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Only in times of war. It's literally one of the checks and balances to specifically prevent a president from stopping an election. Now, if we start a full blown war with Russia...

Yes, but this is happening in the states too yet we don't have this kind of insanity. For example, onlyfans is basically a website dedicated to monetizing incels. But there's an implicit understanding that those actresses have their own lives. For some reason, in S.Korea they're not allowed to have their own lives. It's bizarre no matter how you look at it.

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This makes me question what it takes to be a super power. Between this and the leading cause of US bankruptcies being medical related, it's almost as if super powers can only be super powers if they don't give any of their citizens healthcare. It's as if working their citizens to death is the only way for them to maintain their hedgemony.

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The funny thing is the electoral college was designed to counter exactly this event. In the case an absolute tyrant is going to get voted in, the electoral college is supposed to be the last chance to challenge it. But with the way the GOP is going, ain't no one gonna challenge anything.

As they say, the devil will come bearing a cross wrapped in the American flag.

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I am 100% for this as a country showing it's strength vs our current war paradym. Hopefully, Putin gets in on this and gets too stoned to continue the war.

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As insane as this is, fentanyl has surpassed alcohol deaths.,health%20consequences%20of%20drinking%20too%20much%20over%20time.

And alcohol is massively damaging. Just want to put that in perspective. So I guess booze up cause alcoholics have to catch up?

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So I want to be upfront and say I don't really agree with their argument, but I do understand it. What Russia and China are saying is by tying the ceasefire to the release of hostages is unfair to the Palestinian side. This is because they lose all leverage and then would be easy targets for Israel who doesn't seem to mind bombing Palestinian civilians.

My issue is that technically the only reason their bombing is because of the hostages and perhaps if they release the hostages peace talks can begin. The opposite of that argument is it will allow Israel to be even more aggressive after the temporary cease fire is ended.

I don't know, but that's the argument.

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While I agree that many of them are thinking that way, the concept totally baffles me. If you're a racist, why would you not support abortion for minorities? It's the strangest thing to me. So the real problem here is people don't understand how statistics work.

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I almost completely agree with you. Except the last point. We'll blame who's ever in charge at the moment. Just like how Trump's legacy fucked up our current situation, but we'll blame Biden because he's at the helm. Imo American short sightedness is the root cause of all of this.

It's not a bubble, it's much much worse. You only hear of it in whispers among the financial world. It's stagflation. Japan seen this story before, they call it their lost decade that has been going on for nearly half a century. It's when you deficit spend like crazy to prop up the economy and that leads to high inflation and stubbornly high costs (IE: Housing). It's coupled with basically no wage growth and high underemployment. Does any of this sound familiar? It buried Japan, it might bury USA.

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I don't know why this isn't talked about more, but the reason for the disconnect is that USA has become a petrostate. As a petrostate, the rich get wildly rich and makes the economy look good, while the citizens are fed a bunch of religion to keep them from protesting.

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They absolutely love it and are asking China to help them implement it in their own countries. What people don't understand is this isn't about stopping or oppressing the Islamic religion. What China is doing is turning the Islamic religion into a state controlled apparatus. They weren't destroying mosques, they were rebuilding them in China's image.

They didn't stop people from worshipping Allah, they made it so that if you worship Allah, you're also worshiping the CCP. For all of that, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are incredibly jealous. They too want the Islamic religion to become a state controlled enterprise. What China is creating is a state controlled religion. One that all the other Islamic states want a taste of. This is why Turkey is quiet on this. While part of NATO, Turkey wants a piece of that action too.

Ah America. Where we have the great options of genocidal maniac or other genocidal maniac. You see, we're better, because we have the freedom to choose!

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Or he successfully got rid of the people making good content so reddit can finally be the dumpster fire it was created to be. Part of me isn't even joking. I've always wondered if reddit's goal wasn't always to be 4gag. Well it is now and it's, well not glorious but it's something.

Oh thank God for a moment there I thought we might actually do the right thing. Thank God for our global leaders assuring the universe will be safe from the disease that is humanity. /s

No, I'm only stating their formal argument to the best of my ability to explain it and ignoring speculation. Now, if I WERE to speculate, I'd say what you're saying is probably closer to the truth. For Russia at least I'm almost 100% certain that's the reason. China is very different. I'd argue that China's stance has nothing to do with Russia, USA or Taiwan. There's this weird myopia when it comes to China and their interests. China's interests span far greater than those three little pieces of land.

No, for China I'd argue we'd first need to ask who is their audience for this. That answer is the other nations in the middle east. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, etc... China has been trying to formulate a narrative that they are friends to Muslims regardless of the accusations of what they are doing in XinJiang. So, it's almost certain China's stance comes from conversations with those nations. So technically they are telling the truth in the sense that their saying what others are telling them. Reality is it's just to win favor over the oil producing nations so they have stable supplies of energy.

*Edit. Essentially what I think China is saying to the middle eastern world is you have a veto with me, the same way India has with Russia.

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Oh I see, that includes those affected by alcohol related deaths like a drunk killing a pedestrian. I suppose you have a good point. At least fentanyl only kills it's user's.

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Interestingly it's perfectly safe to drink tap water in Hong Kong. But tradition and fear of the government keeps water boiling alive.

As opposed to say parts of the US where you really shouldn't drink tap water but everyone does anyway. Flint Michigan looking at you.

Right, but essentially that reads that everything is true and they couldn't find anything wrong. Since they didn't contact the Verge. It's confusing because at least to me this is them rolling over and giving up.

uh I think it's actually quite a good comparison. The only way to "protect" them is to make them the enemy, like smoking weed. Which is a terrible idea and we shouldn't try to stop them from smoking weed in the first place.

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While that's true, I would argue the total human cost is similar. Your estimates do not count stolen and killed Ukrainian civilians. Adding those would make the numbers far closer, especially since no Russian civilians are caught in this conflict so far.

Not saying any of this is OK. Just unfortunately the numbers are very similar. War is miserable.

*And yes, the fact that Ukraine is suffering more losses due to the fact that it's Russia invading absolutely makes Russia the bad guy here. I'm just pointing out that the losses are unfortunately very close.

No, an inflation index only measures necessities. Ironically that's a reason inflation always goes up as small electronics and other non-necessities actually have gone down significantly. But as I said the inflation index only counts things like groceries, housing, cars, oil and stuff like that.

That all said, it'd be fascinating to know what is the price limit that would stop hotdog throwing and the other question that needs answered is if this increase would make them more or less money.

This is true, China doesn't care. I'm actually confused about the narrative around China wanting to take TSMC. Even the most cursory glace at the situation should make it obvious this isn't one of China's goals. This is because these EUV machines don't work on magic. They work on knowledge and spare parts. Even in the unlikely scenario that China somehow invades and these machines aren't destroyed by either China or the retreating Taiwanese, they aren't going to be able to operate them and more importantly get spare parts to keep them running. They'd at best be used to disassemble and review.

All of this ignores the fact that China is already at 5nm using their own equipment anyway. For the extra 2nm of difference between TSMC's 3nm to SMIC's 5nm isn't large enough to rationalize anything close to what they're talking about. It'd be cheaper to just keep subsidizing the Chinese industry rather than invading.

All of this is to say, that China may or may not invade, but TSMC isn't on the list of reasons. If anything, it's on the opposite end. China has a LOT of motivation to bomb TSMC to prevent the west from getting chips as if TSMC is gone, then suddenly Chinese 5nm are pretty much the most advanced chips in the world (besides Samsung). Thus, the real conclusion is we need to invest in Samsung, which surprisingly isn't happening for whatever reason is beyond me.

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This is what bothers me the most. China has genuine problems, but all people are doing is putting up strawmen and attacking them. It makes conversation impossible and no one can see what China is actually doing. And in some ways that's far more dangerous.

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Not that I am OK with how China is dealing with these things, but this is not exactly an LGBTQ+ issue. As per the article, the reasons for the arrests are kidnapping, not any law against being gay. In fact, China has essentially civil unions for gay people who want to be in a recognized relationship.

Ironically, in this case, it's not a government problem but a societal one. The older generation is very conservative. They set the tone for a lot of censorship. So while your free to be gay or whatever, you can't talk about it or make media about it. This is to not offend the older generation.

The older generation can inflict immense damage on their children as the article points out. If you disobey your elders like your parents, the police will tend to favor the elders as we see in this article.

As a cultural issue, this has kind of been the case since Confucius times. China is kind of famous for over controlling and overbearing parents. And in this case, the government backs them even if the official policy is to let them be. For example in 2017 China ruled that gay conversion camps illegal. Yet the problem still persists in 2019.

Of course as per usual, when the government doesn't know what to do, it tries to censor everything and hopes it goes away on its own.

Like I said, not OK with it, but we should all be aware what it is and be aware of biased reporting from the news.

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Uh, if what your saying is true, that sounds like an absolute victory for Spez. He never wanted good communities, he wanted communities he could market to. Having the idiot right wing that buys Chinese hats that says MAGA is absolutely the audience he wants.

In fact, if you're all correct and the old social media is just straight going to the right wing and the left wing goes underground to techie sites like Lemmy, their voices will get magnified. Which is already happening with bud and Starbucks. Oh we are fucked...

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Well, look at the results. Only 40% voted for the DPP. 60% voted against the DPP. It's just the 2 more pro-China parties got their vote split. Not so in their congress which is now mostly KMT.

So if we take the popular vote, Taiwan voted for status quo, not Independence. China's noticed that and that's why they're not doing another blockade.

But that goes against your narrative so I'll bet you downvote me and ignore the actual votes that do not support your argument.

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I hate to tell you this, we won't learn a god damn thing. Humanity forgets it's atrocities as quickly as a generation passes. We do not learn the lessons of our fathers anymore. All we see are repeats after the old have passed on.

Pfft the democrats are in on it. Just look at Pelosi getting away with insider trading. They're all in on it together, there aren't republicans and democrats there's the corrupt government taking our money.

Don't forget Clinton and Trump both liked visiting Epstein's island.

Well we can only speculate, which is why I said IF I WERE TO SPECULATE. However, Algeria also vetoed, a primarily Muslim nation and Washington is calling them out as representing Arab nations.,term%20that%20begins%20this%20month.

So there is evidence towards but I'm not seeing anything definitive. But again, that's the definition of speculation.

That's absolutely true of China's military equipment. It is absolutely close to equal to US equipment. The problem China has is it has no soldiers. It has a lot of people they call soldiers, but do not have people actually ready to fight.

India recently sailed both their aircraft carriers and ran sorties on them. This was massive show of force to China. China the country with 3 aircraft carriers, one of them super carrier level. So why is just sailing 2 aircraft carriers a show of force?

China has never sailed more than one aircraft carrier at a time. They simply don't have enough sailors or pilots to do it. China's military has a budget just like any other military. They spent all the money on equipment and nothing on training. They have a couple hundred thousand soldiers with full body armor and night vision, and that's it. US in comparison, this is the most basic level of protection. China simply did not invest enough on training and basics.

This is why you see all the articles about China hiring foreign pilots to train them. China is fully aware of it's limits and are actively trying to change that. As the US generals have already said, China is moving towards being able to overpower, but not today.

*Edit. And this is also the biggest difference between Russia and China. China is aware of their capabilities, where as Russia believed it's own propaganda. If and when China attacks, it will be devastating. However, I'm in the camp of believing they will never attack. Because they'll never feel ready. For all Xi said about being ready for war, they're no better today with training than they were 10 years ago. Even though today they're flying 5th gen stealth fighters.

I've already talked about it. When China doesn't know what to do they censor everyone. But there are still gay bars and gay pride has gone into dance clubs.

Heres a guide on where to go.

Heck, they censored one of their most popular videos games genshin impact because it was too sexy. They censor straight sex too. In fact you could argue if they didn't censor gay pride it would be preferential treatment.

Hell your quote literally says it.

Chinese Communist party’s broader crackdown on civil society and freedom of expression.

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That's not what I said at all. I'm not even sure what you're on about.

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Actually it exactly resembles stagflation. It's one of the reasons I said underemployment and not unemployment. During the 90s, Japan's inflation rate was around 3% and they couldn't get it under 2%. Sound familiar?,82.953%25%20of%20what%20it%20could%20buy%20back%20then.

The other part was low unemployment, but mostly government jobs that didn't do anything. But it did create historically low unemployment and higher than average labor force participation.,when%20it%20reached%20a%20historical%20maximum%20of%205.5%25.

What you are seeing is USA doing exactly what Japan did in the 90s, which is have a target inflation rate of 2% that they can't reach and hiding the high unemployment numbers with underemployment in crappy jobs.

Edit: just look at this rocketing government employment.,local%20government%20employees%2C%20of%20whom%2023%25%20work%20part-time.

More than doubled in a decade.

Yes I did. Here's a few quotes from that article.

While China has a law against domestic violence, it fails to adequately protect victims, especially LGBTQ+ people, say advocates, with crimes often dismissed as family affairs


Li Tingting (left) and Teresa at their wedding reception in Beijing, China, July 2015. Li, 25, a prominent rights activist announced their marriage in an effort to push for LGBTQ rights in China

As well as it gives several examples of abusive families who manipulate the law to attack those who help their children. Like the trans woman who tried to protect the run away trans woman.

I said it's not good. But it's not the government pushing this. It straight says so in the article in the quotes I'm posting.

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What are you talking about, did you read what you quoted?

to provide a legal framework to recognise same-sex couples outside the institution of marriage

An adult with full capacity for civil conduct may, in prior consultation with his/her close relatives, or other individuals or organisations who are willing to act as his/her guardian, determine his/her guardian in writing

That's the legal framework that answer's the judge's positive obligation.

Thus, mainland has already created what the judge is telling HK they need to do.

Also what does this have to do with the west? I said HK is following the mainland, not the west.

...yes, so google desperately needs those advertisers to advertise. And if they stop, their content stops existing. So yeah Google has to stop ad block. Otherwise who's going to make anything for YouTube?

*Edit as you said

Google isn’t just giving away their money.

So they need advertisers to give out that money or they have no one posting videos.

Unless you think Google will just start giving out money.

Actually, China's emissions are plateauing according to recent studies.

So, I guess fingers crossed we don't all die in a ball of fire.

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... you don't understand at all. I am not going to be able to explain it to you. There are no special spectrums. US equipment can only do mid band where as Huawei can also do high and low. That's the problem. There's no magic that you seem to think there is.

*Edit. Also this has nothing to do with how many towers there are. The towers near the airports were always there. Yet they interfered because USA can only do mid band. Had they been able to do low band there wouldn't have been issues.

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I think the problem you're having here is that not being democratic doesn't mean being a dictator. There are many forms of government that have existed before and will exist in the future. It'd be good if we took the time to understand at a minimum that.