
4 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Software developer and artist.

I find this question a little weird, because open source software (which includes the Fediverse) was already a very political movement from the beginning.

As for organizing, since there is no main authority or philosophy beyond make software open, it's up to you and like-minded individuals to use the space as you seem fit.

That said, it is completely understandable that some users may feel uncomfortable using an account to access the service. For such cases we strongly recommend hosting your own deployment of Jitsi Meet. We spend a lot of effort to keep that a very simple process and this has always been the mode of use that gives people the highest degree of privacy.

Seems like you can avoid it by self-hosting. Still a very suspicious move, kinda defeats the whole point of an alternative to big tech conference services.

Google, GitHub and Facebook for starters but may modify the list later on

Maybe they could support some auth provider from some fediverse app? That would be kinda neat.

I don't see how rejecting 18th century-style factories or exploitative neural networks is a bad thing. We should have the option of saying "no" to the ideas of capitalists looking for a quick buck. There was an insightful blog post that I can't find right now...

What do you think the authors of the video don't understand? You must have some insights if you say you understand AI better then everyone criticizing it.

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osu! is an amazing rhythm game. Try osu!lazer, it's the new client: https://osu.ppy.sh/home/download

I also like Pioneers and Endless Sky, both space sims.

This might not count, but both Lichess, a chess website, and OGS, a Go website are open source.

There is also Mindustry, but I haven't played it.

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I can recommend Sourcehut, it's still free right now: sourcehut.org You will need to learn how to use Git with email, but that isn't a bad skill to have anyway, so why not.

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violations could bring fines worth up to 6 percent of their global revenue – which could amount to billions – or even a ban from the EU.

Not too shabby! Seems like the laws at least have some teeth.

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Yes. The "tragedy of the commons" is a myth.

Without any limits, individual cattle owners have an incentive to overgraze the land, destroying its value to everybody.

This is factually false, because the land will be destroyed and individuals don't benefit, not even in the short term. Commons work great (see open source software), but capitalism and power structures abuse and destroy them for short-term profit.

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Actually one of the few languages you can learn in its completeness in less than a day, so I wouldn't really say it's "hard to understand". More like hard to read and understands programs written in it.

I have been doing things because I think other people expect them, not because I actually want to do them. Now figuring out what I should cut out...

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Probably because it ignores issues that are relevant right now in favor of some theoretical distant future which will probably never pan out.

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Possible unfree licenses for artwork

I'd still consider the game open source, even if the art is copyrighted.

Dwarf Fortress

Is there an open source version? It's a great game (also try the steam edition if you check it out), but I thought it was closed-source.

Rotate board 90 degrees to the left.

Isn't this treating the symptoms, not the cause? The real problem here seems to be that militaries and bad actors are killing people they obviously shouldn't, but it feels like the article just accepts that as something that "downstream users" do.

I'm all for responsible software use, but I think the issue lies deeper than software licensing.

For anyone wanting to put their art under a free license, take a look at CC0

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I just noticed...

If you are a developer, please take a look at the XDG Base Directory Specification and try to follow it, users will be very grateful.

Short summary: Look for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME for configs and $XDG_STATE_HOME for state. If they aren't available, use the defaults (./config and .local/share).

I think techwontsave.us is want you didn't know you want, but maybe you'll enjoy it. It has some really interesting guests and topics.

I doubt anybody is saying ‘screw global warming, I’ll be fine in a cpu.

You'd be surprised what the tech billionaires are saying right now. They are definitely not tackling the problems of today, but are creating new ones by the minute.

I think it's a little backwards that telemetry is so frowned upon in FOSS programs, because in my eyes they can benefit the most from usage data, as they don't have the resources for large testing teams. But it needs to be implemented very carefully not to violate GDPR, the GPL license where applicable, etc, so I see why it's a hard problem to solve.

If this is how everyone would act in their daily life, you would see crime, theft and abuse on an unimaginable level. No, people don't always do what benefits them "at every individual point". We are social creatures, acting as a community where the individuals benefit from working together. Although this has been successfully undermined by capitalism and other hierarchies.

This whole concept is also called, the Prisoner's Dilemma, one of my favorite thought experiments because it shows how being rational can result in everyone being worse off.

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  • osu!lazer: One of the best open source (rythm) games imo
  • Pioneer: A cozy space sim
  • JStris Just a multiplayer Tetris website
  • Not "open source" per-se, but games on Tic80 have the code available>

I've recently come to appreciate the "refactor the code while you write it" and "keep possible future changes in mind" ideas more and more. I think it really increases the probability that the system can live on instead of becoming obsolete.

I guess really cold water isn't really "wet" per-se. What did I just write...

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I can recommend Python, Lua or JavaScript. All are interpreted languages so you don't have to worry about setting up a build step, and the languages are solid and should be possible to learn without prior experience.

If you want to make games, don't worry about learning a specific programming language at first. You can transfer your skills pretty well when it comes to programming.

And if you are stuck you could try visual languages like MakeCode or Scratch.

I'm using Evolution on Gnome right now, it does the job. Still hoping for Gnome Mail to finally have a GTK4 mail app...

Same here. Sounds pretty sustainable to me!

The whole list:

::: spoiler spoiler

Some highlights:

Sure, it's advantageous in the short-term. I think this is where we misunderstand each other. What I'm trying to say is that under normal circumstances, individuals aren't maximizing their output. They are just living as part of the community, following the unwritten rules and benefiting from that. (In the prisoner's dilemma, this would be choice A).

Wow. Seems like I will never stop learning new things about Lua.

I like the user experience of two clicks to install and run, it's feels very smooth.

I had some bugs with the CLI when developing Flatpak applications, but I guess that will be resolved when it gets more refined. I also welcome a central "linux appstore" and more sandboxing features, so my view on Flatpak is that I like it more than most other solutions.


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Thank you! I forgot to add this to the description, but the license is CC BY 3.0, so feel free to adapt, remix and so on, just make sure to give attribution if you share it.

I really liked the series, and I think I found Lain less confusing because I had heard of or read about most concepts used in the series. I loved the characters and the slow progression, and of course the 80s anime aesthetic. The only thing I found a bit sad is the loose ends that aren't brought up again, which makes the ending feel a little unsatisfying.

Maybe I also like the Lain character because I can relate with a unsociable girl who spends most of her time online and tends to loose friends rather than make them...

Pretty lazy, just some pasta with tomato sauce. But I have some cheese that needs to be eaten and it goes well with it.

What are you doing here on lemmy? Get back in the meeting!

You're thinking of this: https://craphound.com/spamsolutions.txt Maybe someone should make an AI-detector version of that.

If you're still looking, try Krita, it's a polished and powerful open source image manipulation program.

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