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What stats are you working off of for those 3 decade estimates? Either way the point remains, the sentiment of "we should've done X decades ago" doesn't mean we should now be able to do it instantly, it just means we had the information and knowhow to start working towards it decades ago and we didn't do it.

Mindset switch to not thinking of that communication as email. At least at my work place it took a while for people to not be overly formal and just go straight to the point, which slows things down. It's meant to be an instant communication channel after all

I don't think it's a system issue, it's more of a people issue, a lot of people are still using things like teams and slack as if they're email which bottlenecks everyone, but with the correct training and mindset switch it can be very efficient.

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Yes but by asking to stop it a decade ago naturally the rest of the timeline moves too, so we should've had a more aggressive push against oil and gas 2 decades ago or more and transitioned much sooner to green energy.

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You can get a radio playlist of most songs I believe, it's a context option, unless you mean a different type of radio playlist, but the feature I mentioned has satisfied that need for me

Only in this case it would be shooting deliberately at the vest of a person covered from head to toe in said vest with a caliber that they'd know couldn't penetrate it. There was no chance for it to penetrate or go around the protective layer, nor was it intended to be so, so that's not quite accurate.

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My brother in Christ it's your analogy

So imagine in retort of a joke your friend makes you lightly backslap them in the chest or something, these headlines would report it as you punching your friend. Is that accurate? It doesn't really paint an accurate picture does it?

6 more...

Because then it's a violent protest and you won't hear the end of it from the conservatives. It's been p much proven that any action is better than no action, and them sitting outside a single persons home would be inefficient and also potentially harassment.

Also it doesn't help that reporting around this stuff conveniently misses the parts where all of their actions are easily reversible and non damaging. If anything it shows how corrupt the media empire is

But the painting is safe, that's literally the point, relying on the media going for the shock factor while not actually damaging anything. Yet the law is pursuing it as if they did damage the painting, putting them in jail for years, which is not a proportional punishment for the crime of vandalising a painting frame.

Way to miss the point and insult me and my reasoning in the process.

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You're being so pedantic, we both know what the article type is trying to do, it's not aimed at people with the faculties to understand or research if the painting was actually damaged. People see the article as if they actually damaged the painting (because duh throwing soup at a textile material damages it usually)

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So weird - what if you're moving the goal post because you can't admit that you realise I'm right? There's no way to argue back against such an argument. Try to not just assume things about people's subconscious, it can very much be turned back without a possible retort.

I'm confused, how can a company that's gained numerous advantages from being non-profit just switch to a for-profit model? Weren't a lot of the advantages (like access to data and scraping) given with the stipulation that it's for a non-profit? This sounds like it should be illegal to my brain

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And we never will if we don't start making progress on it, it'll always be unfeasible because the powers that be don't start making changes unless it's doable within one election cycle. Just Stop Oil isn't asking for immediate stopping of oil, just moving the deadline to 2030, which means there's a few years to realistically invest in other forms of energy generation like nuclear, green energy, and other ways.

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Well maybe not on paper but they did leverage it a lot when questioned

So he's signaling his potential supporters "it's now or never"... again.

Read a bit ahead if you may:

Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labour of others by means of such appropriations.

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It won't block it yes but it will diminish the amount of people doing it which is the point

The fact apple gets to decide which app stores are allowed and which aren't kind of defeats the point of this decentralisation attempt

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This is a weird place to show incel behaviour my dude, this isn't about you.

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It's less that and more the system of prejudice itself is her hero, because she never truly challenges it, and the final state of peace at the end of the books does not require fixing its problems. Voldemort was a bad apple, nothing more (according to her I'd imagine)

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VR is immersive, but it isn't that immersive, especially when it comes to user feedback

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Millennials killing the tobacco industry

He said that on twitter, while advocating for insurrection in a live speech. If he cared that much he would've gone on a public speech too, but that would've actually been heard by the target demographic

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You cannot convince something that has no consciousness, it's an matrix of weights that answers based on the given input + some salt

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Until they start properly filtering ads they accept they get auto disabled in my side. No weird crypto or porn ads for me, thanks.

Did you read the entire page?

Those were not his only directions to the crowd, however. In the same speech, he also used the following phrases while encouraging people to head to the Capitol and protest his election loss, according to the transcript and video of the speech:

  • "We will stop the steal."
  • "We will not let them silence your voices."
  • "You have to show strength, and you have to be strong."
  • "We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing."
  • "We're going to try and give [lawmakers] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."
  • "We're going to have to fight much harder." "We fight like hell, and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."
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Yeah, cause now the cheap competitor they could compare to just got pricier so that means they can also raise prices

Surely they will be sued into oblivion if they tried right? Them being non profit was the main pillar holding up their defense for scraping the web into datasets.

Being relevant for losing appeals against being prosecuted for human trafficking isn't really the desirable kind of clout

Even within its niche gog Galaxy still lacks a lot of features steam has, like communities, mod support, Linux support, and a few others.

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Idk this kind of feels like victim blaming. Why should you expect your photos to be used in a way that is so devoid of the original purpose you shared them for? It's like telling people to not go out of the house with money on them, you don't expect to be robbed, so why should you have your entire way of living affected by it instead of punishing robbers when that does happen, or in this case companies that abuse good will.

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"looks like the jig is up, it's true, we are committing genocide" said no country ever

A bit longer than that. Kakao went after tachiyomi for a number of extensions, the biggest ones being mangadex and bato.to. the Tachiyomi team took the plugins down without fighting back. A day later they announced they're taking down the plugin repo effective immediately, likely out of fear of future action but it also could've been discussed behind closed doors with the Kakao team - we don't know. Now Kakao is trying to sue the entire app, all of its developers and anyone who's forked it on GitHub for infringing copyright.

Don't let a word have that much power over your life

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They'll hinge their position on the least good faith interpretation of EU's anticompetitive lawsuits, and why wouldn't they, they make more money in between these lawsuits than they pay EU for breaking the rules.

Read the article

Idk critical thinking skills might be good as long as it's not politically backed to single out a specific ideology or propaganda source.

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The vote was cursory, it was not supposed to be binding.