
14 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yes, they have since retired, moved to Brooklyn, came out as gay, and opened a Bodega. A fairy tale ending.

Can't wait, i should quit YouTube anyways

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Somehow I always thought they would poison him. More personal. But if he brought his own water, I suppose this saves everybody some time.

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Looks like they were routed, that does not look like an orderly retreat. They don't even have any vehicles, too

Does that mean that Russian anti air is sufficiently exhausted for ukr to usebayraktar more widely again?

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Not sure why you're being downvoted, I'm legitimately curious. Most of this seems like it's filmed some distance from the actual impact, but the tungsten still seems to pack a punch

I love how the zoom just keeps going. The bar didn't have any meaning.

Looks like the 200,000 new Russian recruits will have to walk to the front...

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Looks like they're talking to the drone of operator and really making sure they get everyone before they more forward, no easy feat I'm certain.

You'd think that they would change their plan after seeing a fresh body on the ground, but nope.

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He should get an Oscar.

Hope that single Ukrainian at the end made it out alive.

I thought it was great, and I'm glad I have only picked it up recently. Games like Inside are the reason why I think comparing games only makes sense to a limited degree. It's a great game, very inquire, soooo enjoyable. But it's also short, and that's probably a good thing? Is it better than TOTK? I wouldn't even know where to start on that question. It's not worse, it's just different.

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Wayland, but I mourn for X11. So many great tools, you could truly do anything. You're just not allowed to have fun in Wayland :D

I think there is a way of providing these information as neutral, just as information. There is a way of talking about people that just describes what is happening without judging ob the information. Besides, this is a compelling example of structural advantages/ disadvantages. The former slaves family would be unlikely to make it to an MP position. That's nothing personal about the PM, but how can you illustrate systemic issues like that without using specific examples. Now the question is, what does the MP make of that legacy? Trying to squash it, that's not a good way of dealing with her family's legacy. If it's factually correct, the stronger approach would be to let us her from her about it.

10/10 cinematic explosion, would watch again

There have been so many the last couple of days, hopefully there are some without visual confirmation, too.

That's some big firework.

Evacuation as in people were asked to leave the building?

Very kind of them to provide us with some many recordings of their air defense and the hit. Different angles, too

That's as far away from Ukraine as Moscow is.

Arrived? Helicopter? Hadn't heard about that.

Didn't notice that at first -- they are quite close. The Russians were just strolling, like they were going for a walk. Means they got no ideas where their enemies actually are, that's not a case of bad intel, that's a case of no intel...

Wow, I'm surprised that they have a training ground that is close enough to the front line that the Ukrainians are able to film it using UAVs.

I'm surprised they're on the move so close to the front.

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It's confusing for sure. Didn't they also just launch 4 the other day? Before, when they ran low on specific models, they would save them up for a few days? Is it because of the urgency for them to do something about the southern front?

On Crimea! How even? And how did they get footage of it, too? That's insane.

That would be awesome, they don't have too many of these

I'm not sure I understand. How would air defense cause an nm explosion on the ground?

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Of course there has to be tourists in the picture.

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Another as in the second or the third? And how come this is happening now, I think we haven't seen many helicopters shot down in weeks? Is it because the front line is moving relatively swiftly and the pilots aren't getting any updates?

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Wonder whether they conducted another meat assault or whether that's the number from the column they hit behind the lines with humans yesterday

Looks like there were more heavy assault around Avdiivka, hence the APV and tank losses, too.

The really important thing are the two anti air losses though.

Is that a golf cart? That would be a new low ..

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Daaamn, that last video. Something serious is on fire.

Doubt he would have had enough time to get away from the fragments, but A for effort.

7 MLRS is unusual. Wonder what happened.

That is such a big relief, these are horrible weapons and ukr on left bank were probably really dl vulnerable to them

Most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Why do these adults sometimes look more like rescue operations? Those Russians look so frail.