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Joined 1 years ago

It's kind of odd, because it feels like they do sell promotion at the very least. For instance, Immortals of Aveum (the new EA game) is constantly shown on my store homepage, despite it being more or less a commercial flop. I know that page is customized, but I would have figured that game would be replaced by others now if the selection was fully organic. I had just assumed EA paid for some agreement that would promote the game on the main page for a set amount of time.

I'm sure it's just coincidence, but their statement just surprised me since the store feels like it promotes specific games already.

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Just a heads up, those 8k subs are just the ones that pledged to go dark. The actual total number of subreddits is much higher.

Still, 60% of subs still participating is much higher than I had expected.

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They were being sarcastic, by the way.

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Expect to see memes about it too in other communities. This'll be the front page of most fediverse instances in some fashion for the rest of the day I imagine

39.6% of players have beaten the final boss of Elden Ring. Considering how huge the game is, and how difficult it can be, I found that to be a surprisingly large number of people. I'm not sure how that compares to dark souls 3, but Dark Souls 2 has about 33% completion and dark souls 1 (prepare to die edition) has less than 25%

Honestly, I'd be down for that. I love dogs

I think they meant guaranteed income prior to selling the game, since they had no way of knowing how successful (if at all) the game was going to be once released.

The thing that annoys me about "Sovereign Citizens" representing themselves in court/thinking that they somehow aren't beholden to US law because of some stupid declaration on their part is that the law and the court are there for their sake. Having a trial, being presumed innocent until proven guilty, and entire idea of due process is afforded to citizens of the United States. If "Sovereign Citizens" truly weren't US citizens, there wouldn't be a need to go through all of this. The government could just seize them and do whatever they wanted with them. They wouldn't have any government to go to bat for them.

It's all just so stupidly short sighed

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Not the person who said it, but yes, it's sarcasm

Hbomberguy is a popular YouTuber who recently released a video on plagiarism on YouTube. You can watch it here. I haven't watched it myself yet, but I'm assuming the person in the article is someone he calls out in his video

It doesn't, but most game sales are front loaded at release. Having 8 months on the shelf still makes a difference, for sure, but it's still notable that it was number 1.

Yeah, everyday I fear it'll get taken down. I'm seriously unsure how it's lasted this long. I hope it stays up forever though.

What is this, a gif for ants?

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Very excited to see this finally released. As glad as I am that it's free, I wish Sony or From could have given it their official blessing and partnered with her so she could sell it and make money. She's put a ton of work into this and the PS1 Demake, and I wish she could have gotten paid for her effort. She deserves it

Just a heads up, I wouldn't consider FF Origin a souls like. It's more of just a typical action game (though a fun one)

Not to mention family sharing. I'm not sure of another PC store front that does the same, but it's been a bit help with my friends in being able to show games to each other and letting us try things before buying, similar to sharing discs back in the day.

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You can say someone gave a poor performance in a specific instance without implying they're overall a bad actor.

Correct. When I found out it wasn't going to be on steam, I figured I'd get a physical copy for the PS5 instead. Found out that wasn't all option either...

Sounds good! Not a big priority, I just think it would be nice since kbin has access to both. Like others have said here, I appreciate the work you're doing!

I thought Amy Hennig worked on Legacy of Kain, which did come out on PC.

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It's possible to enjoy problematic media for parts of it that aren't problematic while still acknowledging there are issues with what you're enjoying. Especially for things made in the past, where societal standards weren't the same as they are now.

I think this is especially true for video games, which have both story/visuals and game play. I could sympathize if someone found the game play of an older game very compelling even in the face of problematic story/visuals. Likewise, I can understand someone not enjoying a game specifically because they find it's story/visuals offensive.

At the end of the day, as long as you can understand that a part of older media would be found as offensive to people today, understand why those parts are offensive, and know that those parts aren't ok for modern media, then you're good.

On the flip side, if you specifically, unironically enjoy these games for those parts, then yeah, you're probably racist.

Edit: and in respect to your other posts here, I'll add this: my understanding is that the mod was specifically targeting only that disclaimer, which means the mod maker specifically disagreed with the disclaimer. That is what makes it racist. If it skipped all intros in the game (which it sounds like it didn't), or if the game didn't have a built in option to turn that disclaimer off (which it sounds like it does) then people wouldn't have as much of an issue with the mod.

Is the 35th anniversary the release of 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy on the Switch? I'd say the artificial scarcity aspect to induce fomo wasn't any better. It might have even been worse.

You're right, they should be held accountable. Unfortunately, the easiest and most effective way to hold them accountable for the average person is to not blindly trust them. There just isn't good forms of recourse for us to challenge things like this when it happens, so the best bet is to not preorder things so that they have to prove it is what they say it will be.

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For what it's worth, confirmed for me as well. Except "new", that page seems to work fine.

On Mobile, using Firefox on Android if that matters.

I checked the website listed in the video, and it looks like it says there will be local split screen!

Is there a way you're able to see both threads and microblogs, or do you just have to switch between the two?

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I find it interesting, especially for games from smaller teams. But I suppose that don't really add anything to the larger conversation. I just find it interesting to hear how some of these games are doing.

From what I understand, that seems to be how Tencent works. They buy these studios and then stay largely handoff (though I could be misremembering)

Yeah, I had the exact same reaction to that post (also a kbin user). I do hope at some point down the line, there's an option to display the source site for a post on the front page (so I can see it's technology.beehaw instead of technology.kbin for instance). I know you can find out by going into the post itself, but it would be convenient to see it from the front page

I was considering getting it for my steam deck. If you don't mind me asking, how bad was the performance?

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I'm almost willing to bet they'll release a Golden/Royal version a year or two after this version that has the portable content in it, if they do anything with the portable content at all. They wouldn't do something so consumer friendly as release it as dlc, they'll make you rebuy the entire game instead.

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Actually, our downvotes don't federate out, and we don't get incoming downvotes either, so you could totally make them private within an instance since that information doesn't leave the instance anyway.

Not advocating one way or the other, just pointing out that it technically could be an option.

I'm not super active on kbin, but I've never seen anything from Pug to suggest they're a bad person. On the contrary, they're probably one of my favorite posters on here, at least in terms of the content they bring. I also respect anyone here who actually posts content and engages in conversations. It's more than most (myself included!) can say.

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I recently beat the PC port of Chrono Trigger, which was my first time beating it. It held up better than I expected.

Currently I'm switching off between Megaman Battle Network 2, Half Life, and Lost Odyssey. It's my first time playing Lost Odyssey and I'm a little surprised how much I'm enjoying it. It helps that the localization has been really good so far.


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In response to cyber punk though, it's entirely possible for gameplay to be bad enough that even a good story can't save it. Personally, I had a problem getting invested in cyber punk's story because I just was not enjoying the moment to moment gameplay. Each person has subjective opinions on where that line is, so I think it's fair for someone to judge it even after just a few missions (though I agree, it might be they enjoyed it more if they gave it more time)

I've been playing some Mario Wonder too (both co-op and single player). I'm not the biggest 2D platformer fan, but I think it does a pretty good job. I'm surprised at how difficult some of the levels have gotten so far (4 and 5 star difficulty levels ain't no joke). I'm not sure if I'll finish it, but there's fun to be had for sure.

I'm also closing in on finishing Chrono Trigger for the first time. I'm enjoying it, though I think the PS1 and PS2 era JRPGs are more up my alley. This game definitely oozes charm though, and I can see why many consider it a classic. After I beat it I'll probably try Chrono Cross again, though last time I tried playing it the game froze twice early on just talking to people...

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I can second Thumper. I bought it on a whim, and have since bought it several more times for more devices. It's such a satisfying game to play. I had no idea about the Harmonix connection, but it makes total sense now that you've said it.

I wish DS3 would go on sale :( It's the only one I'm missing, but I don't want to pay $60 for it (or more for the dlc).

I'm curious, where's "over here" for you? I'm not super involved in politics here in the US, but I don't think surrogacy is really talked about much here? There's the people who vehemently oppose it (from my experience that's mostly the religious right), but almost any interaction I've had discussing it just lists it as an option people can consider.

I should mention that I'm Bi and don't have a kid, so I mostly hear about it from the context of same sex couples.

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