
1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

I think you misread both the question and how they used ChatGPT Mr Bash Wizard

This is a much more serious version of my answer, which was going to be

"That's one of the places where we decided oil was more precious than human life; I don't really think of Iraq because the only discourse about it in my country is blatant xenophobia and I'm still working on finding ways around the propaganda"

Makes sense; one of the big things about it that interests me is the dockerfile generation. Although, I should probably get a better understanding of dockerfiles themselves before jumping into that; I have a habit of forgetting the order of carts and horses

Yeah, this whole list is kind of nuts. Burritos already get mass produced in factories. Those prepackaged ones at the grocery store? Some brands have people hand making them but quite a few are machine made and rolled. It's not a very big stretch to put that kind of machinery into a restaurant, and 2 techs is about the same price as 4 $20/hr works by their estimate

I wanna get into Nix but I keep bouncing off the documentation every time I try to study it

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Skibidi is mostly a gen alpha thing, not so much gen z

I think this is an ESH situation. Fandom sucks for pushing their poison, Google sucks for drinking it

Because doing nothing about it is any better? Lol

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You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion.

We're just hitting the "random Bible verse" button right? Because speaking out against injustice is something that one can control. I can't stop the injustice, but I can sure as hell make sure everyone knows that I think it's shitty, and I can hope they will eventually stop being shitty.

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Pretty sure KDE connect can handle this, but I haven't played with the notifications portion of it much

In my case it's not a sense of pride. I can't use anything other than Vim because I keep accidentally putting random incantations into my word documents.

"There once was a dduuuZQ:q!"

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If you already know what you want but want to save time writing it

IME, going to ChatGPT for code usually meant losing time, cause I'd go back and forth trying to get a usable snippet and it would just keep refactoring the same slop that didn't work in its first attempt

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Shame meta won't go with it

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Assuming you don't need a windows only application for your workflow (admittedly this isn't very common), it's really just a matter of getting used to it. There's plenty of easy to use distros out there, such as Linux "I'm not buying my grandma a new computer" Mint.

As an american, the amount of people who refuse to accept that American Propaganda exists is staggering. I had an immediate reaction to seeing "China is good though" and I have no way of knowing if it's justified because I've been my told my entire life that China is an evil shithole by American propaganda.

To take it a step further and say "America doesn't have your best interest at heart" is deeply unsettling to the vast majority of Americans who blindly hand away their freedoms in the name of Freedom. Wait until people find out that our country is just like all the ones we're taught to hate

GPU doesn't work after being reconfigured

On GNOME extensions crash

"I made modifications to my system and broke it"

Syncing files between devices is always a struggle


Never know what will break when updating

Read your updates before you do them?

Bluetooth and scaling are not issues I've ever run in to, but I can't say they're not common.

Basically, this whole post reads as "I messed with things that I didn't properly understand and I'm blaming my computer for doing what I told it instead of what I wanted"

I've never been to Italy, but my cousin grew up there for part of their childhood. They said "Italians invented pizza, America made it good"

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You're injecting malice into my words. The point was "if you have the mental space for it, you should spend your time learning because it helps reduce stress by being both cathartic and relieving issues in your life"

Windows only software

I'm sure by now you know about the troves of compatibility layers that exist in order to make this possible; depending on the software.

Get a minimize and maximize button

This is more of a DE issue than Linux issue, I'm assuming you went with the default Gnome but you might like KDE or Cinnamon for a more windows like experience. I personally loved both of those DEs until I made the mistake of getting comfortable with a window manager

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I would agree, except for the continue studying. Everyone has at least 20 minutes of downtime that they could put towards learning a new concept every day

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I would agree if they weren't such a prolific backbone for the tech industry. They're not just gonna vanish when people stop using their apps because businesses will still pump cash into them

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Anecdotally, the majority of people I've seen who self host are doing it to replace subscription services. This ranges anywhere from piracy to libre office. So, they're not gonna pay you a subscription for something they can do themselves.

The audience is niche because you're aiming at a subset of a subset of a subset of people. You're looking to sell this to someone who:

  1. Doesn't want to pay for a service they can do by themself (self-hosters)
  2. Has the knowledge and desire to handle networking (no amount of preconfiguration will make them not have to set up which ports their services need while allowing freedom)
  3. But doesn't have the time/energy to do it themself
  4. Can afford to shell out a rather large amount of money ($150 is a lot to many people, and as the other person brought up; you'll likely end up selling it for much more than this after manufacturing costs)
  5. For a piece of equipment that is eclipsed by a 3 year old desktop computer from eBay

The amount of people who self host anything is already abysmally low - just look at the social media user count. There are more than twice as many people on r/pathofexile (which is already pretty niche) as on r/selfhosted. Obviously reddit isn't the end-all be-all of representation in that way, but you can definitely get an idea of trends from it.

Scuttlebutt in this case refers to gossip, which is also why the water fountains are called scuttlebutt - people would gossip around them

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This screenshot made me long for NMM. Spending hours curating mods to create the perfect look and feel, then spending less than half the time playing the game lol

You can actually, and I would suggest, grab a fresh Fedora install that comes with either of those DEs. If you don't wanna do that, I would suggest at least making a new user so that the gnome stuff isn't crowding your new life

Yeah I actually think that my favorite horror movies are the ones that get me asking questions, rather than being scared. I like being intrigued by the evil, like in Smile (until the twist at the end, it was a perfectly good psychological horror that did not need a monster)

Aren't level 4 systems still illegal in the US anyway? I remember Volkswagen holding off on a minibus due to this limitation when they managed to create a working proof of concept 8ish years ago

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Sure, but if you're working 50 hours a week (assuming US, I dunno laws elsewhere) you're guaranteed 2.5 hours of mealtime per week that could be spent watching an informational video or reading an article.

I'm not saying "go back to school or you're wasting your time" I'm saying "you have a few minutes where you could be reading a new idea instead of sitting on social media"

I do not expect the Fediverse...

I hate to agree with this but I do. I would love if more people said fuck you to data harvesting and started denying access to everything as best they could; and decentralizing social media would go a long way in that. Unfortunately, too many people have too much faith in corporations

Ya know, I might throw that on to my browser but I doubt I'd actually use it much. I only really use my browser for research; notes, music, and most of my work is done in the terminal. Being able to swap tabs faster by not having to cycle could be useful, but other than that I find the mouse to be a pretty rapid way of navigating unfamiliar pages

I have much the same issue, when I can I like to wear jackets that have inside pockets to deal with it. Barring that, back pocket > front pocket > extra pockets IME

By creating regulations that apply to the creation of those things? Level 1 AVs exist and as such regulations exist for AVs. These regulations apply to level 4 AVs despite being mostly theoretical.

The other commenter in this thread basically already answered this as well by talking about how manufacturers need to prove the safety of it before it can be green it.

I don't think anyone necessarily depends on them - but the infrastructure for analyzing human behavior online is largely pioneered by meta and the likes. When the front ends like Facebook go away we'll just start seeing "Powered by Meta" on targeted ads; I wouldn't be surprised if people who see ads already do see that

Beeper + a python script could get this done

Crazy how much you can tell me about myself without knowing a single thing. Which of my two previous comments were anti semitic? Was it the one where I said we shouldn't do nothing about injustice; or the one where I said we should voice our opinions?

The genocide didn't happen

I believe 17 thousand dead children and 23 thousand of their dead parents would disagree with you. I think the 116 dead journalists would disagree (hey do you know what a war crime is? Journalists and civilians are protected classes during wartime). They've committed to total war - not just killing fighters, but bombing schools and hospitals too under the guise of "searching for the terrorists." And they revel in it.

Maybe you haven't heard anything about it, but the ICJ has been continuing to speak with both sides about their misdeeds. They've ordered Israel to stop destroying Palestine because they need to have evidence of both sides atrocities (Hamas has commit war crimes too!) to which Israel responded "the IDF is operating to dismantle Hamas military and administrative capabilities." That was this May. Earlier this week, they bombed a school and claimed that 3 of the UNRWA members working there were Hamas agents - with literally 0 evidence as far as the UN can tell.

And before you start writing your response, really think about what you're saying. You claim that those of us speaking out against it are spewing hatred, but I don't hate Israel or Jewish people or any of that. I just wish that 40 thousand people (and counting! Humanitarian sites continue to get attacked to this day) didn't have to die for no reason.

I'm not entirely sure if it uses Unicode, ASCII or something else...

I think I remember Automate the Boring Stuff with Python explaining that python uses ASCIIbetical order, but it's been a minute since I read that book

Life is short, live it fast

I swapped from uBlock to AdNauseum. It's a fork of uBlock which also "clicks" some specific ads in order to cost companies money for running them lol

Oh I'm not trying to correct you I just have less than 0 social awareness and saw a word with a funny history so I shared my knowledge on it lol

That makes sense. The VW I'm thinking of may have been level 3 (trying to remember autonomous driving levels off the top of my head so don't quote me on this), as I believe it needed guidance from on-road infrastructure to double check safety issues, which would have obviously been too much hassle for the US.

The proof of concept was miles ahead of Tesla has ever been, though, so it's unfortunate that we can't be bothered to add some sensors to the road