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Joined 5 months ago

Some unsolicited advice

  • Don't trust anyone trying to make a living off of selling you anything, even something less tangible like a lifestyle.
  • If you have extra income after living expenses, set a little aside for personal enjoyment and save/invest the rest. The future is uncertain.
  • If you want to travel to far flung destinations and have the means to do so, consider skipping the resort experience. You'll spend much less especially in developing countries and have a more authentic (relatively speaking), and rewarding experience.

Edit: Formatting.

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This recipe calls for 4 garlic clove bulbs.

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Be proactive about your health.

My first thought when seeing but before reading is "OP should replace the screen". But I can respect you wanting to keep it original.

Great work, looks nice!

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Ublock origin has cookie banner filters. I didn't have this problem, I assume that's why.

Edit: autocorrect

Speaking as an atheist, can confirm.

I got caught up in the vinyl revival, so I enjoy collecting that media. But even then, I consider it more of a novelty.

Generally speaking though, I prefer locally stored digital media without DRM over physical media. It's just more practical.

That being said, I'm glad that physical media exists and hope it continues to be made. Choice is good.

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I use rsync for this purpose and the only notable bottleneck is my download speed, fwiw.

I can easily believe these types of continued enshittification will help drive more users to Linux desktop usage. But that will still be a small percent.

People have to know and care about the problem and then be willing to put in the effort to understand what to do. That combination is pretty limiting.

I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

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Link for reference.

All credit cards are 0% if you pay the balance in full every month. Then it's just a matter of if the perks are worth the fees (if that's not something you're already taking advantage of).

Edit: reworded to not use the word balance twice in different contexts.

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Setting legal precidents and regulating the industry are musts to curb this behavior. But we also have power as consumers. The ol' "vote with money" if you will. There are too many uninformed consumers for this to have a huge impact, but keeping our money away from bad publishers and giving it to good ones will help.

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Not literally a tamagachi, but if you want to go down the super niche rabbit hole that'll include interfacing a TV and keyboard to a 6502 processor, there's a guy named Ben Eater who does a great job covering that stuff. or search his name on YouTube.

This sums it up. I'm too lazy and there's too little incentive.

I was thinking more as a gateway to finding new people in person. Once established, you can choose a different means of staying in contact.

But if any amount of usage may lead to self harm then don't, of course.

Hopefully some better advice comes along that doesn't involve compromising your ideals, which is what I'm about to suggest.

It seems to me the most likely way to meet likeminded people is to find groups and events in your area. And you're going to have the most luck with those big privacy invading social media services. It sucks, yes. But it also increases your chances of creating local friendships.

Up to you if it's worth it or not, of course.

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Shopping at big box warehouse club stores has this solution built in, with the unfortunate downside of having to go in to those stores.

Reel Big Fish - Sell Out

Tool - Hooker With A Penis

I wonder how repairable and maintainable these will be as compared to EV's from other markets and if replacement batteries will be available as the original ones reach the end of their useful life.

If these concerns end up being valid, and the tariffs are large enough that these cars aren't priced particularly competitively, that'd be enough for this EV consumer to pass it up for his next vehicle. Will be interested to see how it plays out.

Edit: Wanted to say I'm not against Chinese EV's. If it ends up making sense to get one, I will.

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NES (my nostalgia speaking)

That's a fair point. Credit card companies are not our friends, and it's absolutely in character for them to try and nail us in the fine print.

For my part, I know of my annual fee and the rewards I get more than offset it (though not considerably) but it's certainly not always so clear cut.

Maybe you can do something with the tampermonkey extension to catch when that audio is triggered and have it do an api call that your script catches?

I don't know if that'll actually work, I know of the extension but have never it used nor am I skilled with Javascript but it seems feasible.

I use mailfence. They offer imap, caldav, and carddav. It'll check all those boxes, but I don't think those are unique offerings among the privacy respecting email services.

I use Proton Mail's Proton Calendar app for my calendar though. I was using caldav + davx5 but I had issues with reminder settings getting lost on recurring events.

A quick search tells me that mac mini's have ethernet. Are you able temporarily connect that way to fetch the wifi drivers?

It depends on the implementation.

If there's no voice chat, text based chat participation is considered optional, and the in-game community isn't toxic, then I might get chatty.

Some ideas:

Are you using proprietary nvidia drivers? Display issues after switching kernels could be driver related. If so, switch to nouveau and see what happens.

See if the issues persists with another display manager, such as sddm.

Re: cell phone scanning. I've seen these camera based book scanners popping up recently. I've never used one so I can't comment on how good they are, but when I read your workflow it occured to me it was worth mentioning. Here's a search result I arbitrarily picked listing some.

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As long as the record is in good condition, I find the sound comperable. I've played the same song on a high bitrate digital audio file and on vinyl and I found both equally pleasing to listen to.

I have a Fluance RT80 turntable, and am using the built in preamp. It's connected to a home audio receiver (Sony STRDH590) with a 2.1 speaker setup (Polk Audio Monitor 60 Series II Floorstanding Speakers and a Polk Audio PSW10 10" Powered Subwoofer). A pretty midrange setup in others words. And I'm no audiophile, so weigh accordingly.

Edit: I realized you asked specifically about streaming. This link indicates that Spotify does up to OGG 320kbps/AC3 256kbps which is comparable to my personal audio library. So, statement holds.

Note: I am not a financial expert. And my limited knowledge is for the US credit system.

You want your monthly credit use to be pretty low. I believe under 10% is generally considered good. If you have a low enough limit that maxing it is a concern, then you'll want to limit the amount of your monthly expenses you put on a credit card.

TL;DR: Probably.

Some facts

  • I did, in fact, come across a recipe shortly before I saw this post that called for four cloves of garlic. A dish I've since made, and blatantly disregarded the quantity of garlic.
  • I found the recipe on a search engine. I have it set to "all regions" but anecdotal evidence suggests it prioritizes my region.
  • I live in a country with majorily Caucasian people, of which I match the majority.
  • In skimming over my reply I noted I was being vague about the search engine and nationality, which seems silly. DDG and Conflicted States of America.

Apology not needed.

I agree with you. The ozone layer is a great example of this being successful. And there are other examples of this kind of issue elsewhere. Like the we have to push for user repair rights or against planned obsolescence (which one could argue this is planned obsolescence, in thinking about it).

A small number of informed users won't disincentiveize companies from abusing the masses. Because most companies are garbage so of course they will if they can. And regulations are the solution. I'm not suggesting we ignore that. But those of us who are informed can still incentiveize those companies that do treat their customers well in the interim.

I concede to the point though. I said, in effect, that supporting businesses that treat us well will help. But I suppose it's more accurate to say that will, at best, stop things from getting worse.

"Peak Windows" is a fun one to ponder. I'd probably pick XP for fairly high reliability and fairly low bloat. Or 2000 if taking business oriented versions in to consideration.

You could combine something like backblaze with syncthing and get both. And you wouldn't lose syncing if your cloud storage provider became inaccessible. There's a self hosted aspect to that, albeit an easy one so perhaps still not something you want to do? Felt worth mentioning though.

I had the same problem with enshrouded, including desktop sluggishness. I "fixed" it by fiddling with detail settings until I found one thing that had a significant performance impact. I want to say it was something to do with shadows? I'll try to remember to look when I'm at my desk. Hopefully someone has a better answer/suggestion, but something to try.

Also, did vulkan shaders run and complete? Mine don't on Enshrouded, get stuck at 99%. I know that can have a performance impact.

There's certainly more dangers and risk and that's important to be mindful of, but I don't agree that it should be limited to having to have a local or a guide.

Some more unsolicited advice to that end.

  • There are some places it's not advisable to go. Perhaps due to conflict or civil unrest.
  • There's more risk if there's a common cultural bias against you (nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual preferences, etc).
  • Research if and what tourist targeted crimes are common ar your destination, as well as scams.
  • Affluent areas tend to be safer. And still very affordable, comparatively.
  • Don't carry a lot of valuables. Enough cash for whatever your outing is. I also recommend keeping a travel specific debit card with no international fees and keeping a small balance on it and carry that around. A low limit credit card could also work.
  • Let people back home know where you are and check in. If your country has a consulate there, keep that info handy.
  • Risks for being a target are higher for women because the world is awful like that.

I know that's seems like a lot, but it really boils down to being mindful, aware, and prepared.

Edit: split out conflicts and biases and removed a mansplainy bit.

MiSTer is a great option for high accuracy and zero/low latancy emulation. And besides being able to use original controllers you can also drive an analog display with an analog IO board, if that's desirable to you.

If you want real hardware, this isn't it. And I can understand wanting the real hardware. But for a nearly perfect recreation of the experience without the headaches of maintaining aging hardware, MiSTer does the job.

Analog Pocket looks cool too. But wanted to nerd out on the MiSTer specifically.

Maybe conky but probably not?

Conky can be used to display text on your desktop, including grabbing stdout from a program. I'm not familiar with calcurse but if it can dump text output of what you want, that could work.

The big caveat is that conky doesn't work with wayland. It's a work in progress (according to the arch wiki, anyway).

My suggestion just changes your threat model, so may not be a good one based on your wants.

Perhaps consolidate systems? Managing less devices = less points of failure. But adds the risk of any given failure being more severe.