Jon Von Basslake

@Jon Von
0 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hope the Fallout and Final Fantasy wikies also migrate out from fandom. Back when they were wikia, they were a lot better. It feels that the search function on fandom is so bad that half the time you're better off going on google and slapping your search there instead.

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I dunno what instance you're on, but I have allowed NSFW on and rarely have I seen porn. Thankfully a lot of it is over at instead so I can see stuff labeled NSFW here without being flooded with porn. Unless .world defederated from lemmysnfw at some point. I haven't paid attention to much meta news and who has defederated from who.

Riikka Purra made some pretty racist remarks (such as saying if she had a gun on a local train, there would be bodies, referring to immigrants) like fifteen years ago that have resurfaced, at first she wasn't going to apologize, then she did give a non-apology apology... and it's unlikely that her opinions have changed much, she's just learned not to blather about them publicly...

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This isn't about Mojang. This is about a wiki that is mostly maintained by fans but endorsed by Mojang as the official wiki. If MS tries to force some bullshit Teams or SP solution via Mojang and official branding, the fans will likely abandon it in favor of an unofficial one not hogtied to some BS MS ecosystem.

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Ublock origin to be specific. Not that you would find the other one without effort.

Fuck your enlightened centrism

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Go check out Aging Wheels if you don't mind old and or silly cars

Wow... I get that this is shitposting, but even shitposting has limits

I would sub, but... From what I've seen, blahaj zone admins and users both seem a little unhinged...

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So teach her how to better pirate, don't just plop it in front of her. Leave her an instructional document.

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For some fucking reason we went from a nice minimalistic design in pcs to all the colors of the rainbow and then some. Like, who cares what it looks like, what matters is the performance it gets...

This is a jab at Muskrat and his rebranding of the birdshite, I mean site, to X...

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Because back in the olden days you could just hold down the physical power button to force a phone to shut down, same as you can do on computers still. This bypasses the frozen software and forces the phone to shut down so you can reboot it.

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STFU with this transphobic BS.

I'm hoping fallout does as well. Ever since the two fallout wiki merged, I feel like the experience of looking for info on the wiki has been hobbled by fandom.

How we wish this was true...

This is nothing new, just different words being coded.

Or that use old machines because they work and their entire workflow is based on it. Like, I remember someone (might have been LGR... it was some retro computing youtuber at least) mention that they knew a print shop or something that was still using like win98 or 2000 for their entire production (as in, handling the printing, setting the size etc.) and maybe even the sales terminal...

And I've read horror stories of places like machining shops running their cnc setup off of a win98 machine because the cnc router or whatever it's called just won't work over anything but parallel port, or that the software needed for that specific router doesn't run on newer machines.

Also, here is an almost hour long video going over these leaks by Steven Bell aka Stakuyi from the History of Everything podcast:

What is it, 12th or 13th time?

error, unexpected result. output was ID10T instead of test

No more sweating in your house! Congrats man. Wish I had a proper ac, but I live in a rental apartment in a "high rise" (it only has like four or five floors).

Language evolves

Ima be honest with ya, a lot of the older memes are better and funnier than a lot of the random shit today that gets labeled as memes.

Am I the only one bothered by the half of an acronym? Like either call it sci-fa or science-fantasy...

Why even shorten the science at that point?

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Piracy creates a copy, it does not remove the original like theft does. Also, people have a variety of reasons to pirate. Content not available in their country, wanting to test something before buying it, already having the thing in some form,but piracy being easier...

I mean, just carry a small roll of it, not one that's like an inch or two wide...

I admit, all of my experience is post wikia-buyout, but just after they bought wikia and before every became a site, it was still good.

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While ACAB, these assholes deserve everything the US justice system throws at them and then some.

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But... If we're being pedantic, the original Mario isn't Super Mario Bros. on the NES, but Mario Bros. in the arcade, from 83. SMB wasn't released until two years later.

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I don't get why you would be hesitant at a discounted lasering... Discounts are not the same thing as a cheaper option that costs as much as the discounted price. Just compare it with anything else you're able to get on a discount. A phone, for example. Would you think that the 500$ won't perform as well if sold for 250$? No, it will perform just the same. But a phone that costs that 250$ from the onset, that is going to usually be worse than the 500$ one bought at half off.

So, a proper lasik surgery costs 1500$ (A price I found with a quick google search). That's a bit steep. But your wife gets lucky and gets the half-off discount. Great, you got 1500$ worth of service for 750$. Now, a lasik surgery that is being offered at the 750$ normally, that would raise a few eyebrows for sure.

Given the recent string of new remakes being announced, and how Square has been re-releasing updated versions of their old games for modern platforms, I wonder if this will get at least the latter soon.

Porn may have been one factor, but the bad recording times on beta are what really killed it. Here is a series of four videos detailing the differences between beta and VHS. And there was plenty of porn available on the beta.

I mean, Kojima can't everything he wants, because he wanted to kill Snake and Otacon during his original plans for MGS2, but his staff pushed back and threatened to stop working if he went through with the plan.

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I'm not defending the US police, like I said ACAB. But most if not all of these rioters also deserve to feel the might of the judges hammer for their actions, so yes, assholes all around.

I'm Finnish and haven't even ever visited the US, so in that regard I have no horse in this race. But, Trumpers and their ilk are a detriment to what passes as a peaceful and lawful society in the US, and Jan Sixers even more so. While I don't wish most Trumpers harm, and instead wish that they'd somehow manage to grow a functional brain, there is no saving the Jan Sixers, so I wish upon them the full might of the law for their actions. Especially because it seems that certain right wingers in Europe, Finland included, seem to either look up to Trump or at least view him as an useful idiot and something of a guidebook on how to weasel their way into power.

Finland recently elected a rather right winged government, but thankfully the majority party is Kokoomus, who are more of the economic right and thus are hampered by the other parties, like Perussuomalaiset who are a right-wing populist party, that they have to form a government with. So it seems kinda hopeful that they won't be able to screw up too badly, though compared to the previous government, this might be an upgrade in some regards...

So, yeah, to sum this up, fuck the american cops and also fuck the rioters. There is no "lesser evil" to choose from here, just two different flavors of evil and shit.

Maybe in the past, but these days they are pushing hard to get people to use their stuff and to keep using it. They're not google who throw shit at the wall and see what sticks...

You know how it goes, fashion goes in cycles and so does everything else. Plus, new idiots are always born and somehow they manage to survive to the age where they do some of the most blatantly stupid shit...

I guess Spotify could (and arguably should) add a feature to scan your device for the file, instead of you having to go add it manually. Is that what you meant? Because you comment comes across as you wanting the song to somehow be available on all of your devices despite you having it on only one...

If there are any major communities descending from Finnish immigrants to Canada, they should adopt this as an unofficial flag, just with the shade of blue used on our flag.

Tbh, I didn't even look at the game itself, I was too distracted by the title.