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So this smoothbrain has his ‘I am Spartacus’ moment, his 2.5 minutes of fame. As the endorphins wear off and he comes to terms to the fact that he ain’t seeing outside past the ‘yard’ for the next decade. Assuming the genpop doesn’t try to do him for shit and giggles

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Fellow freaks found each other and now she decides that her shiat doesn’t stink. Hope she stocks up on ‘c’ batteries cuz that the closest she’s gonna get to getting her ditch itched

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Hope he catches a flying mallet to his brainpan

I’d despise them both. But I’m willing to watch the Zuck rip off Elmo’s leg and beat him to death with it.

You don’t have to catch all the rats, just make a ‘example’ of the ones you can catch. Ranchers spread the bones and skins of wolves and coyotes around their herds grazing areas to give pause any who would think they would get a meal scott free

If you come for the king, you best not miss

She was a raving kook who talked smack on someone’s voicemail, but the next one would follow up their words with actions (and we don’t want that).. The patient cat can’t catch all the mice, but he can catch some and take their fury out on it. The others with soon get the message quite clearly at that point

I guess someone got uncomfortably close to him and told him in no uncertain words what would/could happen to him and no amount of €€€ would protect him if he didn’t cut it out

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There’s no going back from this. This was a state sponsored killing (well deserved) but now the masks have been ripped away. There will NEVER be any official relationship from any democratic government with Russia under it’s current leadership. Any business should look at the smoldering wreckage and think twice

Stochastic terror 101: feed intel to useful idiots, hoping to have them do your dirty work while pleading plausible deniability. The minute someone buys it from this nonsense the hammer needs to come down HARD.

This azzclown is becoming more of a NPC from Wolfenstein every freaking day. He won’t spill blood himself but trust and believe he’ll be furthest in the rear slopping it all up.

He need to have “I am a rich asshole” embossed on diamond plate and riveted to his freaking forehead

Imagine being in the security room watching these two go all hands on each other’s naughty bits. Now imagine hearing the opening music for the Movie in the background….. yeesh

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This. If there was ANYONE whom I’d wouldn’t p!ss on if he was blazing glory its this crotch turtle

Whoa. Now that Wagners #1 got dusted, I guess all his little green men shut their shoulders and go back to plowing potatoes, right? Yah, right. Now that the demon lord is dead, all his minions have be given free reign to do to Putin what he did to their boss. Stay tuned…

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These choads haven’t getting over the whuppin’ they got from the last one. Make sure we hold their head in the toilet bowl for the full 3 minutes this time

There’s no both-sides-ism in this. Those who wish to believe the ‘positive aspects’ of slavery would just as well cut your throat as well as mine. If you keep sticking one hand on a hot stove and smacking your neighbor with the other cause you’re in pain, the problem is not your neighbor, it’s YOU

There was a reason that in some conflicts you don’t let anyone walk away, cause embers buried deep can simmer for generations and pop out and burn you alive

Got one better… take this choad and Money Monster Jim Cramer, shove them in a industrial washing machine with a few dozen bowling balls and put it on ‘gentle cycle’. A few hours kissing Bakelite might give these two what they surely lack, empathy for the suffering of others

If it was done at that moment, no. BUT if I KNEW that in advance, I’d could prep myself for that ( and even if I had doubts there’s a MILLION reasons to go thru with it) and some old school perseverance will win the day

Hell yeah. Both sides know the other can’t be trusted and will dust them if given a chance. Putin wants to make sure that Wagner is no longer able to threaten his rule, and Wagner wants Putins head on a spike so they can skull fcuk it. They have the tools and the talent, and Vlad gave the incentive. The FSB most likely is keeping watch on any major movements but this may be wishful thinking. If anyone has a “Dead Hand” protocol in place in case of unintentional departure, it’s Wagner’s leadership.

The only virus out here is the worms squirming around Elmo’s fat head. Treat your daughter like shiat, she’ll hate you for it. Don’t blame the world. Blame the image in the mirror

Hopefully this is like “squid game” “bumfights” with enough folks watching to make sure everything is on the up and up.

They embrace the darkness believing that they will escape their fate, little knowing that they will merely be disposed of LAST

The ultimate translator. Being able to read and send data to a human brain directly bypassing external sensory organs.. The creation of a Neural/cyber interface will be a double edged sword. While it means that a lot of data can be input directly into the brain, it will also mean data (memories) (possibly) can be read and/or manipulated.. Nobel and Oppenheimer would have nothing on those who could pull this off.

Ahhh, you watched the Red Dwarf episode “Better than Life”


(Looks around)

Damn, she’s STILL HERE

If Prig got dusted, better hope there aren’t to many of his comrades in arms who don’t hold a grudge. Because Russia has been dredging the prisons and slums to give uniforms to. And Wagner’s crew are to say the least a bit more motivated (ie fucken bloodthirsty)

Looks like somebody chewed on a bat that was past its sell-by date

Someone get Fix It Felix on the horn, stat!!!

Alas no. Pooty’s got enough brains to know friends and foes alike are gunnin’ for him. He’s VERY careful when disclosing his intentions and whereabouts. If you want to do him, someone from the inside has got to give him up.. ( cue up Attack on Titan final season opening theme: My War)

To be quite honest, this was the Riddler taking out Darkseid. And while Edward has the $$$ and the genius behind him, he may have failed to take to account those in D’seids thrall who may now be gunnin’ for HIS scrawny ass for shits and giggles. Wagner is known for one thing, settling scores. And unless Mad Vlad has already settled the scales with coin for all those unemployed mercs , all those loyal to Prez are gonna be pissed.. Hey ,you dust my boss, maybe we dust you. Fair is fair.

We got a inkling of this when a former President stated that dictatorship was cool as long as they were DICTATING IT

The rule of three (human male, optimum health)

3 min sans air before brain damage/death 3 hrs in hostile environments before body succumbing 3 days without water before severe damage/death 3 weeks without food before death

When the vaccine became a litmus test for ideologies you know that folks who would gain from fewer constituents would go full bore in denialism… got my shots and standing on the balcony watching the pure bloods choke on their sputum and succumbing to Darwin’s kiss

‘79 Lincoln Town Car.. purchased from estate from lil ol Lady (35k miles) ($2200.00) Emerald green, smelled like an ashtray but had my greatest adventures in the front AND back seats.. rode that bad boy into the ground.

Good thinking laddie.

Preparation is key here. Given a heads up and prep time, I’d go for it full stop.

Do it like Senku (Dr stone) and his multi processor brain. He calculated his entombment to the second for 3,500 years. True he’s a anime badass, but I could pull off 2 days using my internal clock. I hope.

Nothing in the dark that wasn’t in the light my friend. It’s that the masks fell away and the limiters have be removed

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