
0 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wish "social media drama" would be somewhere else than "technology". There is nothing in this story related to technology, it's about business, people, and politics.

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Good for you. But perhaps fuck off, because some of us lost jobs, homes, and financial stability.

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Why Buy Anything Else?

It seems to be the size of an air craft carrier.

What a fucking hateful choice of colours. Green for blocking and red for allowing communication. Really shows what kind of perspective the creator has.

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Everywhere else, red means stop and green means go. Here, the creator has chosen to reverse that to emphasize that they consider blocking to be good and allowing people to connect to be bad.

No attention is needed for the instances that are marked with red. They are federating.

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What is the advantage of your viewer over a regular browser?

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it was invented to be a financial transaction tool

Which it failed at

Reddit can tell moderators who have locked their sub that they have a choice of opening it, or get removed as moderators and be replaced by admin appointees.

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Those seem like desserts. Carbs, sugar, and cream. Not an ounce of protein.

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It was over the day the studios wanted to have their own services instead of licensing content to Netflix and competitors.

Crypto scam scum

No. Once every few years. However, the gap in service is absolute disaster in modern society. Without a phone, you can't use public transport, can't pay for parking, can't get a taxi/uber/competitor, etc. etc.

Any "progress" that makes the turnaround time longer when your phone breaks is a horrible and unacceptable downside.

Are you maybe too young to know people who were actually working at the time. Obviously the life of a high schooler wasn't very affected.

Financial explanation: Because it's cheaper to have all your users as involuntary testers, than to actually ensure app quality in-house.

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Exactly. What a shitty anti-feature. Your answer proves that the people saying that "eSIMs are functionally the same as normal SIM" are full of absolute shit.

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The major function of a normal SIM is the ability to take it out of one device and put it into another one, effectively disconnecting my identity towards the network provider, from the handset. With eSIM, that doesn't exist, and if my phone breaks, it's unclear what happens.

To me, that's not secure, that's unsafe and insecure.

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Brave are lying scum and crypto bros.

I for one, spent time blocking what I wanted to, to curate my feed, and it took time.

If that is your general approach, why are you suddenly so eager to hand over that responsibility to the instance owner? Why are you pushing for that instances should curate the feeds of all their users, rather than the users themselves?

Because there is no useful replacement. The people I want to follow are nowhere else. When major news sources left Twitter, they left to nowhere except their own websites. The end result is that I don't really keep up with the news anymore.

Where are you? I'm late Gen X in Sweden, and there wasn't a second of doubt for me.

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What a backwards question. The world is light. Text is normally black or blue on white. There are no good reasons to turn your online experience into a dive into a well of darkness where you have to squint and strain your eyes to see the text.

I don't want a "new sim", I want my old one, which doesn't exist anymore since it was virtual and only existed in my now broken previous phone. How does it work in that situation?

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If they try to pull anything they would be caught the same way they were before.

They were caught. My problem is that you think being caught deceiving your end users should go unpunished. Betraying your customers in that way should mean the end of the product.

The fact that they do crypto shit is a general argument against them, that your arguments might counteract. The fact that they did SECRET crypto shit should be 100% nuclear.

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Use a browser ffs. I genuinely don't understand why people are so obsessed with using a specific app for each website. If the reddit app is bad you can use Chrome. Or Safari, or Brave, or Samsung Browser, or Opera.

Reddit is a website.

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Fine. If it helps you manage your issues, you can call it a platform. That doesn't change the fact that there is absolutely no need to use an app to access it, and then moan about how bad that app is.

It doesn't require university level study to understand. You took Comp Sci, not applied software development. If you can pass Comp Sci, you should be able to use a system like git without it having been part of a tertiary level curriculum.

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Grow the fuck up. You know very well what I mean. The end user interface is a website, and does not require a special app to be accessed.

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Have you considered seeing a doctor about that? I'm being serious.

We are aware of their involvement in crypto shit, and are therefore negative to them. Open source does not mean good (as in not evil), nor good (as in not bad).

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They had that in parts of Europe for a year now as a trial. But they are discontinuing it this month, making us choose between ads, and lots of YouTube premium crap we don't want.

Have you considered accepting that you're wrong on this? It's not a personal disaster to realize that just because you didn't personally see the impact, there was none. Instead of sticking to what you thought, you might learn insights. Perhaps they can be valuable when analyzing the current bubbles.

But why make it at all? If you want to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript you can do that, and not even have to build and deliver the pointless box that you put the content in, because everybody has Safari, Chrome, or another browser on their device.

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Is there a good way to watch on a proper TV? I find that all such sites are browser based, and I'm not keen on typing in urls with the remote control.

download it via their app

On the phone that isn't connecting to the internet, because it doen't have a SIM yet? Or do eSIM phones use free internet before they have an eSIM issued?

Watching content without paying is one thing. Actually paying the wrong person is actually quite malicious. You deserve to have all your favourite shows cancelled.

makes trusting the company a non-factor
You just have to trust that the community stays on top of things

With your reasoning the latter point doesn't matter, since you believe no action should be taken when the community discovers things.

How about bugfixes every day if there are any, new features every month when they have been tested and QAd.

Keeping my number. Are you saying that I can immediately, online, get my existing number connected to a different handset? If I can't, then that's why I want to transfer the physical SIM.

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My experience is the opposite. Apart from the subs still protesting (like /r/videos), it seems like nothing has changed. We have been reminded that Reddit management are pieces of shit, but we knew that since the days of Ellen Pao. Some communities lost some individuals, but all in all it's business as usual.

I am not claiming that there's no censorship in the fediverse. I'm claiming that there is censorship, meaning that the fact that Meta also uses censorship is no argument against them. You censor people you call nazis, they censor people who think three generations of occupation in Palestine is a bad thing. Both have problems. This piece of news about Meta censorship is not an argument against federation.

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