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Joined 6 months ago

Because is shutting down, here is my new Lemmy Account:

Feel free to pm me there or on matrix instead of replying to my comments / posts.

The 2024 eBook experience (with a pocketbook e-reader)

No Piracy:

  1. Go to bookstore in webbrowser on reader.

  2. Pay for book

  3. Download book (you can only do this 5 times)

  4. Open book (not really the book, its a link to ad*be to download the book.

  5. Get network error when opening my fucking ebook I paid for.

  6. Troubleshooting for 5 minutes

  7. Proceed to piracy section step 3


  1. Go to bookstore Website and pay for book (cause personal ethics but you do you)

  2. Ignore download link

  3. Go to website of preference

  4. Download ebook

  5. Enjoy without ad*be enshittification

*edits cause formatting

It does... it's called black paper. Affordable printers just don't have the right ink.

If he actually goes I want to see at least 3 different " the logistics of the Trump imprisonement", "How to imprison a US president" etc. Youtube videos. They they should be at minimum half an hour long.

Ok now that my demands are out there you can go and arrest him already.

5 more...

Sure, but the fact that the top of the first prompt is cut off is a little sus.

Of course this was going to happen, it was only a matter of time.

Fallaffel Kebap (11$) Soft drink (4$)

1 more...

The last Johnny english movie. It was just an extended Trailer.

I am assuming its the same with Apple and as long as you sign out of your google account before wiping, it is no longer linked to you. Hopefully it will prompt you to do so when wiping the device locally.

I know this guy at work who in casual conversation said he doesn't really follow any news. In another conversation he said he thinks trump should win because he would be the best for the economy and biden is tanking the economy... I tried to point out, that the economy wouldn't matter all that much if the president is leaking the countries nuclear secrets to our enemies and doing project 2025 stuff, but he had no context and so he didn't seem to believe me.

1 more...

I have a sandwich on whole wheat bread with some cheese, one pickle and a conservative amount of mayonnaise spread on the side that touches the pickle. Its been the same on average 3 times a week for 2 years.

Indie anything as well as books, except textbook cause expensive and they are useless anyway, we just have to buy them for school and literally never open them.

I got the shokz openrun pros just a few weeks ago despite considering them and other bone conduction headphones for years. I wanted them because I bike a lot and wanted to have open ears when listening to music. I quickly found the reason they are called openRUN, because when biking at anything over about 10kmh, the wind noise overpowers them so much I need to turn them to unhealthy levels in order to hear anything.

Another disappointment is that they aren't really bone conduction. They are just small speakers pointing directly into your ears. I partially bought them because I was excited about the tech, but they are now useless in my application and boring. I will probably sell them and get in ear buds with pass-through noise canceling and wind noise cancelation.

Seit me denne

I use Infomaniak, as they follow swiss privacy laws and had the cheapest registration for .ch when I registered it first.