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Joined 1 years ago

Shouldn't all social media, ISPs, Apple, Google, etc also be found guilty of the same crime then? What about CDN?

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Amusing addon but I find not visiting corpo media at all solves the issue handily.

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Not just a shortage of people but also of quality. Look at the kinds of people they employ to teach children for instance. Serious problem with unethical ideological shills in that sphere.

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I haven't visited reddit since boost stopped working a few days after the API change. Filled the void mostly with twitter. Don't miss it at all.

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You won't get banned if you properly apply the crack. It won't contact the steam servers anymore.

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TOR browser is built off of Firefox and is even more private.

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I expect the billionaires to be successful in their genocide of the poors via their engineered famine and seizure of private property. So very well.

Jellyfin Nextcloud Homeassistant Mattermost Gitlab Visions of Chaos Oobabooga Automatic1111

https://librewolf.net/ and Mull at https://divestos.org/pages/our_apps are good options as well if you rather not use TOR.

The climate changes. There's no denying it. No it isn't caused by cow farts so everyone needs to? eat bugs instead, and no it isn't caused by driving your car so you must become a serf and be bound to your lords 15 minute plantation.

Sick burn there bro. Totally contributing to the thread and NOT a waste of electricity. Grow up.

Capitalism isn't the problem. The problem are too big to fail SROs. End central banking and aggressively pursue antitrust to break up mega conglomerates like Citadel, Blackrock, Vanguard, Meta, Google, Microsoft, etc, so we can actually have a sane and open society rather than this corporate/media/government bloc that is currently running the world to ruin.

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The FED has a huge influence on the economy due to the nature of FIAT. We are currently at the tail end of a boom cycle they have manufactured with the insane levels of QE they did in the past 15 years which has primed the world economy for an absolute meltdown.

None of this is by mistake. This is all by design. Why? Well look at CBDC. What better way to "encourage" people to mass adopt your new currency that you have absolute control over? That you can revoke at any time? That have expiry dates? That they can even filter what products or services you can purchase with them? By destroying the existing economy and debasing the currency to the point the people practically beg you for your tyranny coin.

But first they will crush the middle class and bring all the assets under the control of their coconspirators like Blackrock. Why purchase all the of the assets at fair market value when you can drive the middle class into poverty and hoover up all that sweet sweet real estate on fire sale via foreclosure?

You will own nothing and be debt slaves. Remember to eat the bugs to save the planet!

I started using Usenet in the early 90s and have continued to use it until today. Modern clients are very convenient and easy to search and filter out whatever you like. So no, if you aren't too lazy to learn your tools then it is more than sufficient without some dystopian social media tier control of the protocol.

Ultimately Lemmy isn't any better than Reddit because your "account" is tied to a server, so it isn't truly censorship resistant. It can easily get as bad as Reddit is with the ham fisted censorship at the whim of some misanthropic moderator.

Nostr is certainly the future once it matures a bit more and becomes more user friendly.

Also how do they know it is a twitter exodus and not a Reddit or Threads exodus? I quit reddit entirely and I know many who have as well. It seems much more likely to be the case.

It is hard to get away with the crimes the bankers and other big finance entities have grown accustomed to committing as a part of their day to day business with instant resolution. Read up on failing to deliver, or as entities like Citadel like to term it, “sold, not yet purchased", like they did to the tune of 60B dollars.

It is like selling someone a house that you don't own and may not even really exist. They can do this because they have a time period in which they have some leeway before they have to deliver the “deed" so to speak. It goes deeper than that but that is a simplified high level overview of the scam.

Simply put, the stock market is all fake and nothing is valued appropriately because price discovery us impossible with naked shorting and the use of OTC and dark pools.

Great contribution, gold star.

Cite examples?

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Seems someone forgot their meds.

Get a debrid service. I use wutu and homelander mostly

Lemmy is basically an implementation of mastodon, I thought? I prefer Nostr because it is more censorship resistant but the community isn't quite there yet.

Why do you think the media goes so hard after Elon and we don't hear much or anything at all about the others? Why is there a rabid cult of anti muskers that try to denigrate him at every opportunity? What is their agenda? When someone is singled out it should make you reflect on the reason why. He is hardly the worst billionaire around yet he gets all the flak.

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What are you even talking about? Care to elavorate? How is he making anyone suffer?

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You're cute.

I think twitter is artificially 'failing' because of meddling by influential special interests. It is being shunned by some advertisers because he won't bend the knee to the ESG tyrant bankers.

I see my words injured your weeping vagina. Sad.

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Transhumanism is a thing whether we like it or not, hopefully Elon will do it ethically. I don't care if he said mean things to somone, that is between him and the individual. Provide examples of him treating his employees like trash?

There are Ukrainians that openly declare they are nazis, are we supposed to just not believe them? The ADL came out and said they are cool nazis so that makes it ok?

Twitter shrunk its staff by 3700, many of whom left of their own volition. Examples of some companies that cut more jobs then Twitter that nobody seemed to givr a damn about: Amazon 27k Meta 21k Accenture 19k Alphabet 12k Microsoft 10k Salesforce 8k Disney 7k Dell 6.6k

I guess the people working at those companies just don't matter huh?

I don't see any other billionaires fighting for basic human rights like free speech other than Elon. He doesn't have a perfect track record on that count but it is better than the flat 0 of the rest of that clique.

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How do you suggest he attract more Ukrainian posters?

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Lack of censorship tools is a strength.

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Yeah it makes no sense. I think the media is just out to trash Elon at every opportunity for any miniscule thing. He is somewhat of an outcast of the billionaires club in that he dies not appear to want to enslave humanity and deny the poors of their rights.

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Free speech is worth it and I believe Elon feels that way as well. He's the only billionaire who seems to have principles.

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Continue? You can't stop it even if you wanted to, unless you pervert the natural climate cycles somehow. We are exiting a cold period and it has nothing whatsoever to do with using gas or come farts.

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"content moderation" is a slimy way to say censorship.

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