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Joined 12 months ago

The city runs a land bank you can buy decapitated houses from for $1k.

Damn, are there a lot of houses that had their heads cut off?

Better idea: take that ice cream, put it in a mug and pour a shot of espresso over it. Bam, you've got an affogato (an Italian dessert drink).

I'm pretty sure the minimum ASVAB score is like 30. I'm pretty sure you could get that by randomly guessing on most of it. I try not to be too harsh in my judgements of the less intelligent but holy fuck do you have to be dumb to be fully disqualified.

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I find it interesting that with ASD, there is (apparently, from this discussion), a tendency to be concise to the point of meaning being potentially lost but explains as quickly as possible, while with ADHD (which I have), there is a tendency to over-explain and be too verbose. With ADHD, we tend to worry that our thoughts aren't clear enough for others and go to great lengths to make sure our meaning is understood, which has its own problems (like people getting exhausted with us for our long windedness).

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The woman being harassed by this company and the police is the only that's 39. The article doesn't mention the founder's age, and he definitely looks older than 39 from a quick search.

This is also why regulatory agencies have been systematically crippled over the last 40 years or so. Damn near every sector has had their regulatory agencies crippled by some combination of reducing authority, underfunding, and understaffing. When the agencies work, the message is "see, we don't need those regulations anymore because we're taking care of things fine on our own," and when they stop working, the message is "we shouldn't be spending money on these agencies! They don't do anything anyway!"

Legal Eagle just released a video on exactly this topic. Spoiler: the whole Texas being allowed to secede is basically a myth and pretty much all scholars agree that Texas nor any other state has the ability to leave except by a mutually agreed dissolution or via revolution.

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Huh. His face is ~7% too small. 107 and 108% look reasonable for that head.

I wouldn't say 90% but it is significant. "Hurry up and wait" is a common phrase in the military - you don't exactly have much "free time" (where you could do as you please) but you do have a lot of time wasted because you have to be at this location at 5:30 so you can wait for an evolution at 6 that doesn't actually involve you doing anything until 7:30. So you just sit around waiting to do shit but can't go anywhere else. Poetry sounds like a better way to pass the time than what I did in those situations, which was usually nap or BS with the others waiting around.

If it was a motherboard replacement, it's entirely possible they missed connecting the cable for the camera entirely or just didn't get it fully connected and is loose.

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But the problem with that is if she doesn't say some stupid shit to piss people off, she won't be in the news. And could you IMAGINE no longer being relevant enough to hold on to that attention? It's horrid.

That's not to say that she doesn't genuinely hold her shitty views, but she can't just shut the fuck up because then she wouldn't get any attention anymore, especially after pissing off a large portion of her core audience.

When a company stops supporting devices like this, the devices and their documentation and code should be required to enter the public domain. It should not be allowed for assistive devices to become e-waste stuck in a patient's body.

Yeah, using a pass phrase makes it much easier to remember on top of being more secure. But users should introduce at least a bit more complexity than that example (all lower case letters isn't great). This1sComplexButMemorable! Is an easy example of how you can just make up a relevant sentence to what you're using, include a range of character types for complexity and to meet requirements, and you're good to go. Plus if you make it relevant to what you're logging into, you're less likely to be tempted to reuse the pass.

The most infuriating thing is websites that actually limit secure passwords (e.g. "password must be between 6 and 12 characters"). Preventing longer passwords makes little sense if they're salting and hashing; and if they're storing the passwords in plain text (which is just about the only reason to limit the max length to anything less than what a person would reasonably remember), that's even worse.

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Or I realize that the message I start to reply to is hostile and not worth engaging with.

I do find it odd that it settled into ADHD-I, ADHD-H and ADHD-C; the one that is primarily expressed through hyperactivity literally is called "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Hyperactive".

Removing the H and using the subtypes would add clarity for sure.

They are, in fact, wrong. Fluorine is an element, Fluoride is a common ion of Fluorine. And it being "an industrial by-product" makes no difference (other than whether it was purified/separated - which it is, they aren't just dumping waste into the drinking supply), it is, in fact, the same stuff put in our toothpaste.

Yeah, this is one scenario where the principles in F2P games like MOBAs applies to the business world. Focusing only on the top X companies and losing that market share has a cascading effect where it's harder to find competent administrators, it's harder for those administrators to find support online (which then means they have to call for the support they pay for - which while good in the short term for VMWare, is frustrating for the customer, and means that the extra money they're charging has to partially be used to cover techs to provide said report). The little fish in a market like this help to provide what is essentially free troubleshooting online via stack overflow etc. And giving that market share to competitors gives them the cash flow and experience to build a support system online and improve their product, and then win over the big fish.

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Regardless of material, I hate the mentality of replacing your wardrobe every year. It's just so wasteful.

If you're interested in reading more about it, the event is known as the Beer Hall Putsch.

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The flaw in your argument is that Republicans will only misuse and abuse a legal argument if the Democrats use it first. Regardless of whether the 14th is invoked against Trump, the Republicans will attempt to do so in any case that they have the slightest chance of succeeding or when there is no chance, but can successfully be used as a distraction/manipulation of their base. The fact that conversations of the 14th are now occurring is already enough that Republicans will make use of it any chance they get. And you can be damned sure that they won't be the least bit concerned about "will the Democrats use this against us too?"

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The thing with those is that, while it was a small amount of content, it wasn't just a mission, each was about an hour of repeatable content that was fairly fun to farm. At $2, they actually still felt worth it with as much fun as B2 was. If they had asked for like $10 each, people would have flipped out.
I'm not a Starfield player, but I would bet this is not even close to as good of a value proposition.

Another good one, entirely browser based, is https://learngitbranching.js.org

I learned about the Armenian genocide as well as the ongoing struggles of the Armenian people because of System of a Down. Pretty sure if it wasn't for that band, I would have never heard about it.

I think you're confused. The men's lib community is a progressive, feminist-supporting space focused on giving men an opportunity to discuss matters of vulnerability and struggle. They try to help people struggling with mental issues hard times, and discuss how to counter toxic masculinity type shit.
I'm not involved in the Lemmy community but I used to check out the Reddit one back when I still got on there. The toxic neckbeard shit that's up in arms about the overblown man v bear shit is the MRA ("men's rights") group.

Man I Loved the Strike games when I was young, definitely going to be looking out for this one.

Yup. The dude was fat for military standards then and he'd be fat for military standards today.

Yeah, VMWare has too much competition in all spaces to pull moves like this and get away with it. In the Enterprise space, depending on environment, Proxmox, RHV, Hyper-V (though that's apparently losing support in 2031), Citrix and I think a couple of others (haven't been heavily involved in that area in a while so don't know what else is big now). And in the consumer/power user space, most of the above still work fine, for free, along with things like Virtualbox and ESXI just for starters.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it has more to do with "if we hold this one up, what does it say about all these other mergers that we let through that are more egregious?"

Is the token not keyed to a specific source? I would have expected it to operate similarly to an SSL cert, where part of the verification process is that the source is the correct origin that the token belongs to - so if someone just lifted a valid cert to put into a malicious one, it would catch anything from changing a single character in the project name to changing the repository host (i.e. GitHub to GitLab)

Hey, I also was a Joey user. I am pretty tech savvy (I'm a software dev and a former sys admin). I'm not a Linux daily user though, so I still understand that out of place feeling. Like I have used Linux for things, but after working on my computer all day for work, I don't exactly want to deal with roadblocks or tinkering on my computer in the evening.
I have also noticed that I spend less time scrolling on here than I did on Reddit, which is a good thing for me. It's a place where I can satisfy that itch without getting lost in scrolling of posts or comment sections for hours.

Oh, i guess that makes some sort of sense - obviously I disagree with the conclusion, but I understand it - but it's beyond frustrating when you think "maybe I'll pay this bill online" and see that limit. And even if that is the reasoning for the limit, if they haven't updated their requirements in all that time, I have little faith that they're storing my sensitive information securely.

Thanks for reminding me how much I fucking hate Hearst (the family and the corporation). Also, good summary.

Actually, a lot of banking apps can be used to transfer money now, it's just done through Zelle. We can also do a bank transfer using the routing and account number (at least with my banking app) but that I think takes longer.

I mean, I loved DOS2 as well, but I definitely think BG3 is the better game. There's a lot of replayability from the combat in DOS, but the story and characters in BG3 are on a whole different level. DOS2 does definitely rank in my top 5 CRPGs though (BG3, BG2, DOS2, DA:O, and probably NWN would be that full list)

Seems to be working fine for me in Indiana. Looked at the Lemmy repo and could look through the repo. I didn't like try to push anything to a repo of my own though.

Dr. Jill Stein is, I would argue, a scammer. I was interested in the green party, but the more I read about their - and particularly her - positions on some issues and some of the things she claims, she's either an educated idiot or a grifter. She certainly has some good positions, but also pushes a number of pseudoscience ideas from anti-vax and anti-gmo to scares about "Wi-Fi hurting our kids" (not Internet usage but electromagnetic waves from Wi-Fi). She also pushes Russian propaganda, especially around the Russia-Ukraine war, and has met with Russian officials (including Putin himself) on a number of occasions.
So unless you're going to "No True Scotsman" the Green Party as not being leftist, then yes. There are grifters on the left as well. Further, you should avoid assumptions like "there aren't any bad actors in OUR camp" because grifters and charlatans will find a place in any community should they figure out an effective method to do so, and letting your guard down because "we're the good guys" is the fastest way to let that happen.

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That game was way better than a clear product placement game has any business being.

Indiana actually has some very nice state parks, and the Hoosier National Forest is quite pleasant as well

I've also seen the opposite happen - Bean counters think out sourcing to India will save lots of money, then they end up paying a more expensive us consulting company or independent consultant to come and clean up a mess, then they have to hire in house devs to maintain the code. Most of the out sourcing groups I've interacted with had a mentality of "we'll do what was explicitly asked for and not a single thing more, and if we hit a roadblock, we'll call it out and stop work until someone state side figures it out. And I can't really fault them for the mentality - they know they're being used because they're cheaper labor, they don't have any sense of ownership of the code, and when they develop stronger skills, they leave for a better opportunity.
I know there are strong devs in India, but I don't think they usually end up in the out sourcing companies.