
2 Post – 589 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

gotta use those iframes

twitter has more money (for lawsuits)

no benefit for xorg

the us is ruled by money

i like how it has windows' window decorations lol

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damn i knew the briish were pretty shit but I didn't know it was this bad 💀

those rentoids need to be silenced, the landphobia is just cruel and unfair

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but how would we now know if it's Thursday?

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honestly though no fucking way I'm putting non libre hardware/software into my brain

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Bruh, all a PhD student could build was something this bad?

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why the fuck is there a rotten fish 💀

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⭐Anti⭐trust⭐ ⭐Anti⭐trust⭐

all the homies love when antitrust laws are enforced

Chinese mainland China Northern Taiwan

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damn micro soft propaganda got to you 🗿

i wish they'd include vertical tabs and oneline navbar in settings rather than making the users edit userchrome. userchrome is really fun but it'd be much more accessible if it was on settings.

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if Asian users can speak for themselves, why do you speak for them?

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the largest fission plant was literally working 5 years after construction started

fission plants are just more expensive now because we don't make enough of them.

I guess safety standards changed but even wind power kills more people per watt than fission so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Nuclear could've easily worked if people didn't go full nimby in the past few decades

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you need to personalise it for each person and appeal to their unique interests. They are people, not bots.

furret walk

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poor country vs rich country

> be Linus Torvalds
> creator of the most important operating system for the web
> also has a sick walking desk
> earns a fraction of the amount of similarly successful tech people
> seems happier than most tech billionaires

very based

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this is so wrong and I hate you

don't sleep for 36h straight

blahaj zone is indeed extremely based

Mr president! A second whistleblower has hit the tower!

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it's interesting that people argue about this a lot because firefox has the most complex icon on my home screen

how are you supposed to do gdpr compliance on a federated system though?

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a lotta companies provide free licenses for educational purposes to indoctrinate students into using the products after school

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I really hate the harsh colouring of the terminals in both RpiOS and windows, it makes them look so unwelcoming and dangerous, especially for beginners.

I much prefer the colours on the KDE and GNOME terminals and wish more OSes implement them

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I (can't figure out if I'm) us(ing th)e( correct drivers on) Arch, btw.

Chinese reaction images are so hilarious lmao

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Extend, Embrace, Extinguish

he is literally one of the most deplorable people known to man and is the literal definition of a capitalist. Whitewashing, propaganda, proprietisation, he does all and everything detrimental to society

sure but this is for people that were born after 2009. If enough 14yos have smoked to justify your argument humanity is doomed anyway

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what's the difference between a consumer os and an industrial os in your opinion? I personally really like how linux works on the desktop

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idrc abt the negativity but I much prefer the low amount of bots on here compared to Reddit

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public companies always enshittify in the end so 3rd one

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NO??? ml was the first general purpose instance and so had the most amount of users at the beginning, meaning a lot of normal communities developed there

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i mean an os could definitely overvolt the gpu, that's how users do it

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that's cool

I've always just done

dolphin .

but that's nifty to know!

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looks nice, but the vote buttons look too big

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"This is not how we meant it to look 🤓"

scott munley

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