4 Post – 136 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So this is why I am invested in this. Not really about the aps. I see this as stand against enshitifcation and showing that the precious ipo is not a given if you treat your users as cattle.

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Except the new guy will be worse than the last

If the sub is still at 1atm internal there is no issue...if the sub is at 380atm down at the Titanic then.....again nitrogen narcosis is not the issue as that 4000 tonnes per square meter of force makes it irrelevant.

You can only delete you top 1000 posts, best 1000 post and newest 1000 posts, the rest remain

If the sub was dark when you ran the scripts they will reappear if the sub reopens

Then there is the sync issues other mention

I would love it if that was true, but think the impact of the blackout making ALL users unable to access whole swathes of the site might be bigger

Rather than splitting and instantly trying to replicate the other place, until we get self sustaining content we should centralise like early version of r

I think this is also the cause of the Vs kbin/Lemmy split. Squabbles is like new Reddit, kbin is like old Reddit. And people like what they know

bot wars and internet dies

And Donald trump will be better? He did more harm in his 4years than biden has in his

Exactly, it is not even a "free" database you are paying in ad impressions to line the pockets of the likes of least when I work for my boss and.tramsfer my IP I get some money back for putting the CEO into his next yacht.....when I give that ip to Reddit I expect some respect not a kick in the face and told to lick the shit off

I don't think Reddit is under Russia thumb, but a lot of the bots and troll farms that generate a lot of the content are

the rich get eaten but the first stage is normally the poor dying in the gutter

I explain the fediverse a bit like all those "local" newspaper websites (that have names like or or, that in actual fact share 90% of the content on articles (usually all articles written as adverts but that is not part of the analogy here). They have 10% local content that others could access then the pages are made up of material they all share.

It became /r/people live-in cities

All I can think of is Sue from mythic quest\_Gorgon

So they also lost ranking (I assume to discord that moved up in to 4th place)

You are not the owner of your content, you are the owner of your personally identifying data. So if tied to you then must go...but if you have written somthing that is not personally identifying then Reddit could keep it

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Yep mainly moderator's.

Also the thing we were getting for free (or paying for app) was a good service. If the Reddit app wasn't crap when could have had that money. Many pay for premium to remove ads and still use these apps

I liked it's size in terms of breadth. You could find a niche subreddit maybe on a TV show, hobby or small community and find an active sub.

However on the bigger subs I hated the fact you were drowned by the hive mind.

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More like the proletariat it influences are the product being sold

The powermods are likily to be the last ones standing and work for Reddit. They will just get given the others

Probably all the users who like me used old Reddit and apps. Those that joined recently only know the Reddit official app and don't care

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They basically seem to be saying if someone access pornhub it must even the husband using the it as women don't. (Husband was banned from using any device.)

Except currently prigozhin is saying the was in Ukraine is an illegal one (to throw shade at Putin he didn't care before) but still he is now trying to play down Ukraine not up

that version of reddit

Yeah that's the thing, I have not jumped due to API thing (although I am worried about how it will be moderated). I was looking to jump for last year or more, but nothing scratched that itch....between big subs being so big, being shouted down for having an opinion and slowly building up bans (when you post every day for 12 years you are likily to post something mods don't like in that time). Been looking to get out ofr a while.

If I was the the maga or republicans right now I would fund as many leftist third parties as possible as the best way to secure a trump victory

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It would help if they were reverting personal information. You have a right for them to remove any data about yourself. E.g. if I have Reddit my email address and date of birth and real name. Then decided to leave Reddit. They would have to get that data off their servers (or they can't operate in Europe) some companies also need to keep that data in a EU data center not US to keep compliant. just saying "script reverted it" isn't going to save you. Hell we have to be very carefull to wipe it from preprod environment as well (and never store their data in SIt (without irreveesable flipping the personal details)

However the content itself, if cannot be tied back to the person can stay as is. Of course if you have written in your comment "I'm bob Roberts from robertsville and I run bobs grill" that comment has to go so most sites would rather blanket delete. However if you post a guide to grilling that is not personally identifiable then Reddit could keep that data up

Gdpr is all about personal identifying data. It is not about owning content you produce.

If Reddit can prove that the data is anonymous and can't be tied back to a specific person they can keep it up..

First obvious thing they must do is remove your name and email address from their database.

But the awkward bit that is currently very unclear is how identifying is the stuff you wrote.

If you posted your opinion on a tvshow that is probably not traceable, but if you happened to mention you worked a specific role in the shows production that becomes identifying.

If you mention you hate xx politician that is not identifying if you state you started the Smallville chapter of the liberal party then that is likily to be identifying as will be public record.

If you post a meatball recipe that is probably fine to keep up.. if you link to your restaurant or cookbook with the recipe the comment should go

Most sites for that reason choose just clear everything but if that content has value maybe not.

those doing a antartic winter may as well have the no suited outdoor time, poor clothing choice will be death almost as quick

That right sizing has the financial markets running scarsd. Just like the 2008 securities crunch...the commercial property mortgage securities are about to tank and they were sold as much more secure than even how they faked the '08 mortgages.

Yep reminds me of the sudden rush to adoptopenjdk when jre went stupid and were charging enterprise per instance, I hear they have changed back now

There was a point where Ama was big enough to attract some interesting people but Reddit was still small enough that it wasn't just media circuit. Then it just became another polished, one sided, commercial, media trained nonsense

It is not for the west to believe, it is for their home audience. If a dirty bomb made out of zaporizia goes off nato countries will get involved to help.clean up and control the plant and assist humanitarian efforts. Russia gov then still gets to play victim to its domestic audience blaming it all on other side. And some may be patriotic and want to believe and others will have to engage in doublethink and 'have' to believe it or be re-educated.

Maybe she put the money in those trucks for Wagner

I wonder if mods in some more enlightened countries could start to sue Reddit for being hidden workers and not getting employment rights and minimum wage. Some places have done that sucessfully for Uber and deliveroo etc with them losing their claim they are just a notice board for self contractors, companies lost due to the fact they set so mamy rules that driver had to follow.

If you can't mod the sub properly then the spammers will make it nsfw anyway

Stick them on eBay saying they might have had your old crypto.eallet.on them but they got corrupted and can't workout which

If they treat a nuclear power plant as the treated the hydroelectric dam then scorched earth is taken to the extreme, fuck Russia.

Yep they no longer need old.reddit that is harder to slide Ads in or third party...or those that remember when ads were not there. New Reddit only now

-reddit... minus Reddit on all Google search