big screen, but I don't think the pocket is the best option if you only want to play on a tv.

You should get on discord! It's like the instant messenger of our youth but with more features. You can find a discord for every hobby.

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