3 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Not to justify the actions of the shooter, but ringing the doorbell before breaking in is definitely a thing. It's a means of checking if the house is occupied - if you're just trying to steal things, an unoccupied house is ideal, and if someone answers when you ring, it's easy enough to make up an excuse and walk away.

A much better solution than a gun, though, is a security door (similar to a screen door, but more kick proof).

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I currently have a System76 laptop, and sincerely regret my purchase. When I purchased it, the Framework was not out yet - I wanted to support a company that supports right-to-repair, and figured since they controlled the hardware, firmware, and software (Pop!_OS), it would be a good, stable experience. It has not been, and support has generally been poor. I know other people have had better experiences than I have, but personally, I won't be buying from them again.

I haven't personally used Purism, but former co-workers spoke really poorly of them. They were trying to buy a big batch for work, and said the build quality was awful. Additionally:

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This is not entirely correct. Messages are stored on their servers temporarily (last I saw, for up to 30 days), so that even if your device is offline for a while, you still get all your messages.

In theory, you could have messages waiting in your queue for device A, when you add device B, but device B will still not get the messages, even though the encrypted message is still on their servers.

This is because messages are encrypted per device, rather than per user. So if you have a friend who uses a phone and computer, and you also use a phone and computer, the client sending the message encrypts it three times, and sends each encrypted copy to the server. Each client then pulls its copy, and decrypts it. If a device does not exist when the message is encrypted and sent, it is never encrypted for that device, so that new device cannot pull the message down and decrypt it.

For more details:

This kind of reminds me of Crispin Glover, from Back to the Future. He tried to negotiate a higher pay for the second movie, so the producers hired a different actor to play the role, but deliberately made the actor up to look like Glover. In response, Glover sued the producers and won. It set a critical precedent for Hollywood, about using someone's likeness without consent.

The article mentions they reached out to her two days before the launch - if she had said 'OK,' there's no way they could have even recorded what they needed from her, let alone trained the model in time for the presentation. So they must have had a Scarlett Johansson voice ready to go. Other than training the model on movies (really not ideal for a high quality voice model), how would they have gotten the recordings they needed?

If they hired a "random" voice actress, they might not run into issues. But if at any point they had a job listing, a discussion with a talent manager, or anything else where they mentioned wanting a "Scarlett Johansson sound-alike," they might have dug themselves a nice hole here.

Specifically regarding your question about hiring a voice actor that sounds like someone else - this is commonly done to replace people for cartoons. I don't think it's an issue if you are playing a character. But if you deliberately impersonate a person, there might be some trouble.

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You manage the sources yourself, so if you don't want to search certain platforms, just don't add them.

For what it's worth, I just bought a TCL 55S450F (55 inch 4K HDR FireTV) specifically because it does not ever need an internet connection to function (expressly stated in the manual). It is currently on Amazon for $268 (they have other sizes at other prices). It's a great TV, considering the price. The only real drawback for me is the remote is Bluetooth, rather than infrared (less compatible with universal remotes).

Note that for full dumb TV effect, you'll want to go into the settings and tell it to resume the last input, rather than going to the home screen when you turn it on (without connecting it to the Internet, the home screen is basically just a big banner telling you it's not connected, and when you dismiss that, it just allows you to access inputs and manage settings).

Since most phones (if not all), use an encrypted filesystem. With such, no service can't start if the device isn't initially unlocked after reboot, including Find my device.

Android developers can specify that their apps need to run before the pin is entered, via direct boot mode. This is how alarms still work, even if your phone takes an upgrade overnight, and restarts automatically as part of that process.

I can't say whether Google's Find My Device currently does this, but there is no technical reason it can't.

It looks like a few people are recommending this, so just a quick note in case people are unaware:

If you want to avoid being tracked, this is not a good solution. Searxng is a meta search engine, meaning it is effectively a proxy: you search on Searxng, it searches multiple sites and sends all the results back to you. If you use a public instance, you may be protected from the actual search engine*, because many people will use the same instance, and your queries will be mixed in with all of them. If you self host, however, all the searches will be your own - there is then no difference between using Searxng and just going to the site yourself.

*The caveat with using the public instances is while you may be protected from the upstream engine, you have to trust the admins - nothing stops them from tracking you themselves (or passing your data on).

Despite the claims in their docs, I would not consider this a privacy tool. If you are just looking for a good search engine, this may work, and it gives you flexibility and power to tune it yourself. But it's probably not going to do anything good for your privacy, above and beyond what you can get from other meta search engines like Startpage and DuckDuckGo, or other "private" search engines like Brave.

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I have no personal experience with this company, but I've followed them for a few years. I was initially very interested in their laptops, but was also very excited when the phone was announced. In the years since the phone was announced, I've heard and read many negative things about build quality and software on their laptops, and I've seen the shipment of the phones get repeatedly delayed. More recently, showed up in my feed. I would recommend anyone considering purchasing from them watch that video, and do a little research into their security/openess claims, as well as customer satisfaction.

Again, I don't have the personal experience to say they are bad in anyway, but I don't want to see anyone get scammed, so I would recommend healthy skepticism and due diligence before making a purchase.

See and

There are a few problems, but I believe the biggest issue is that .zip and .mov are valid and common file extensions, and it's common for people to write something like 'example dot zip' or 'attachment dot mov' in emails, tweets, etc. Things like email clients have features where they automatically convert text that looks like a web address into clickable links. So now, retroactively, all those emails etc suddenly have a link, where they used to just have text, and the domains that are equivalent to those previously benign file names are being purchased by nefarious actors to exploit people unaware of the issue.

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Your right to a jury trial depends on the service of your fellow citizens, as well as the judge, etc.

Your right to vote depends on the service of many volunteers to work the polls, count votes, etc.

Rights are granted and protected by governments; whether they require a service is irrelevant.

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Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but lirc has a database. Instructions for contributing files can be found here, files should adhere to the checklist here.

What are you trying to use it for? If you just need basic mapping, you might look at Organic Maps.

Not sure what landscape features you're looking for, but I've been pretty happy with Voyager. I switched from liftoff/jerboa after took the 0.19 update and they broke. It's been good enough that I think even if the others hadn't broken, I'd still choose Voyager over them.

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You are falling into a common trap. LLMs do not have understanding - asking it to do things like convert dates and put them on a number line may yield correct results sometimes, but since the LLM does not understand what it's doing, it may "hallucinate" dates that look correct, but don't actually align with the source.

I like pass, It's just a wrapper around standard tools - gpg encrypted files in a directory, with git for version control. You can organize the subfolders however you'd like, and store whatever you want in them. You can sync the files across systems however you'd like - copy/paste, rsync, network drive... You can even go as far as to install a git server, e.g. gitlab, and clone, push, and pull into password synchronization bliss.

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I use several of the Simple Mobile Tools apps, e.g. the file manager, gallery, and voice recorder:

AntennaPod for pod casts:

Pass for password management:

Exercise Reminders is new, but I like it so far:

And of course Liftoff for lemmy:

Yes, as long as you set up the desktop client before sending the message.

Messages sent with Signal are encrypted per device, not per user, so if your desktop client doesn't exist when the message is sent, it is never encrypted and sent for that device.

When you set up a new client, you will only see new messages.

See for details.

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That sidesteps my point, which was that "rights" are granted by governments (the first of those two, jury trial, is literally in "The Bill of Rights"). You can disagree about what should be a right, and in a country with a democratic procedure for determining rights, you can vote to change what is considered a right, but whether it requires a service or not is irrelevant.

Healthcare requiring service does not preclude it from being a right.

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I did a search using my username and found ~50 comments that Reddit has undeleted but also hide from my own account. I could still edit and delete them.

Perhaps you should re-read the post, and/or the comments here. The posts referenced are still live on Reddit, hence they can still be edited - OP is not talking about a cached view from the search engine.

According to the license, it is better than source available. You can modify and redistribute, you just can't sell it. Other than that caveat, as far as I can tell, your rights are basically the same as with other open source licenses. (Feel free to correct me if I've missed something.)

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"They" is the browser/browser maker. The browser, acting as the client, would have access to the keys and data. The browser maker could do whatever they want with it.

To be clear, I'm not saying they would, only that it defeats the purpose of an E2E chat, where your goal is to minimize/eliminate the possibility of snooping.

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Is there a particular aspect of the FUTO license you are concerned with? The code is publicly available, and the license seems to allow you to do anything you want, except sell the code. Other than not allowing you to re-package and sell the code, it seems like your rights are very similar to anything distributed via the GPL.

Am I missing something?

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Using an E2E chat app in your browser necessarily makes the keys and decrypted messages available to your browser. They would have the ability to read messages, impersonate users, alter messages, etc. It would defeat the purpose of a secure messaging platform.

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grep -r string .

The flag should go before the pattern.

-r to search recursively, . refers to the current directory.

Why use . instead of *? Because on it's own, * will (typically) not match hidden files. See the last paragraph of the 'Origin' section of: Technically your ls command (lacking the -a) flag would also skip hidden files, but since your comment mentions finding the string in 'any files,' I figured hidden files should also be covered (the find commands listed would also find the hidden files).

EDIT: Should have mentioned that -R is also recursive, but will follow symlinks, where -r will ignore them.

Would not recommend System76. I've had many issues with my machine (primarily software, related to their buggy custom firmware, and Pop!_OS, until I ditched that for stock Ubuntu). Their support has been terrible - rather similar to OP's, actually. I've had the laptop for about 2.5 years, and I'm checking practically daily for something to replace it.

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When you install, whatever you install, partition your drive so that /home is it's own partition. Then if/when you reinstall, distrohop, whatever, you don't have to worry about copying over your data. Just use the same /home partition, and format the others. You can actually use this to try multiple distros at the same time - you can install them in different partitions, but have every install use the same /home partition. This is a nice way to test new distros without blowing away your stable install.

Now, for my distro recommendation - Ubuntu gets a lot of hate, but honestly, after 15+ years of Linux, and having tried Mint, Fedora, Arch, Manjaro, and many others, I always end up back on Ubuntu. It's easy, it's stable, and it stays out of my way.

The defaults are good, but you can customize as much as you want, and they offer a minimal install (as of 23.10, it is the default) which comes with very few applications, so you can start clean and choose all the applications you want.

Unless you are excited to tinker, I'd really recommend starting simple. Personality, I just want the OS to facilitate my other activities, and I otherwise want to forget about it. Ubuntu is pretty good for that.

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Can you describe your use case more?

I don't think format matters - if you've got multiple processes writing simultaneously, you'll have a potential for corruption. What you want is a lock file. Basically, you just create a separate file called something like my process.lock. When a process wants to write to the other file, you check if the lock file exists - if yes, wait until it doesn't; if no, create it. In the lock file, store just the process id of the file that has the lock, so you can also add logic to check if the process exists (if it doesn't, it probably died - you may have to check the file you're writing to for corruption/recover). When done writing, delete the file to release the lock.

See, and specifically the section on lock files.

This is a common enough pattern there are probably libraries to handle a lot of the logic for you, though it's also simple enough to handle yourself.

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My usb-c ports can be a little touchy, too. The SD card slot is also really bad - the card has to be positioned perfectly to slide in, or it jams. I'm also upset that the usb-c port can only be used for charging after a full boot. It cannot be used to perform firmware updates, or even to do a ram test. This means day-to-day, usb-c can be used, but I have to keep track of the barrel charger, just in case. This, of course, was not specified on the product details page (nor, I think, that only one of the two usb-c ports could be used for charging - it's possible I overlooked that, but still frustrating on an expensive laptop that lists usb-c charging as a feature).

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This is approximately what I do as well, and would highly recommend. The one caveat I would add is while you are researching things you might want to do, take note of the subset of things you most want to do, and make sure you know what days/times they are open, if you need to book in advance, etc. I am very against having a hard schedule, but I also don't want to travel somewhere only to miss the one thing I was really looking forward to because I decided "I'll do that tomorrow," only to find out it was closed the next day.

An additional pro-tip: Make your first list of things you might want to do ahead of time, and name it after the place you are going, e.g. "New York." Then while you're traveling, make a second list of "favorites", e.g. "New York Favorites." Keep track of all the restaurants, activities, view points, etc that you enjoyed using that second list. Then whenever someone asks for recommendations for a particular location, you can just send them your favorites list.

"Desktop publishing" is the category of software you want. I've not used it, but I believe Scribus is the standard FOSS tool for this. If you want a simple graphical way to make your album, this is the way.

Many people have metnioned LaTex - I would not recommend it for this purpose. LaTex, while powerful, will have a steep learning curve, and isn't really made for artistic tasks - its purpose is for writing technical papers. From literally the first two sentences on the project site:

LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.

It's probably possible to make a beautiful photo album with LaTex, but without a lot of work, it's more likely to come out looking like a calculator manual.

I'm on a laptop with hybrid Nvidia/Intel graphics, and Wayland has been working fine for me. I typically run in "on-demand" mode, but I've used both strictly Intel and strictly Nvidia modes as well, and it's been fine.

I think the only real issue I've had is that Splitgate refuses to launch in Wayland, so I switch to X if I want to play - general computing works fine, native apps have had no issues, and all the other games I've played have launched without issue.

The Nvidia GPU is a 1650 TI, and I'm on the Nvidia 535 driver.

I think it is less a question of whether the voice sounds like Scarlett Johansson, as that is subjective and arbitrary (e.g. assume you could objectively measure the similarity, what's the acceptable cut off - 80%? 90%?). The same is true for the uniqueness of her voice.

I think the real question will come down to intention. They clearly wanted her voice. Did they intentionally attempt to replicate it when they couldn't have the real thing? If so, there is precedent that would suggest they could be in a little trouble here, e.g.

I would not recommend them. I bought a Galago Pro in 2020, and it's been a huge disappointment. Pop!_OS was very buggy, and their support was not helpful. I ultimately installed Ubuntu, and it's now significantly more stable, but I'm left asking the question "why did I pay a premium for a clevo, when I'm not getting anything out of the custom software or support?"

Even with Ubuntu, it's not a good laptop. The speakers are worse than my phone, a fully charged battery will die completely in less than a day when the laptop is suspended, it runs unbelievably hot. As a developer who depends on this machine for daily work, it's been intensely frustrating.

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That sounds like a threading issue. If the app tries to run a task on its main thread, and that task takes a long time (in particular, longer than expected), it could cause the UI to lock up.

Do mouse interactions still work? Does anything on the UI update at all? If not, I'd bet on a task getting stuck on the main thread.

Note that this doesn't have to be an intense task - you may not see a CPU/network/disk spike. It could be a deadlock scenario, where multiple threads are waiting for the same resources, and each locks some, but not all of the resources. None can move forward, no work is done, everything just hangs waiting for resources locked by other threads.

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If you'd like them out of Google, but still on your phone:

You can use Google takeout to download all of your photos. Then delete them from Google, and copy the images you downloaded back to your phone manually. Finally, use a gallery app that can access files stored anywhere on the file system to view them (Simple Gallery seems to work pretty well - it should automatically find the images regardless of which folder you stick them in).

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I had to use vi for work (only editor installed on the servers), and it snowballed and now I can barely type in anything that doesn't have vim bindings.

The first few days were pretty rough, but I learned the absolute minimal basics, and then just organically learned features as I needed them/whenever I felt like what I was doing was tedious, and there had to be a better way. It's been about 10 years, and I'm still learning!

One small suggestion, check YouTube for videos of people showing off vim features, e.g. You won't remember everything from one watch, but it'll help you see what is possible/how powerful vim is, which can guide your "this is so painful how do I make this better" searches down the line.

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Thanks! I am in the US. I've never heard of RH, but I'll definitely check them out.

At 1:30 in that second video, he shows that YouTube already converts dot zip domains, even in old comments that predate the domain's existence. At 3:19, he shows/mentions Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I would consider those major platforms. And keep in mind, it only takes one person downloading one file to cause major damage - the LMG hack was due to someone downloading and trying to open a fake PDF that was sent via email:

So yes, not everything does or will auto convert the links, but I think you are underestimating the potential for issues here.

Paraphrasing the waiter rule: a state that abuses any of it's residents is not a nice state. Yes, quality of life is a relative scale, but I think it's fair to put the states actively making worse the lives of it's citizens (marginalized or not) at the bottom of the list.