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Joined 1 years ago

it makes sense that only the people who are meh or okay about the situation are left lol

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The only thing happening in the industry is the same thing happening in every industry and most of the first world:

The wealthy owners and executive leader roles have learned that COVID, COVID supply lines, interest rates, 'consumer sentiment', and inflation, are all very easy scapegoats that both the public and investors will easily buy as reasons for lowering product quality and availability, while also firing employees, squeezing the non-fired ones to death, and raising prices. This has lead to almost 2 straight years of corporations showing record profits (even adjusting for the inflation that they are largely responsible for in the first place).

This downward spiral will continue until some force with nearly as much power pushes back.

This is typically and ideally a representative government in the form of regulation or taxation. But the US government has suffered decades of regulatory capture and congressional gridlock.

So the only other potential option is a large amount of highly populated unions. Which have to fight against nearly 100 years of media and political demonization and nearly 150 years of 'american independent attitude'.

The perfect modern system has all 3 parties; unions, government, and corporations, equally strong and antagonistic. Just as the perfect modern government would have the executive, legislative, and judicial branches equally strong and antagonistic. Neither could be much farther from the case here.

Stronger bigger unions. Weaker smaller corporations. And a government that actually functions. All are necessary to fix our current shit show.

Apple. Not the most evil, for certain, but they have the highest percentage of high level business choices that piss me off. Just so antithetical to my philosophy and consumer preferences. All closed, all hyper controlled, low customization, anti-repairable.

Do it their way or go fuck yourself. Something break? Fuck you, it's your fault, buy another one. Want to play games on their very capable hardware? Grow up, no compatibility. Want to make their OS work on other machines? How dare you. Thief.

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Extreme gridlock and, sadly, bigger fish to fry with a complete Inability to pass core-function bills like budgets due to that gridlock. Why gridlock? Ask McConnell and McCarthy

The WAN show is a great option for a one stop shop for broad tech stuff. It is often very long but they add very clear chapters to the youtube video that make it easy to jump to the stuff that interests you. Luke is a software developer/manager so he is fairy knowledgeable in that realm, and Linus is a very transparent CEO of a tech media company, so the coverage is actually very good between the two of them. Just dont expect in depth conversations about RHEL forks and node.js code efficiency and stuff, its very much meant to be consumed by regular tech enthusiasts and not hyper deep code monkeys.

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I really dont understand how anyone can look at the modern era of politics without a consideration for game theory, it is so useful for resolving these more nebulous or philosophical idea when it comes to thought conflicts. If your 'opponent' is constantly escalating and you arent responding, you are functionally forfeiting. and we all know the fascists are escalating as often and as hard as they can. if you seek peace or de-escalation you have to negotiate, and they wont do that. if you seek neutral ground you have to respond with equal escalation. and if you want to win you have to apply overwhelming force.

most conflicts in politics are not zero sum like this so its not a useful tool most of the time, but fascists are literally out for the destruction of democracy by definition, its existential by nature.

I'm on jerboa, and like others are saying "active" is pretty ass and 'hot' is okay. My main actual complaint is the inability to sort comments! Please God, I'm tired of seeing the rare hateful message with 1/2 up votes on top, and then a more normal good comment with 50 up votes beneath it. Going to be a real problem for onboarding people and optics.

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hoping to avoid viewpoints you don’t agree with entirely

the viewpoint "these immigrants need to be gunned down and trans people need to be eradicated" are not things i "dont agree with entirely" they are a vile evil toxin that cannot be tolerated.

the admin has the right to administer their instance however they want

yeah obviously, idk who is pretending otherwise?

The laws are the problem here, the FTC's legal case and legal argument was dogshit. The moral one isnt, but that solution lies with congress and they are gridlocked on actual anti competitive laws by corpo-suckers that are only 75% republican

The country people of the 1890s are not the country people of today. Big city folk were a significantly smaller part of the population then, and the college educated population was miniscule. The ability to become educated is the largest relevant metric here. Now you can hit up khan academy and stanfords YouTube channel and get a world class education for free. Back then you had to be straight white wealthy connected. The excuses for ignorance are gone, for current country people.

But yes, these problems can and should be reversed, and done best communicating outside of the specific "lie-beral pedo demonrat vs racist Jesus warrior firearm creep" paradigm; placing things in terms of labor vs ownership class.

An alternative universe where the Economist turned out to actually practice introspection

Melatonin is an oral hormone too, doesnt really mean its unsafe inherently, i think maybe its best to listen to the expert panel for now

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Brb, putting "suckfull software developer - 12 years" on my resume.

Headline doing backflips to put the blame on Biden(or making it seem that way) when this whole thing is a republican disaster top to bottom. GOP congress refused more robust fixes, GOP congress filed the complaint, and GOP supreme court is going to fuck us all over. Again. But yeah this is Joe's fault.

I follow a lot of legal content and work in a legal field, but I am not a lawyer and this is just an opinion from the outside:

Trump has 2 wildcard advantages that make the outcome hard to predict.

1: this is being presided over by a judge who has shown incredible favorable bias towards him. Even with the circuit laser eyed on the case breathing down her neck to make sure she plays fair ball, there are simply a ton of areas where she can fuck the prosecution over and the circuit can't do shit. This is the structural nature of federal court. The only thing holding this back from happening is that it would cause such a massive national shit show her life might legitimately be in danger if she did this. (I don't not advocate violence In any way. But that kind of backlash would not surprise me or feel karmically unjust)

2: it only takes 1 juror. 1 trump fanatic to lie smoothly through jury selection, and then sink all charges by folding their arms. Now this feels unlikely just because the venn diagram overlap between "can make plans, lie smoothly, and stick to their guns through social pressure" and "Miami trump supporter" is very narrow. But it can still happen.

Other than this? Well intent, with someone like trump, who lies constantly for no reason about everything and doesn't talk to or listen to his lawyers, is actually a pain in the ass to prove. That being said, the evidenciary outline the case opened with indicates that they have genuinely strong evidence to prove intent, so I think he's sunk on this, especially when you consider he couldn't really get new lawyers in time for the trial start.

It's incredibly important to mention whenever discussing this: if he were literally any other person on earth he wouldn't be treated so nicely: skipped mugshot, no bail, speedy trial, etc. And he would absolutely go away for 20 to life. I say this as a professional, not a partisan.

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Outer Wilds would 100% be on my list but i played it close to release, so more than 365 days lol

With the incredible and important caviet that some things may actually be worse. And the overall conclusion that it doesn't matter,: because better things are possible and necessary.

The fact that it's Chinese really isn't even a blip on the radar imo. The censorship sucks and a lot of US platforms do it too ( I mean shit look at YouTubes content rules).

Their content algorithm being really good at showing you what your brain craves in an endless stream is the real big problem. It's creating such strange micro cultures. Live streams of people slowly filling balloons with food coloring and water, on a bunch of white printer paper. Teasing the water. Like an hour before it pops. 1,200,000 views. It feels insidious in such a weird way.

a Florida Man poser, truly the lowest of the low

China just handing out free positive JoeBo press with this one lol

This is a big one for me, I currently have NVIDIA gpus on all my machines, (i am going to avoid them in the future, the corporate price gouging is unacceptable) but at the moment that makes switching to linux for my gaming pc quite a bit more obnoxious.

LexisNexis continues to be shit, piss, and possibly also ass.

I've played about 500ish hours of fallout 4, like 10 or so characters.

Unless I am blackhole-ing something, you are "forced" to do the base building stuff twice, for a total of like 8 minutes. Once at sanctuary at the beginning and once at the big fort to get into the armory. I don't really count the occasional times you have to build a single radio tower to finish capturing a settlement, especially because it's part of the radiant quests that aren't real quests. And because it takes 30 seconds.

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This "classic tale" you mention has basically only happened once or twice, as long as I'm understanding you.

If you mean "often times scenimatic cgi trailers look nothing like the game" then yeah that's fair.

If you mean "this in engine trailer looks way better than the game that launched as far as fidelity is concerned" then there are no legitimate examples I've seen besides Watch Dogs 1. The spiderman puddle was a complete hallucination, as was every other example I've seen.

VRchat is similar to second life in terms of what it provides to the player, and is very popular with VR users. Second life is still around but it looks like puke and has an impenetrable culture.

This entire topic, and the scientific data surrounding it, is truly pretty complex and nuanced.

This links to a 10 minute or so section of the (very long in total) Huberman Labs podcast with Layne Norton going over processed food, sugar, and the obesity epidemic, and how we haven't really done a good job educating people on the way sugar is interacting with CICO and the epidemic.

I think a lot of people curious about the subject can learn a lot from just that segment.

Its actually really easy to set up.

-install the bsg launcher, update, install the base game

use this, following its instructions >

IF there is a version mismatch with live, which happens, this is a really easy patcher that downgrades

thats it, really easy. As for the mods and changes ive listed, here

KMC server value tool. read instructions, you have to run it first to make it work right. This is the main tool for tweaking the games settings, and there are a lot of options. Be sure to make your own profile and save and load it, its a bit of a weird set up. Here are my current settings.

If a tab isnt shown then i probably havent changed anything in it.

Amands graphics, unfucks the game visually. defog, makes it less grey.

More checkmarks. gives you way more on the fly info about what items you need, what they barter for, etc.

SAIN, AI rework. Has two dependencies, be sure to get them. This is my prefered AI option, there are others but this one makes the most sense with the least problems imo.

Amands hitmarkers. nice to have, not necessary at all, but i like it for the immediate feedback.

Visceral dismemberment. Really over the top and gross but fun.

ammo stats in description. shows you what the actual fuck ammo is without sitting on eft monster or wiki. color coded too.

gunsmith, not technically up to date with SPT but it works anyway.

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I freed myself from these chains years ago now, It was definitely worth it. understandable if you are locked in for work though.

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Truly attempting to create the worst of both worlds. Happy I dont live there, even if im not living in a tremendous place lol

Can't fucking believe they didn't just do this, starting with the previous gen:

Xbox S1 and Xbox X1. Then current gen would be Xbox S2 and Xbox X2, and so on forever. Mid cycle refreshes can be S2.5 or X2.5. refer to the generation as generation 2 or generation 3.

. Or if they were really assed about Sony having higher numbers (ive seen this theory floated) then start with S5 and X5, fine whatever.

The current naming convention literally looks like the result of a bet between marketing departments at Nintendo and Microsoft of "hey I bet I can get the CEO to sign off on the stupidest fucking naming scheme"

US citizen perspective:

Yeah it's an alliance of convenience without a doubt, and the US is so variable in it's reliability that it's not wise to put any structural or long term relience on us. It's not a good situation honestly.

IMO the only solution long term is an American Union (Canada, US, Mexico, probably more) that is structured similarly to the EU, not weak NAFTA shit. This has many problems and obstacles obviously: this would make the AU a much larger economic force than the EU, which makes trade deals and negotiation hard. It also requires the US to give up and spread out it's influence to neighbor nations, which is pretty unlikely lol.

But I think if we want to be proactive about both demographic changes (ballooning populations in the indo-asia region as they rise in economic power) ahead of a seemingly likely New Cold War (at least in the structural 'democracy vs autocracy' sense), this needs to be the structure we work towards.

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This is a bit close minded and reductive when you can see a large number is examples where these tools beat the shit out of search engines, and search engines have been on a precipitous decline in quality for years now. Not talking shit; the privacy concerns are very valid and i dont think there is anything at all wrong with an anti-ai stance in these areas, I just don't want novices reading this and thinking these tools are "glorified keyboard autocorrect" when some near version of them is undoubtedly the future of both internet search and internet assistant.

Been really annoyed by all of the beehaw brown outs, but I’m trying to be understanding about the difficulties of a growing platform.

Also been getting back into VR gaming which has been fun and made me pretty sore

The laws are the problem here, the FTC's legal case and legal argument was dogshit. The moral one isnt, but that solution lies with congress and they are gridlocked on actual anti competitive laws by corpo-suckers that are only 75% republican

Have fun! it really does fix such a ridiculous amount of annoyances. I agree that making private co-op and running the server itself on another computer are the two things i want most from it, both of those may be possible with little work but AKI has to be very careful to avoid any ire from BSG

Yeah VR is a good thing to point at as a message for "this is where we are heading and it will make the problem worse" but the current problems stem from the broad internet (the big apps) taking away real socialization time without giving much in return, and also cultural identity problems that are vast and complex.

i dont know that i agree with your second point, the gunplay looks so much less unpleasant from the trailer they just showed off. payday 2 feels almost like a roblox or browser fps, and 3 looks like a more proper modern game in terms of animation and speed. its a really important aspect of any shooter, hell its 99% of the reason Destiny players stick with that game, similar with call of duty. god knows it isnt the actual game design.

Frog suit is such an ass pain to get though, you've basically finished the game by the time you get it, unless you literally just focus it down early

Similar to mine!



-Serious Trouble



I made a post about this on reddit back before the API thing:

Amazon literally disabled/broke the page for unsubscribing from Prime for several days in the period that I needed to unsubscribe if I were to avoid additional charges. I have screenshots, tried different browsers and different devices and networks, etc.

Absolutely scum shit, no way this was an accident or something, not for multiple days in a row.