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Joined 1 years ago

Launch Everspace 2 (especially since you've kickstarted it), it's a great one of those and not as intimidating as something like Elite Dangerous. Although, if you want to go deep, that's the way to go..

3 more...

Too bad the game is hot garbage with way too many microtransactions and timers.

Already done, I feel lighter already (just like when I quit Facebook)

Just listened to the Behind the Bastards podcast story on how the police originally often were formed out of Escaped Slave Catchers and basically Protection Rackets, pair that with the “Warrior mentality” training they’ve been drenched in for the last 30 years and you get why we are where we are now..

Akrasia - A lack of self-control or acting against one's better judgment.

I'd bet good money McConnell would have tried to find a way/reason to keep it open, look at all the rules making/breaking they did to fill/keep a seat empty close to elections, I'm sure they'd just come up with some other bullshit

Pratchett books are so easy to read and so fun you can just burn through them.

I’m doing some classic sci-fi working my way through Heinlein’s books, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress was great, Have Space Suit Will Travel was a fun romp, and Starship Troopers is excellent, so much better than the movie, which was also fun.

It’s on to Vonnegut now!

Beware the Ruth Bader Ginsburg effect., that’s one of the ways the Supreme Court was lost.

They should start with reversing the laws that don't allow local governments to compete with ISP's and let the citizens get in on many of the fiber networks that the cities/states have already implemented. Get a little competition going here for gods sake!

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