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Joined 1 years ago

To the tune of "if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands"

If you're a Nazi and you're fired, It's your fault πŸ‘πŸ‘

If you're a Nazi and you're fired, It's your fault πŸ‘πŸ‘

You were spotted in the mob, Now you've lost your fucking job.

If you're a Nazi and you're fired, It's your fault πŸ‘πŸ‘

Edit for spacing

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Life was too easy, switched to hard mode this go.

Ok a court filing, DeSantis lawyers defined "woke" as, "the belief that there are systemic inequities in US society and the need to work against them".

Which is not bad as a definition, really.

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Yeah, it's a problem. A threatened country integrated a fascist militia into its army. Yes, and that's bad.

But the country as a whole does not like Nazis at all, and doesn't vote for them.

"In the 2019 Ukrainian elections, the far-right nationalist electoral alliance, including Svoboda, National Corps, Right Sector, Azov Battalion, OUN, and Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, under-performed expectations. In the presidential election, its candidate Ruslan Koshulynskyi received 1.6% of the vote, and in the parliamentary election, it was reduced to a single seat and saw its national vote fall to 2.15%, half of its result from 2014 and one-quarter of its result from 2012."

The country has a Jewish president and a Muslim cabinet minister. Sound like a Nazi country to you?

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Layoff protection was listed in the article as one of their reasons for unionizing. Being able to better negotiate severance, the right to be rehired, etc. The auto industry has layoffs, but unionized workers get recalled when jobs pick back up.

This seems like it would make it harder for Ohioans to vote to make abortion and pot legal, against the wishes of the gerrymandered Republican legislature. I would vote no.

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FWIW, Hamas won the last election that the Palestinian Authority held in 2006 (!) Fatah pretty much kept the West Bank, denying Hamas the victory, but couldn't stop Hamas from taking over in Gaza. My understanding of PA politics was that negotiation with Israel was seen as a dead end and that any party with negotiations as a primary tactic was going to lose. And Israel is responsible for that perception.

Since 2000, the ratio of Palestinian deaths to Israeli deaths is 21:1 (NYT). Rockets? The name evokes weapons from Lockheed or Boeing, but Hamas and Islamic Jihad make them in garages and basement tunnels while Israel has the most hitech interceptors available. It's still comparatively slingshots to F-16s.

Hamas was created in 1987, and has benefited from disproportionate treatment from the Israelis, who used Hamas to divide the Palestinian resistance. When Israel blows ckekd the negotiation tactics of the secular Palestinian resistance, what else were Palestinians to do? Palestinians in Gaza tried mass civil disobedience I'm 2018 with the Walk of Return, but Israel used live rounds and nearly 300 were killed and thousands wounded. How else were the Palestinians to seek freedom?

You mean the women whose degrees and careers were working on AI and who published informed critiques and who were fired for not retracting their criticism?

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"One of the employees at Spirit AeroSystems, which reportedly manufactured the door plug that blew out of an Alaska Airlines flight over Portland, Oregon, allegedly told company officials about an β€œexcessive amount of defects,” according to the federal complaint and corresponding internal corporate documents reviewed by us.

According to the court documents, the employee told a colleague that β€œhe believed it was just a matter of time until a major defect escaped to a customer."

Abortion and pot legalization both. I'd vote for sex and drugs, so no on this.

This is not that. There's nothing in the article to suggest that they are supporting Republicans.

They even admit they may have to 'recalibrate' if their campaign doesn't achieve results.

They are announcing that they want change from the Democrats. Frankly, this is what environmental, labor, feminist and police reform movements should be doing. The Democrats are better than. Republicans on all those issues, BUT THEY STILL SUCK.

My version is shopping online and realizing that I wanted to look like the model and that even with those clothes, I wouldn't.

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I don't disagree but states like Washington that have long mandated de-escalation training still have this same shit happening. The nature of policing in a capitalist state leads police to view the public as the enemy. Their job is to uphold the status quo, which is structural inequality. Individual cops are still individuals, of course. They just have to swim against the tide of how their job and the culture within departments shapes them.

Biden was a bad influence on West Coast longshore negotiations. As our negotions started, he had both the ILWU president and the employer's representative onto the battleship Iowa to pledge to not prepare for a strike. The union did not prepare for a strike, but the shippers diverted a huge amount of cargo away from the West Coast thru the Panama Canal. Granted, a West coast longshore strike stops 40% of US imports. But removing the threat means the employers have zero incentive to budge.

Just remember that nearly the whole court came together in a kumbaya moment to screw unions. 8-1 decision, with Jackson being the sole dissenter.

Fuck generational politics. There are class, gender, and racial divisions within each generation. We have more in common with working class and oppressed boomers than with ruling class members of our own generation.

There's oligarchy with bread and circuses and oligarchy with boots, of varying degrees.

In the US, we are at least allowed to organize outside opposition, it's just very lonely due to bread and circuses. The boots only come out when people pay attention, like during the WTO, George Floyd, Dakota Access, or today's Cop City.

In Russia, I'm quite sure the leaflets I made for my local union's Juneteenth march would have gotten me in jail.

If I told an evangelical to "go rapture yourself", would that be a threat or incitement to self harm?

There's homophobic remarks and there are songs that are nothing but homophobia from start to end.

That was due to mismanagement by Sapporo

From the unionized weed store down the block. They're open until midnight.

There are covenants all through Israel that forbid travel and residency by "full citizens" Palestinians of Israeli citizenship. There are separate schools. Do we not remember "separate is not equal"?

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The truth is that the railroad workers know their position in the economy all too well and expected the government to end a strike quickly if they let it go at all.

The big disappointment is that Biden and Congress choose the company's proposals as the basis for the imposed contract instead of the Union's demands on time off, staffing, and safety.

In fact the companies were counting on it, which is why they never moved from their outrageous demands in negotiations.

Stock buy backs were illegal until 1982. Capitalism survived without them.

Actually, it's US police that go to Israel for training.

RFK doesn't have a reputation (or at least, not a good one to anyone not a conspiracist nutter) to destroy.

Cornell West, in 2004 criticized Ralph Nader for running but with held praise from Kerry saying, "I disagree with brother Ralph, he is our brother and friend, but vote for Kerry even tho he is the enemy". And now he's doing the same thing. West remembers too well the frustrations of trying to pressure the Obama presidency into a progressive direction.

We do need to escape the lesser evil trap. Every election the Democrats threatened us with Hitler and held us hostage. And every year that moved the Overton window further right until their threats became real.

So I recognize West as an ally even tho I recommend voting for Biden in any state with a contested election.

But simply voting for West won't create an alternative. More must be done, and far more than just more down ballot left candidates. Organizing, strikes, protests, campaigns, alternative institutions, the gamut of a new culture and system.

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The number of Google apps that have been killed astounds.

Given a long enough time on the right hormones, and most (not all) of that advantage disappears. "While absolute lean mass remains higher in trans women, relative percentage lean mass and fat mass (and muscle strength corrected for lean mass), hemoglobin, and VO2 peak corrected for weight was no different to cisgender women. After 2 years of GAHT, no advantage was observed for physical performance measured by running time or in trans women. By 4 years, there was no advantage in sit-ups. While push-up performance declined in trans women, a statistical advantage remained relative to cisgender women."

There's also a large band of ability within people. Michael Phelps has a genetic advantage, but his accomplishments are still celebrated.

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He says it contains DNA. There's a grain of truth to that but it's still bullshit:

There have been many spans of time when Democrats had enough control of government to push through what they profress. They don't use those opportunities.

Not arguing that the two parties are the same. They are better than the Republicans by far, but the Democrats are still not our friends. They either need to be destroyed or changed.

Since Eugene McCarthy, to the Rainbow Coalition, and then the campaigns of Kuccinch and then Bernie working inside has not worked. Of course, neither has working outside.

You paid money for something and then you find you can't use it again. You seriously think that isn't fucked up?

I agree with half your comment, because Sinclair is a threat to democracy. But the change in our political culture began with right wing talk radio after the end of the fairness doctrine.

Of course there were other factors, like neoliberal attacks on our living standards. But perhaps there could have been another narrative to explain those neoliberal attacks in a more diverse media environment.

Since you are not from the US, it might be shocking to you how much the rest of the world considers higher education to be a public good that is subsidized. In the US, the cost is born by students and their families, leaving all but the very wealthy in debt. This is a political choice, just like tax cuts for the wealthy.

The ibew is one of the more conservative of the 13 separate rail unions, whose strategy involves lobbying Democrats instead of organizing. So of course they're going to praise Biden. My own union isn't as bad, but also throws praise at Biden even tho his administration was a negative influence on our negotiations. For a better view of rail labor, I'd listen to Railworkers United, a caucus of rail workers across all 13 separate unions to pressure the unions to work together and demand more for members.

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Quoting from the song, "LGBTQ, Let God Burn Them Quickly" Does that qualify?

Fascists gonna fasc

I agree that the Democrats COULD win votes on a pro-working class platform.

But it ain't going to happen. The Democratoc Party and its associated networks have a voting base that is very different from its funding base.

I think in lots of ways Biden has governed to the left of Obama. While Obama's response to 2008 was to support the banks and leave the working class out to dry (mortgage support existed but was largely unfulfilled, requiring voluntary participation from banks with no interest in doing so), Biden's covid response had more direct support and progressive programs like the child tax credit. Biden has also done more for climate change in the infrastructure bill.

But in many ways Biden still doesn't take the workers' side, like in the already mentioned railroad strike.

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I use those events in the US (and many more) to condem capitalism. I also use Tianamen (and others) to condem state capitalism.