
1 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

We are fucked so why not be nice to each other

Dont worry when Pierre Poulivre (PP head) gets elected shit will get americanized we are already halfway there with the dismantling of public healthcare and schooling. Actually even he doesnt get elected Trudeau is doing nothing to stop the provincial governments from dismantling the public system already

Fun fact the game can be beaten in 45 minutes and steam refund policy allows returns on games played 2 hours or less

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Walkin the wok I think lol

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Generally People don't give a shit. Ive learned you gotta use the same tactics as windows and shove it in their face. My parents think they have been using windows for over a year now but I secretly installed Linux mint on their systems made it look like windows. They haven't even fucking noticed they only use a browser for emails and Facebook. When my friends ask me to help build their PC and bring a windows os I bring a Linux os and say its all I will install and troubleshoot

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The day i had ads on my start page i immidiately uninstalled windows. I installed some linux distro its been like three years and ive finally settled on arch. it was hard but fuck ads on the start page and i feel smarter for it

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Lol I think most self hosted media centres over a year old have more content that all those services combined

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Just find the original you left on archive.org

Honestly I don't see the issue here java already supports mods and they didn't fuck with it and just added a way to do it for suckers as well

Maybe this will get i2p out of beta...

Honestly they fucked themselves they could have pivoted at the top of the hype. even like start selling PC parts or something. obviously the business was failing and they got bought out to prove a point to wall street no other reason. They fucked a great opportunity

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Could be coincidence or could be murder. Either way bad time to be a Boeing whistleblower

Oh man i cant wait to say i told you so to family members

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The title makes it sound like bags of cocaine naturally come from the ocean.

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My wife calls me daddy. i have a kid who also calls me daddy and I have zero issue with that. I am able to seperate the worlds

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I mean other then the terrorism the landscape is beautiful

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My aunt would definitely not fit in there. That's an urn for your crackhead cousin

It is on steam but seriously dont buy it spend your money on literally anything else Saints row 2 on GoG works perfectly idk if the steam one does

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PC/ steamdeck I have every console

I would also add things we consider conspiracy like UFO's have been seen all over the world just other countries usually have a religious or spiritual reason for the sightings and thus they don't become a conspiracy just part of their everyday life. Look up Jacques Vallee he does great research into this.

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Its only a hassle because they want to read all your emails. Self hosting shouldn't be hard it should be an option for everyone always.

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Honestly I think it's marketing ai sells better then machine learning programs

Yeah just add the game as a non steam game to steam and click play.

A deadly virus that kills assholes

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Lol i hear this alot about arch users and as a newbie i dont get it. It has been the easiest for me to understand, maybe its the documentation idk i started with endavourOS as well which is a great beginner OS for arch IMO

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Maybe randomness is a label we slapped on shit we don't understand.

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To be fair I feel like Kevin O'Leary just used this excuse for trump. He essentially said we do it all the time you normies never say anything I don't see the problem, I'm paraphrasing but here's a Jon Stewart piece about it

Marvel civil war

Freeleech is my ratio lifeblood lmao

Hope is the word that scares me here

Idk if you love or hate windows but I hope your job switches to linux for your sanity lol I would be going crazy. Just reading your rant gave me anxiety

I want to add they aren't even that inefficient for 20 year old tech thats impressive

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Sadly lemmy.CA won't be far behind

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That series gets wild with volume 32 "Sheep Fornicators Extreme - Mars Meltdown" I haven't been able to put it down

Mk ultra turned out to be real

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Even quantum just appears random I think. it's beyond our scope of perspective, it works in multiple dimensions. we only see part of the process. That's my guess though it could be totally wrong

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Yeah pretty disappointed in 12 years since skyrim its like the same

Its not really Foss but Vencord is a nice discord client mod that blocks some analytic stuff and is super cute to boot!

I just recently decided to donate to a certain private tracker and fuck man its so nice. It has so much and its all good. Plus you know the quality will be legit on the highly seeded items. Since i donated it gave me a boost on my ratio, which even with my mediocre connection is fairly easy to keep good