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The president can also now legally dissolve the Supreme Court and instate a new supreme Court who can then make the decision if it was an official act or not.

So officially dissolve the Supreme Court and instate a new pack of judges and let those judges decide if it was an "Official Act" and thus totally legal.

The NY trial was unrelated to his presidential business anyways. It was about private property and fraud relating therein.

The American justice system works on the idea of precedence. Cases have ruling decisions and the interpretation of the law that comes from those decisions becomes law. It wasn't clear before the ruling because there was no precedent. Now the precedent that has been set that going forward, the supreme Court (currently politically motivated to the right) will have final say over whether or not a sitting or former president may be tried and prosecuted for decisions they made or actions they took in office. What would have been the correct thing to do with the least political implication (the supreme Court is meant to be free from political biases) would have been to define what actions are illegal according to the law. But they didn't want to define actions as legal or illegal, they want the ability to justify them making case by case judgements which give them the opportunity to push their aforementioned bias.

Contains cringe, bad comment

A lot of GOP led states don't have state taxes anyways. Worst case scenario, people in said states only need taxes prepared for federal anyways.

You'll protect children right until it affects your wallet. It's not about children, it's about control. Always has been.

I didn't know, all the passages they don't like talking about. Do you know about 2 Kings 2 23-24? I'll tell you, even in context it makes God look like a psychopath. God literally sends a bear into a village to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a delicate man's bald head. That's not even twisting the story.

The issue is how to enforce granular rules like that. You'll end up with people buying time shares of airbnbs or some other wacky workaround. The issue ultimately is, if you leave any wiggle room, grifters will ruin it for the people using that wiggle room as intended. You can't put in a law and expect everyone to adhere to the spirit of said law. I think with the litany of other property value issues that NY has, this hard line in the sand makes sense. It sucks that the grifters ruined it for people like you and I but the fact of the matter is that they did.

It's finally happened ... my 1070 is finally below minimum requirements for a game I want to play. Guess this will be an Xbox only game for me because I am not paying the insane prices for GPUs.

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If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoes.

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They do that in Canada. The US sells milk in plastic jugs or cardboard cartons.

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Steals a tricorn hat


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Statistics of players being updated and new character models being added. Nothing that couldn't be done in an update. Honestly most sports games should literally just be games as a service already.

Thanks powerbottomdad1

When you have a single income as an employee with no dependants or spouse, your taxes are dead simple. It's when you have more things to consider that taxes get complex. If you own a small business on the side, have some kids, own a house, a wife, maybe you came into some money from an estate, also you did some contract work on 1099... That's just normal people types of complex tax stuff. If your business does well, you can expect the adage "more money, more problems" to rear its ugly head.

"28496 - there, it's fucking fixed you twat waffle."

Ticketed bug bosses son found. Dude nagged his dad who nagged us until it got fixed. Boss doesn't review code. And for the sake of a half dozen coworkers, I hope he never does.

It's a shame that Firefox is still heavily reliant on Google. It's not chrome but we really do need some competition in this space that doesn't feed the monster and is also not safari lol.

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I will be protecting and distributing managed democracy across the galaxy.

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What's wrong with Manjaro?

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I feel like calling George Stephanopoulos an "ABC Host" kinda minimizes the career he's had... He was a white House communications director, then the Senior Advisor to the President of the United States of America.... Then he became a news reporter and eventually a co-host of Good Morning America. Honestly he's a household name in the US.

Dude gen z and alpha are so fucked.millenials got debt screwed so hard it's created a whole industry around pushing easy to get loans and after pay and klarna and 0 interest rate credit and and and. Debt is literally required to live for most Americans and it's only going to get worse.

I work for an MSP servicing 5k users all of whom I force to use M$ Auth app. Because it is the best Authenticator on the market, their company is paying for it, and because I look at the sign in logs for 3-4 different organizations every day to see literal hundreds of foreign sign-in attempts that fail due to M$ MFA. Yeah fuck monopolistic megacorps but understand when they provide an actual good product that is safe to use and actively protects you as an individual better than anything else out there.

All that said, the most likely reason is that they don't want to make a document explaining how to set up MFA for each of the dozen+ apps out there and they certainly don't want to talk to users who don't know what they are doing with which ever app their kid set up for them

I'm sure you know what you're doing better than 80% of the other employees in your office in this regard but I can tell you from experience, when one person gets their way, everyone wants theirs too.

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It is normal. It's been this way for ± 15 years. Certainly the entirety of my adulthood and I'm nearly 30.

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90% on consumers? I don't know I'd go that far... If a company is evil but provides a service people still desire, that doesn't make the evil company being evil the fault of the consumers. Like saying gun control in America is resisted primarily by its citizens when we are well aware that company lobbying is mostly at fault and most citizens are actually for some amount of gun control.

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It's not even about having babies. It's about control in general. Louisiana just passed physical castration as a punishment. Yes it is for one of the worst most disgusting things a person can do to another living being, but it leaves no path for redemption, it is irreversible, it is cruel and unusual, and it is about control. They'll literally cut your balls off in Louisiana for molesting children.

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They've literally had 2 of them. The Vive, built by HTC and sold by Valve on Steam and its sucessor The Valve Index. Anyone who would consider themselves even mildly interested in VR Gaming probably knows about at least one of them.

DKIM is the standard for verification right now. This isn't an anti-competition play. I manage DKIM records for my clients all the time. Yahoo, SB global, and At&t enforced DKIM requirements a few months back and it's been a headache but it has made a huge difference in spam emails.

For anyone who doesn't know what DKIM is, it's a method of an email provider getting a sort of green flag from the host domain name. So if you have an email address whatever@mybusiness.com and your email provider is Microsoft 365 and your domain provider is goDaddy, Microsoft says to goDaddy, "hey I'm sending this email, can you verify that I have permission to send from the domain my business.com?" And go daddy checks for DKIM records from Microsoft and sees it and says "yes sir, this is approved." Then M365 sends the email, and if the recipient requires DKIM to receive the email at whomever@yahoo.com, Yahoo looks at the domain and asks, "hey goDaddy, it says you host this, is this email legit?" And goDaddy says "yep it's all legit, give it to the recipient."

This effectively eliminates messages sent from a domain without DKIM records as well as spoofed emails because those spoofed emails never checked in when sending.

I appreciate the skepticism but this is a security play, not a business one.

Today is actually Hitler's birthday. That is all

Thanks A_Random_Idiot

Franklin D Roosevelt was a highly popular Democratic president who served 12 years (elected 4 times and then died in office) as president of the US. Generally speaking, the US has what are called term limits of 2 terms of 4 years maximum as the president. Before FDR, only a couple of presidents even attempted to run for a 3rd term as it was seen as tacky (though not illegal at the time) to try for longer service as the country's leader. The two term limit was a tradition set by the first president George Washington who had the opportunity to become first literally and then effectively king of the United States after the revolution but declined to serve longer than 8 consecutive years. This unwritten rule essentially went unbroken until FDR came to power with such popularity that his opposition in the elections didn't stand a chance.

Efforts to write into law the term limit tradition were spearheaded by Republicans for obvious reasons but in the end they were right to do so. The term limits should be used to stop situations like Putin in Russia and Xi in China who effectively run unopposed out of fear for people's lives. They are presidents as much as any dictator is president. They may be president in name but effectively, they run the country and manager to always win despite their unpopularity both locally and internationally and if they were to run a fair election, they would simply lose.

The OP was suggesting that FDR was effectively an American Dictator in the same fashion of Vladimir Putin because of the fact that he was elected so many times. But the fact of the matter is that FDR was an incredible force of popularity in the country and pushed for many changes that impact equality among Americans and his policies, while radical for the time, have influenced both ends of the American political discussion for the better.

That is nothing to say why Republicans dislike FDR having been such a popular leader. That you may want to do your own research on.

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Then don't provide housing at all, let the market be affordable enough that people can buy housing. All rental companies provide is a funnel to keep the impoverished from saving their money to buy a home they can't fathom according anyways. Same thing with house flippers. Buying a shit hole and giving it a paint job should not make it worth 3x the value you bought it at. Affordable housing is not the job of citizens, it is the job of the government and the government is doing its job making said housing, more attainable through rent caps.

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They aren't seeing the money they spend on Twitter back in most cases. Twitter as an ad platform is honestly terrible. There is very little targeting and even less control over what ads and content you don't want to be posted alongside. Facebook is terrible and evil and very no good bad but as someone who has used FB as an advertising platform, it is light-year beyond what you get out of Twitter. You can target your advertisements so specifically that you could effectively pin point a single user with the demographics settings alone. You want to advertise only to Russian grandmothers who live on farms in Michigan and play pickleball on the weekends? Facebook will get you there. On Twitter, you get next to no click through because the ads are annoying and irrelevant to the user. On Facebook, the clicks just come rolling in because users see things that they would have been interested in anyways.

The thing everyone is missing in these headlines is why advertisers left in the first place. They aren't leaving because there are horrible people on the platform and the CEO is a gobber with more money than sense. There are horrible people running these companies anyways. Anyone's money is good to them. No, advertisers have left because Twitter refuses to improve in any meaningful way for the users or the advertisers. Why would I spend money on Twitter when that same money will get me 10x more clickthroughs and all of them by my target demographic on Facebook?

Gondii is my favorite if theirs

That's assuming I have $237 laying around to play a game id also need to spend $70 on.

Jay-Jay La Porkchop

To defend managed democracy?

for enterprise!

Don't let them fool you into thinking they're pro 2A. Some of the largest gun control bills have been from the GOP and the only presidents to pass specific gun restrictions have been republican. Reagan is the reason CA has such strict gun laws from bills he passed as the governor. Trump enacted the current ban on bump stocks. The GOP is pro "guns for me and not for thee."

This is a metaphor for life in general. If you find that all your interactions are negative, check yourself. Are you the problem in your relationships and interactions? How can you fix that? Clean your shoes.