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Joined 1 years ago

Adhd linux trans bi gaming guitar history gamedev

Finding online communities like reddit and discovering most people aren't major POS and that I am/was one

And before someone says no surely you just exaggarate I have objective evidence from the past which if I said aloud I would get lynched.

It was suprising to discover online that people aren't that bad as the people in my 'hood' and you don't usually need all those complex defenses to appear a hunter and not prey. It really changed a lot

2 more...

Oh how I envy you. They say the place is soaked in history

There are pirates as in ideologically cultured anarchists and there are simpletons chasing releases and demanding stuff as if they were entitled to receive it grr

Neurodivergence makes a lot of sense.

Back on reddit most of autism, adhd aspie memes itp subs felt way more friendly and generally better

Take into account ND people generally being more ... faithful to their moral rules (can't browse reddit without guilt anymore) and we are probably mostly ND

It is very tempting to gather pity points or look at me how I changed points tbh which I just done didn't I ? I guess being simulatenously a victim and slight? abuser isn't easy to separate these events

Live, love, groan in pain

We need a distributed decentralized curated whitelist that new servers will apply to be on it and hopefully get a quick week max response after some kind of precisely defined anti spam/bot audit. Also then periodic checks of existing servers.

Like crypto has transaction ledger confirmed some kind of notabot confirmation ledger chain.

Weak side if bot servers get on whitelist somehow in enough numbers they can poison it

Mind you this whitelist chain has nothing to do with content itself just whether it is AI or human

There is a loud crazy minority and many people that like what they say or silently accept it. Some may even be ashamed to mention it.

Fear is often accompanied by shame. People are afraid and altright capitalize these fears

Avoid fiber like a plague, already

So no to popular fruits and vegetables, no carrots, beets, strawberry, apples

Hmm but also it would be good to actually poop last day before hike so maybe take some pills for that day before for a huge splasshh bbbrrrr

When you return expect to give birth to a shitman

Russia gov lite

I don't understand it either but maybe it's just people using social media in different ways than me (memes, tech info, news).

I must say it usually annoys me slightly and I feel kind of emotional overload. Because I understand many people have problems but it isn't responsible or empathetic to just unload and burden us all with em and make us feel worse. Now I feel 20 years of original commenter backed up trauma and let me tell you it ain't pretty

No, but sometimes I have a dinner with my wife and I want to say 'Honey, can you give me the salt?' but instead I say 'Fuck the evil chinese government'.

Slip of a tongue

'*Title edited' small text could be added maybe. And if title is edited after a day or week or month then specify that too.

Honestly one probably should have ability to edit titles after max two days pass or even one. I can't think of a good reason you would want to edit a title after a day or two

I wanted to quit reddit since a long time, it feels like the best time to do it

She looks soo happy btw. House isn't a house without a happy cat haha

It would be really helpful to have a website listing servers which are flooded and which are encouraging new members. And yeah the uptime too.

We are generally considered to have different approach, motivation and/or attitude

That's really nice to hear, hopefully we can have our own little or bigger anarcho oasis without corporate greed

Reddit for me has become just stupid trolly comments and karma farming. I called it social experimentation

It seemed like any serious discussion or not subreddit approved opinions were pointless to express. I don't like to say that something is dumb but it did seem limited and boring.

Fediverse is new and exciting

I think for some people everything is sexual and so for them if you like anime you must be into kids, non stop masturbate or something like that.

And truthfully they have reason to think like this because well rule34 servers are full. The art itself is inherently, well Japanese are weirdos after all with some troubled ideas.

I am constantly at odds with anime. I like it in its best form but absolutely despise it at its worst. You can't really hate whole anime anyway it doesn't make sene. Some anime is cool and fun, some is absolutely degenerated view on a horrible mind of an author.