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In a sense, money represents all the future goods and services it can buy, and those goods and services ultimately resolve down to someone's time and effort. Money was conceived as a formalization of IOU's, after all.

So it's similar to asking whether there's a limit to how much time and effort from (i.e. influence over) others one would want.

But surely there's a practical middle between "shoot first, ask later" and "sit and wait an hour"

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That route already exists today as "the web", where the "latest" JavaScript source is downloaded and JIT-ed by browsers. That ecosystem is also not the greatest example of stable and secure software.

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You're getting a lot of conceptual definitions, but mechanically, it's just:

keeping state (data) and behavior (functions) that operate on that state, together

At minimum, that's it. All the other things (encapsulation, message passing, inheritance, etc) are for solidifying that concept further or for extending the paradigm with features.

For example, you can express OOP semantics without OOP syntax:

foo_dict.add(key, val)  # OOP syntax

dict_add(foo_dict, key, val)  # OOP semantics

If you were reviewing a "non-trivial" PR from me, I'd recommend not squashing because I would've broken it up into readable atomic commits.

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A title as uninformative as the single . commit messages he suggests writing.

Bare minimums of typo, refactor, whitespace, comments are barely any effort -- less than the thought it takes to name variables and functions.

I really can't agree with completely meaningless messages like minor and .

Must be proprietary, bc TOTP shouldn't be blocked by age of the device

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Unfair how? It's paid by employers, so kinda makes sense to me, i.e. employer caused the loss of livelihood, so they pay for the benefit to the recently unemployed.

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This claim site's privacy policy seems to reserve their right to use your submitted data for marketing and promotional purposes...

to improve our marketing and promotional efforts

We want to provide you information that is valuable to you. If at any time you wish to be taken off our mailing lists ...

speed up certain types of applications as long as application providers don't have to pay for special treatment

Maybe they mean by doing things like giving slight priority to real-time application traffic like VOIP over streaming over websites vs file transfers, like how home routers can?

Don't think that should be something to charge people more for, though. They're not even able to deliver on their own advertised speeds.

Seems more applicable to an imperative style, and IMO even still the advice is too dependent on special/actual case details to be generally applicable as a "rule of thumb".

This is just one specific example amongst many of how redundant logic could be simplified because sometimes the branch is an implementation detail and you want to push it down, and sometimes it's not and you want to push it up.

In the long run, nearly the same effect as 100% inheritance tax anyways.

The government won't know the cash has been removed from the economy, but it'll have been removed all the same.

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Good code is code that's easy to delete.

I'm not a game dev, but it's got a reputation for being more of a software engineering shit show than other software industries, which your story only reinforces.

Sounds like an externality that should be paid for as these things are manufactured

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Except it does, which is why so many people are so bad with money.

I could agree with criticisms of outdated teaching methodologies or uninteresting course material, but saying math is irrelevant is totally misguided.

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Pretty spiteful of you

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Wonder what makes it so difficult. "Cobol to Java" doesn't sound like an impossible task since transpilers exist. Maybe they can't get similar performance characteristics in the auto-transpiled code?

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But that wouldn't satisfy their sense of self righteous vengeance. If you prevent a problem altogether, there'd be nobody to punish for it.

Maybe have ocean voyaging ships (e.g. container ships) do controlled release of brine through their journey?

Though probably no way of achieving this via current economic and legal systems. Even if attempted today, ships would probably be incentivized to dump the entire payload the moment they cross into internal waters.

Technically, anything can be "hacked", but that's the same kind of technically as "any car can be broken into".

Just like there are ways to mitigate getting your car broken into, there are ways to mitigate getting your system compromised.

If it takes 1+ hours of work to remove a feature flag branch in an area of code, I wouldn't trust the correctness of anything the AI writes and would be super skeptical about anything the humans had written.

If talking about a closed source app, their whole goal is to move off of hosting closed source systems.

Article says the decision follows a successful pilot project, so they're willing to absorb the short term costs. Optimistically in the long run, the symbiotic benefits of having a government entity using and supporting a full FOSS system will be huge.

So... a polymorphic many-to-many join table?

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The synchronization problem (flakiness and all the waits) is tricky to get right. Browsers are concurrent systems, and programming around one is specialized enough that many devs don't do it well, e.g. IMO if you're adding ad-hoc waits or nesting timeouts, you've already lost.

That's fair, on the second point, but I can only partially agree with the other.

There's no "shortcut" to real learning (i.e. developing an intuition, understanding, etc) besides practice, the closest maybe being cleverly developing new ways to teach.

We definitely don't need to teach those old mental math tricks anymore, but brains learn via practice (i.e. manual computation) to gain the fundamental understanding needed before using tools to skip those steps.

The only way I can imagine really not needing for normal life is if you can afford to pay someone you trust to understand it for you.

I feel a lot of advice here is trying to push the learning envelope without considering fun & the learning experience. This is for an 8 yr old, and I'm seeing suggestions that would seriously challenge high schoolers, college students, and even some software engineers in industry I've encountered.

For the software aspects of programming, I would suggest looking at programming(-esque) games and web browser programming environments. Here's a solid short list, vaguely sorted from "proramming-esque" to "actual programming":

  • https://upperstory.com/turingtumble/ - A physical algorithmic marble and lever puzzle "board game". Great (and designed for?) for kids. Not programming.
  • Factorio - A factory-building game that "feels" a lot like software development. Not programming.
  • Opus Magnum - mechanical puzzle game by Zachtronics, build algorithmic "molecule-building machines". Not programming.
    • varies from "not-programming" to "contains programming". Can get pretty difficult sometimes.
  • Human Resource Machine - Programming puzzle game using assembly-like language. Later stages are challenging.
  • 7 Billion Humans - "sequel" to Human Resource Machine, more featureful language, has concurrency and randomness. Later stages are challenging.
  • https://www.hedycode.com/ - An innovative learning programming lang and "levels" method that makes Scratch primitive by comparison. Has free online lesson plan & environment. Hedy level 18 is vanilla Python.
  • https://www.codecademy.com/ - you said you're using this already

Suggestions to go physical tinkering with electronics is good, but I'm unable to make good suggestions there.

A real computer and coding environment/shell could be good for system admin skills, but the learning curve is steep. You'll also have to be okay with letting him accidentally brick the computer (best way to learn!).

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For someone learning programming from zero, it was specifically invented to be:

Hedy is the easy way to get started with textual programming languages! Hedy is free to use, open source, and unlike any other textual programming language in three ways.

  1. Hedy is multi-lingual, you can use Hedy in your own language
  2. Hedy is gradual, so you can learn one concept and its syntax a time
  3. Hedy is built for the classroom, allowing teachers to fully customize their student's experience

Adding to the points above:

At the end of the gradual progression, Hedy becomes vanilla Python.

An aspect of the 3rd point is having an online editor & execution environment, so you don't need to deal with setup.

After completing the Hedy lessons, can follow up with other learning resources like freecodecamp.org or codeacademy.com.

WET/DRY-ness is like a property of code -- a metric or smell perhaps, but not something to goal towards. That's like asking whether you drive fast or slow and whether we should all drive faster or slower.

It's not really an analogy b/c I'm referring to how brains learn in general for any subject, whether math or basketball.

Yes, we don't need to memorize all those old mental math tricks used before calculators were invented, but you still need to understand exponentiation, which follows from multiplication, which follows from putting time in to practice the basic times tables.

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Just the commonly repeated mediocre rules-of-thumb-you-should-follow (but not always) stuff.

Fine for prototyping, but adds a scaling tech debt "time bomb" for a live system. Those associations had better be really sparse.

Agree in the ideal, but in practice fiber is often still unavailable in suburban areas and even urban ones too, in the US.

I'm no expert, but it seems much more efficient to prioritize those areas over rural ones.

That'd be like trying to learn about basketball strategy without putting in the fundamental time shooting and defending.

Sure, coaches operate on a higher level and don't have their hands on the ball as often as players do, but they definitely know how to play. Would you hire a coach that didn't?

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I think so, to an academic (not necessarily a professional) level, because how could one reach a conceptual understanding without?

It's like the professors that allow open book tests. If you've practiced solving before, it'll be quick and easy to recall deep knowledge and expand on it. If you haven't practiced solving and don't really understand the concepts, you won't perform well enough in time.

That example doesn't sound particularly difficult. I'm not saying it'd be trivial, but it should be approximately as difficult as writing a compiler. Seems like the real problem is not a technical one.

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If you're coming in from zero, a good place to start is https://www.hedycode.com/

Hedy is a language specifically designed for learning. The things it does to ease the learning curve:

  • Comes with an online lesson program, so no setup (try it now!)
  • Has "levels" built-in to the language itself, to slowly introduce concepts and avoid accidentally running into harder/advanced things and getting stuck
  • As levels advance, it slowly becomes Python, a very popular and ubiquitous programming language, so no "switching to the real thing later".
  • Is textual, so also no "switching to the real thing later" -- it's "real" from the start

What? My intuition is there's always gotta be some equivalent nicer refactor that could do away with such an awkward construct.

In what kind of situation would that be totally unavoidable?

I've created a Google spreadsheet to accomplish this sort of thing: Split Payment Calculator

It's got formatting and locked areas to help layman usage, but it's ofc still a spreadsheet UI and not a dedicated app. A bit of math proficiency and spreadsheet formula knowledge helps.

Could be replicated on other spreadsheet software like Excel or Calc, although Sheets solves a lot of problems at once, like accessibility, sync, versioning, sharing, etc

Space battle shots look really nice

The characterization of Imogen S'Jet/Fleet Command feels weird, too emotive/egotistic/dramatic

Homeworld 1's Karan S'Jet/Fleet Command was fairly impassive, like air traffic control

Disagree with Docker and git at this stage of learning. This is an 8yr old playing with scratch, Minecraft, and early levels of CodeAcademy.

The answer to "not dealing with environment" isn't Docker, it's a programming(-esque) game or an in-browser environment.