
5 Post – 282 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Sounds like its a law that needed to get replaced with a better law. One that outlawed rape but didnt outlaw gay sex

Right, Im just going to block you.

One is how youre born. The other is an ideology. What do you not understand about "Islam is an ideology"?

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Wait, so you dont understand why racism and sexism are bad? You know they're bad without understanding why?

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The matve population of canada is shrinking. The only reason its growing is immigration, and they literally cant build enough houses to keep up. Theres not enough construction workers and not enough hours in a day.

Its 100% the fault of immigration.

Okay, you want to move the goal posts. Tell me, per capita, who commits more violent crime? Muslims or non-muslims?

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Yes, to some extent. More seats means more pressure

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They start getting seats

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Canadians cant even find a house anymore, much less buy one. The UK is paving the country side. House supply is down, they literally cant build quick enough to handle the influx.

I think you and I have fundementally different ideas about immigration and what a country is.

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Hes just being pedantic. Reality is US houses get a +120v and a -120v supply. Combine them is how you get 240v.

Just let less immigrants in. No need for a pre-cog.

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Its not a right. Its not "a new street", its a country.

And to continue your metaphor, theres literally not enough houses on the street.

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How is it a punishment?

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Their hobby is working. Thats the difference.

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Why would I? Putting a license in your comment doesnt mean anything, its not legally binding in anyway

Oh so youre just a contrarian. Got it.

You do realize that license doesnt do anything, right? Facebook tier logic right there

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Furthermore, its posted on lemmy, which that license overrides the license on the comment

Tractor supply serves people in rural areas. What did yall expect? That Jose and Tim would think like someone from LA?

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Okay, it was everyone who owned a gun and a shoestring. Sure, gun owners are no longer allowed to lace up their shoes. Heres a link to the letter. Thats a sensible rule. https://old.reddit.com/r/progun/comments/p46y9n/just_a_reminder_that_in_2007_the_atf_classified/

Making owning shoes a felony is ridiculous, and I honestly cant believe you're arguing in good faith.

And a shoe string does not create a firearm that fires more than once with a single actuation of the trigger.

The ATF went completely off the rails with that one, and it shouldnt have been a challenge of how constitutional it was, it should have been a challenge that it didn't fit the law.

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More like they can still make those ruling, but now instead of them being challenged solely on a costitutional basis, they can be challenged on whether or not they follow the law in question.

Defining moldy is one thing. Declaring shoestrings to be machine guns is another

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Thats a good thing. Unelected officials should not be passing laws.

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Fucking gallowboob, is he still a thing?

Weird. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#/media/File%3ASecondAmendentoftheUnitedStatesConstitution.jpg

Theres like an old smudge there, but it doesnt look like a comma to me, and I honestly dont recall a comma there when I learned it but that was years ago.

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Does this mean Trump gets his conviction over turned?

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Its mentioned in the article, but it bears repeating.

They force give you the first quest of a questline for free, and then charge you seven bucks for the second 15 minute quest.

Its also not complete, its an early access paid mod where they clearly cut content out of the game just to give you the first hit of a faction questline, end that first quest on a cliff hanger, and then charge 7 bucks per quest. And before this, the faction was just a series of kiosks giving radiant quests.

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Its javascript, itll just let you do that

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Nah, it's shown up on reddit for years on many reposts. Google just doesn't care.

Well, we've become so tolerant, we've forgotten that somethings are just not good, and it's become taboo to talk about certain things.

Certain ideologies are just not compatible with western culture, specifically those who condone raping women and murdering lgbtq people. Ideologies are not races or ethnicity, they are not inherent to you like race is. Nazis are an ideology, so why give other ideologies a pass?

Furthermore, immigration hurts the average worker. A person born into a poorer country will usually work for less than a person born into a richer country. Immigrants are basically scabs, cheap abusable labor, and that's why we let in millions into western countries.

Canadians can't buy a house, the UK can't get a doctors appointment, Germany elected the nazis in, Italy came close to electing fascists, Sweden is the rape capitol of Europe, and America is close to electing Trump again, wages are down every where, purchasing power is down, everything is fucked.

We've let in so many in the name of tolerance it causes problems that we aren't even allowed to discuss, and it's destroying our countries.

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Dont forget the complete ignorance of gpdr. That shit will get you fucked over, and its not as simple to follow as it seems.

In fact, Im not 100% sure that federation works with gpdr, since you cant garantee all data will be deleted.

Too much futa hentai is my diagnosis.

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Remember when they said they werent coming for our kids? I remember. Ill remember for next time too.

They even collect taxes. Every time you hear Gaza Official, thats Hamas

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God damn it

Imo, when tankies get that bad, they might as well be nazis.

Isnt it that a lot of people are single issue voters, caring solely about reducing immigration, and only the far right will even consider it?

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Or a woman with a knife.

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The CCP is effectively the government of China and they have been caught operating police stations in the US and Canada

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