
2 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


Your friendly neighbour Finland here! We love them sauna boats! They are very much a thing here!

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That's what a queer in a closet would say


I hope this is not Finland like the name Sisu would suggest as it's very much forbidden to make any live fires at the moment - wildfire warning is set for the whole country. People are ignoring the warnings and starting forests fires with careless campfires, cigarette butts and such. :(

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Roadman: 2+2 is 4, minus 1 that's 3 QUICK MATHS!

I remember the phone number of an older guy i talked online for like a week when I was 13 or so, 20 years ago. Thanks brain. Also thanks for reminding me about all the embarassing/shameful stuff i've done over the years. Why not replace those slots with, dunno, SOMETHING USEFUL!


looks like the poor thing burned its lips too :(

Indeed, smart of them to hide 6 tonnes of cocaine in such a place!

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Psychotic? Are you sure it's not the Swedes you are talking about? An understandle mistake, I know I couldn't make difference between Swedes and Norwegians!

Eye contact? Thst too sounds like swedish shenanigans to me! A friendly Finn is one who moves far enough to the side when you pass, you know, to give space. Space is the second thing we love the most right after sauna boats! You know, the personal kind!

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A mighty fine stick indeed!


0-5 year olds Kindergarten (voluntary)

6 y.o.'s pre-school (mandatory since 2018)

Grades 1-6 in comprehensive school are called "low school" (mandatory) Grades 7-9 in comprehensive school are called "high school" (mandatory)

Second degree years 1-3 (mandatory since 2021), you choose either "upper secondary (gymnasium)" or vocational school (or both).

And if you wish to study further university/uni of applied sciences. Basically everyone does their masters (3+2 years) if they choose uni. Uni of applied sciences is usually 3 years.

  1. Cold old house with memories about white cats, whipping sticks and aluminium candy wrappers
  2. Burning the old house
  3. Cat is my only friend but it has fleas and I slept on the livingroom floor because mice were making noise inside the roof and I was scared
  4. Alone but books, except that one time when I was napping and uninvited people came over
  5. When the periods came I was never ready and at that moment my childhood ended
  6. Moving away and back again and again, why won't you just separate?
  7. I got a pair of fancy new shoes but others bullied me and I never wore them again
  8. Finally that shitshow ended and I'm on my own
  9. Years of angry and alternative truths
  10. Years of realization and actual truths
  11. What the hell am I supposed to do now?
  12. Darkness has settled but I can't and the neighbours are banging doors and it sounds like shooting
  13. Finally something good
  14. And then people and animals die
  15. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Pt. 2

Yes, the police did a great job confiscating those 4 tonnes of cocaine!

You are not alone with those thoughts. My partner got diagnosed some months ago, and at first they were a bit doubtful of the whole thing, but as there are people in the family who also have ADHD recently diagnosed, they decided to get tested and the psychiatrist said it's as clear as can be.

After the diagnosis everything kinda clicked into place and things suddenly made sense. My partner was afraid the meds would change their personality, and they have to some extent, but it's all positive tbh now that the meds are correct. The person is the same, but the edges are not as sharp as before. It took a while to find the right meds and the ones they tried first caused quite a lot of mood swings etc. But for my partner the meds are life-changing. Same i've heard from the other family member who was first misdiagnosed and unsuccesfully treated for depression and bipolar disorder for several years.

But of course people are different and not all benefit from the meds. I just booked an appointment to a psychiatrist as I suspect being on the spectrum and that being partially reason for my mental health issues and other troubles. Mostly I'm looking for a reason, apart from me being a lousy human, for all of this and at this point I'd be relieved to hear that I'm not responsible of all the difficulties I experience.

There is a downside to the diagnosis though as doctors sometimes treat/face neurospicy people different than neurotypicals. But apart from that nobody needs to know about your diagnosis unless you want to share.

No hotdog is a cheezburger

What about distance being mesured by time??? Something's 15 minutes away?! Just tell me how far, blimey! :D

Thank you for the clarification, I shall consider us Psychopaths (Proudly, Adored) from now on :D /j nah but honestly speaking like half of us are depressed and the other half is just about to be. Straightforward here doesn't mean saying what bothers you and we can be quite jealous people. Oh and shame is definitely our national feeling. I'd like to visit America one day and experience the vastness and see if people really are as confident and shamelessly proud as depicted!

Composting outhouse with styrofoam seat is actually really nice :D especially if it's used enough to keep the composting going, then when it's really cold outside one may experience the joy of steamy composting shit warming up your butt while going on your business. Not too bad even in the Finnish winter. Cold plastic seat in the outhouse is the worst.