
4 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I can’t believe x is not gonna give it to you. This is just unbelievable.

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Absolutely a good thing. As someone who drank a lot of energy drinks in high school, it was not worth it.

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I really wonder what religion this guy practices…

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Who do you propose else does it? Teachers know their students and can learn from tests etc and help them do better. additionally to the original argument, it’s not just grading that teachers have to do as well, also lesson/course planning, setup for lessons (eg slideshow/lab/printing). There’s just a lot for teachers to do outside of the classroom.

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They also had the scare factor of I will kill your family if you talk which trump might have a hard time doing.

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I wonder why the number of comments went up so drastically last Friday.

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Your what? Like those things with the dial that are attached to the wall? How are you meant to do it with that?

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That’s not all, as I currently use an iPhone I can tell you firsthand those are the least of your issues. When in a group chat with android users IOS users can’t add or remove people to or from the chat, iOS users don’t get any of the apple specific features like unsending, thread reply’s, reactions, even embedding things like links doesn’t work. The adding/removing people is the biggest issue however.

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If they are selling it on Amazon Amazon can totally figure out who they are. If someone does following it and charges are pressed they will be found.

That’s how he got so rich, spending the bare minimum amount of money he can on anything in any situation.

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No way man, it was just taken at a weird angle. The establishment doesn’t want you to think it’s real.

Well you would have to hire someone to do that, and it’s my understanding that teachers are mostly underpaid and understaffed, so to at a minimum double the number of teachers would be excessively costly, to the point where even imagining it is laughable.

Not that I don’t like the idea, it’s just not feasible.

The title and everyone here suggests that Putin had a critic of his killed while in the capitol of his largest competing nation, a nation full of Putin critics. The police putting out that they don’t suspect foul play had to alarm people, yet it stands. It seems like this may actually be an accident, otherwise a master assassin or a lot of money regardless is at play for marginal returns. Seems unlikely.

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I don’t quite get your meaning here, could eli5

The algorithm seems like it is optimized for profit, not for actually being a good platform.

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All that will happen is you will be defederated. Lemmy.world has made it clear it will defederate any unmoderated instances for one, and other will follow.

AFAIK you can’t block an instance. Just communities and users.

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Well it would be hard to assassinate him twice

Classic florida

what is your favorite website?

Works on Linux (gnome)

Going there was purely political. There is nothing there and no good reason to go back once it fell out of public favor. On top of that, they didn’t keep good records as to how to make the rockets, so we don’t have the ability to just remake the rockets we used back then and would instead need to reinvest into making new ones. It’s obscenely expensive with no discernible benefits.

Wildfires are actually an important part of a forests life cycle, and they have always been around. They kill off massive swaths of old forest allowing new forest to grow, and diversifying the environment. They have been around since the forests have been, and there is a reason why they are not cited as one of the many things that is so bad for the environment. It is because they are necessary. The native Americans used to do controlled burns which would allow us to coexist with the forest fires without damaging either life form. We Americans, however, killed the vast majority of them so we could take this land. This is why it has gotten so out of hand today.

The grift is that they need attention there so we don’t realize birds aren’t real. Same reason they have those drones in nyc for Labor Day weekend. They want us to think if they need drones they don’t have birds but the fact is it’s all a stunt. Attention is what it is. Remember, birds aren’t real.

Not if the cancer cancers hard enough

So perhaps the most painful death would be just before that threshold.

It comes with more up to date dependencies, is less locked down, and has gaming tweaks and the like preinstalled and configured. Additionally as it’s rpm-ostree based it has a safe immutable base like steamOS while still allowing layered packages meaning you can install what you need to when you need to.

I thought that’s what the birds where for. These drones must be to throw us off because we were getting to close to the truth. Spread the word “BIRDS ARENT REAL”

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Should be on 6.1.x

If Biden funds them Biden funds a direct attack on Russia, due to the increased pressure Russia will take that as an attack from the US and will escalate. We want to deescalate everything we can because we don’t know if putin will use his nukes, and if he does the world ends. Putin will not win a war with the us though, so he may not care about the end of the world.

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This is very true, although from what I’ve seen both sides are correct. They give very little guidance to any of the stuff they put out, see killing off stadia or how badly they have been messing up chromeOS and just let their engineers do what they want until they lose their way then it falls off. They just don’t care about that because the ad money keeps coming regardless. It seems almost like a result of the fact that google just hires talent so no one else can have it and then they just let them do whatever they want. It’s almost like there are two googles.

That can’t be true… it’s just a legend!

Already got it running on my deck

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Office 365 won’t work. If you need that specific piece of software, give up and stay on windows. It can however be replaced with libreoffice or OpenOffice. If these work for you, you’re in luck because just about everything supports them. Software design is better on Linux than windows imo, and most if not all of your tools will be available. As for gaming from steam your set. Proton can run just about any game you throw at it. Teams has a Linux client that works, and afaik there is also a web client. Virtual machines are better than on windows by a mile. If you need virtual box it does exist and work, there is however virtual machine manager which is even more powerful and just plain better. Uplay games are a bit trickier, you can use a program called bottles to run the launcher and play your games there, but if you need/want any per-game tweaks you can’t do that. Epic is easy, heroic games launcher is an almost fully-featured epic games launcher replacement with proper wine integration.

For distribution, I have to recommend you steer clear of manjaro. They have had numerous security problems in the past few years, some having been repeated showing they aren’t learning from their mistakes. Additionally it lets you use the aur but that can easily break your system. It’s a poorly managed distribution that I can’t recommend. Ubuntu as well has made some anti-user moves like forcing their tech on users rather than adopting the standards everyone else has. Mint try’s to correct this, and it does a good job. I can recommend mint, however it is fairly slow to get updates and hence is gonna be bad for gaming.

What I recommend is gonna be nobara or fedora. Fedora is a bit trickier to use because the setup and configuration will probably require the command line, however once it’s running it’s really stable and has a lot of newer software so everything you have is up to date. Nobara adds some gaming tweaks on top of that and is a little slow to update major versions, but it has a graphical way to configure probably everything you need and has some qol patches for things like vrr that others don’t have. Additionally as you mentioned you are in IT I think this will be a good fit as the server software that you will interact with is most likely gonna be rhel as it’s the most popular enterprise Linux. It is based upon fedora, so you will be able to interact with it easier should you ever need to.

As far as I know you can’t block instances here. I wish we could though because I don’t need to see anything from those nsfw sites or lemmygrad.

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This is indeed my main reason for a switch, so thanks for the recommendations! I really want to try a Linux phone when it’s ready with either phosh or gnome shell mobile (I love libadwaita), but it’s just not there yet for me.

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This is good advice, i will wait a few days. That being said, if i can get all my apps working and i do decide to go for it, how would lineageOS compare to something like GrapheneOS for example? what other kinds of things might i lose if i choose to use a custom ROM?

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It supports intel Mac’s too.

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Do you have the original?

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Does Mozilla really think their petitions do anything?